Camera bug

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Camera bug

Unread postby muhhamadB » 17 Jan 2014, 10:27

I recently reinstalled Homam V complete, v 3.1 on my new laptop, and I have a bad camera bug. Every time I run a new game, I start with my camera fully tilted flat, and neither ctrl+arrow keys, or the right mouse button is working! Simply put, camera control is not working at all. Other than that, the game works fine and keys work too. I have Windows 8.1. Anyone knows how to fix this, or what is likely to be the cause?

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Unread postby Pitsu » 17 Jan 2014, 19:42

Don't you have the classic Homm view activated? If you go to video options, there is camera mode which can be set to be free or fixed or even more fixed. If you have "classic Homm view" you will have effects that you describe. No?

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Unread postby muhhamadB » 18 Jan 2014, 13:18

I am not sure what are you talking about, I checked both game and video settings in game, and there is not much camera options, nothing like you mentioned, and I tried to play around with all of them, nothing works. I also tried to run the program in various compatibility options, nothing helped either.
I also contacted ubi soft support, only got bland response that Homam V does not support either notebooks or Windows 8. But my homam V worked like a charm on my old windows 7 pc...

To mention the problem again, I start with camera on closest zoom to ground, tilted into the map panorama, which is unplayable and also very laggy. No camera controls works, except I can move the screen with the RMB around the minimap. I can't zoom out or tilt the camera at all. Rest of the game works fine.

Anyone has experience running this game on win 8? Also this is my notebook specs: ... 50d-a-13g/

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