Might and Magic X

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby SubEffect » 27 Jan 2014, 00:39

Variol wrote:In case nobody has said it.

Welcome SubEffect! :-D

Thanks! Sorta been a lurker for years. The recent resurgence of MM games has me diving back in and wanting to talk about them :)
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Unread postby SubEffect » 27 Jan 2014, 00:45

Bandobras Took wrote:
Avonu wrote:You can learn new skill ONLY during level ups (as far as I know).
Another change which was "meh".
I'm on the opposite side of the fence. With every skill point mattering, it's a matter of thought when deciding whether to learn a skill. In previous games, I'd pretty much get at least one rank of every skill I could.
I like this as well, especially the incremental increases in skill you get with each point. I still tend to focus on getting 1-2 major skills to expert/master first, but there's logic in getting some lesser ones (ranged weapons) as well. I like this change a lot.
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Re: Observations..

Unread postby GrayFace » 27 Jan 2014, 01:35

SubEffect wrote:- Worn weapons: I can't find a way to tell what the wear state is on a weapon, so it they just go from "OK" to "worn" without any warning. This is highly frustrating, so you end up carrying a lot of crappy spares...
Are you sure a crappy spare would do better than a warn good weapon?
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Unread postby Variol » 27 Jan 2014, 01:58


Yeah, I finally killed him; pretty good fight. :) The lighthouse was a bit confusing, after the fight.

I'm in the "other" dungeon now. I had to get back to town and load up on more antidote potions - sheesh. I'm pretty far through the 2nd lvl.

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Unread postby masotime » 27 Jan 2014, 02:35

I had a lot of grief getting to the Crag just to gain access to many of the elemental masters (playing an all caster party with one each from every race). One spell that helped me a lot is Sleep from the Dark Magic Expert school. The duration is "infinite" unlike Time Stasis or Ice Prison (not that I could have gotten Ice Prison before the Crag), making it possible to focus on one enemy at a time.

BTW, if you're going for an all-magic party, you should have at least one character able to reach 20-25 might via spells / items / base might - some of the dungeons (Thieves' Den) can't be completed without bashing through a secret wall.

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Unread postby Variol » 27 Jan 2014, 03:05

Can I get to Seahaven after rescuing Lord what's his face? I just want to save myself a pile of walking for nothing. :)

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Unread postby Asomath » 27 Jan 2014, 03:26

Variol wrote:Spoilerish
Can I get to Seahaven after rescuing Lord what's his face? I just want to save myself a pile of walking for nothing. :)
Nope, one more dungeon to get through after that!

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Unread postby Variol » 27 Jan 2014, 10:26



Looks like I "do" need to do the other dungeon (elemental forge) before moving on? The one where you have to go by griffin.

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Unread postby koval321 » 27 Jan 2014, 11:32

Last edited by koval321 on 14 Feb 2014, 16:27, edited 5 times in total.

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Unread postby Marzhin » 27 Jan 2014, 11:43

Variol wrote:Spoiler


Looks like I "do" need to do the other dungeon (elemental forge) before moving on? The one where you have to go by griffin.
Yes. But after the bridge to Seahaven opens and you can go explore the world at your leisure, I promise :) (well, except for the fact some areas are filled with tough monsters :p)

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 27 Jan 2014, 14:23

koval321 wrote:What it have from M&M WoX? Nothing
What did MM6&7 have from WoX?

Animated faces: Yes

Possibility to escape from battle: Meaningless, given the engine change.

Create party in tavern: NO

Stats (Personality, Perception, Luck etc): Yes, they had stats. So does MMX. Might, Endurance, Perception, etc. are there.

Possibility to mini or maxi team 1-6: NO

Name of classic spells as Wizard Eye: Yes. For whatever that's worth.

Freedom of explore entire HUGE world: No. In theory, they had this, but in reality, some areas were running for your life if you were trying to just "explore" them before you had reached the intended levels.

Bonus things stats from fountains: Yes. So does MMX.

