H5-ToE Healer (SOLUTION to savedgames after crashes)

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H5-ToE Healer (SOLUTION to savedgames after crashes)

Unread postby TheSound » 20 Jan 2014, 00:16

Hello, this is my first topic and I register here to comment my case and to share this solution.

I was playing H5 Tribes of the East until I became a victim of a crash, so, I initiate the Game again and I load my Autosaves, in a failed intent, because no one works, no matter how many times I load them, they crash.

So I play other maps, with the same result;
New game>>crash after cpu turn>>Load save>>instant crash.
again, again, and again.

It was very frustrate loss my heroes and the entire progress and start again in 0. I was tired and nearly of surrender, but due I like H5 combats, I decided make one more intent, this time with a "PLAN".

This program is a partial SOLUTION to crashes, every time you suffer a crash you cannot load that game because is broke, all autosaves become corrupt (that was what I read in HeroesCommunity forum).

This program makes backups each certain time (the user choose the time option) of the saved games. This prevent you lose all progress and kingdom and keeps safe your game in a case of crash.

This is a partial solution, because if you suffer a crash you can restore your game, but you will go some days back (this depend much in the lapse of time you choose).



To get the program to work you need to register the file "Controls.ocx" trought the Windows Console or CMD, otherwise they wont work.

-----BUG LIST-----

None at the moment.

You are allowed to distribute this software ONLY if you accept these terms:
-mention the author
-inserting a link to the original post (this).

Thanks and hope this help you.

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