So, apparently, Might & Magic died with WoX, and Mandate of Heaven and For Blood and Honor were just cheap attempts to cash in on the popularity of . . . something.
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Unread postby Variol » 27 Jan 2014, 17:00

I've been able to handle the forge so far, except the elementals outside. I hope i don't need to beat them. They kill me instantly.

I find I'm running sideways, or backwards a lot in the game. It's faster than turning all the time. I guess that's a downside of the grid movement?

Should there not at least be a .pdf manual or something for the game? I find I have to guess at everything.

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Unread postby Lord13 » 27 Jan 2014, 17:01

We are lost in details here! We must not forget the main elements of the game, the MnM title represents a specific sub-genre of cRPGs, the first person party based with open world, deep char development etc. If has animated faces or not are minor details (they can for sure turn a good game into a great one). After the Wizardry 8 and MnM 9 we had no other cRPG like this (Legend of Grimrock is a diffirent sub-genre, more puzzle based and dungeon crawling). So , imo always, MnM X manages to achieve the main purpose, to represent this kind of games, and does it pretty good! I have to play more before writting details about my likes/dislikes but for sure is something that I really missed all those years, I hope will be the "ressurection spell", to see more of this kind of games ;)
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Unread postby Marzhin » 27 Jan 2014, 17:05

Variol wrote:Should there not at least be a .pdf manual or something for the game? I find I have to guess at everything.
Most of the effects and gameplay descriptions appear as tooltips. For instance hover the mouse over a hireling's portrait to see what he/she does. Same things for skills, spells, etc.

Some areas of the Elemental Forge are meant to be visited later, when you reach a higher level (and find the corresponding Shards) ;)

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Unread postby jeff » 27 Jan 2014, 20:57

A bit off topic; but a modding tool was advertised as coming with the deluxe edition. Now I have no intention in buying the required software to use it, however I do not see where the tool was downloaded. Was the idea abandoned or am I not looking in the right place. :offtopic:
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Unread postby Variol » 27 Jan 2014, 21:28


I'm trying to defeat Gralkor. No matter what I do, I lose. I obviously can't go and fight elsewhere to gain some levels; there's nothing left to kill. Am I forced to start over?
Boy, about 10 tries later, I finally beat him. Still, I think the game needs to be less linear, so I can go and gain some more levels next time.

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Re: Observations..

Unread postby SubEffect » 28 Jan 2014, 03:06

GrayFace wrote: Are you sure a crappy spare would do better than a warn good weapon?
Well, considering my best weapon still does less that 20 damage base, yes :). It's a 75% reduction when worn so it's fairly painful. Reminds me of getting the the bottom of an Ultima I dungeon and having your armor break. Grrrrr!
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Unread postby SubEffect » 28 Jan 2014, 03:08

Variol wrote:Spoiler
I've been able to handle the forge so far, except the elementals outside. I hope i don't need to beat them. They kill me instantly.

I find I'm running sideways, or backwards a lot in the game. It's faster than turning all the time. I guess that's a downside of the grid movement?

Should there not at least be a .pdf manual or something for the game? I find I have to guess at everything.
In my edition (Amazon) the manual is in a manual folder where I installed the game. It's fairly basic.
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Unread postby SubEffect » 28 Jan 2014, 03:10

jeff wrote:A bit off topic; but a modding tool was advertised as coming with the deluxe edition. Now I have no intention in buying the required software to use it, however I do not see where the tool was downloaded. Was the idea abandoned or am I not looking in the right place. :offtopic:
I don't see a way to download the editor either. For me, I can't even download the soundtrack. The download of MM6 worked ok though.
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Unread postby SubEffect » 28 Jan 2014, 03:12

Variol wrote:Spoiler,

I'm trying to defeat Gralkor. No matter what I do, I lose. I obviously can't go and fight elsewhere to gain some levels; there's nothing left to kill. Am I forced to start over?
Boy, about 10 tries later, I finally beat him. Still, I think the game needs to be less linear, so I can go and gain some more levels next time.
So I am guessing by your progression that you are fairly sure that the spiders near Sorpigal have not respawned yet, correct?
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