Basic strategy

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Basic strategy

Unread postby littlesaltz » 29 Apr 2006, 03:07

Hey guys. I played Heroes 2 and 3 when I was much younger. I stopped playing strategy games for a while, got addicted to Warcraft III, and now I'm playing Heroes 4 like its the antidote.

I haven't finished the campaigns, but I feel like I'm missing some of the basic tenants of hero and town management that people on this board (rightly) assume. Can anyone point me to a good site or thread with strategy for idiots? I've done some searching on the web, but good information about Heroes 4 doesn't seem to come easily.

Thanks a lot.

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Unread postby littlesaltz » 29 Apr 2006, 03:09

Uh, I just noted that there's more to this site than forums. In fact, this is exactly what I'm looking for.

Sorry to waste your bandwidth. :)

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Unread postby Psychobabble » 29 Apr 2006, 03:28

Basic strategy - take experience over gold :).

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 29 Apr 2006, 07:41

littlesaltz wrote:Uh, I just noted that there's more to this site than forums. In fact, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
Welcome here. If you find you're still having trouble after searching through CH's archives, feel free to come back. Or rather, feel free to come back any time you wish to discuss any part of heroes :D
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Unread postby Black Ghost » 29 Apr 2006, 08:51

Simply tactic hints:
have 1-2 armies, with 2-3heroes each when playing vs.AI. Develope heroes separetly so they will levelup quicker and get diffrent skills.
Take all and visit as much possible skill-giving/stat-enhancing objects.
Never take skills useless in current situation

Other army slots (you can max, have 8) use for garbage 1lev. 1 unit armies taking all resources and unguarded artifacts/potions and trasfer them to heroes.

Invest in 3rd 4th lev. units. Mabye at the beginning you'll need also some 2nd.

Try to have as little as possible slow units in your army. Try to avoid returning to home-castle, just send only units as reinforcements.

Lack of resources, attack all banks.

Never afraid of better/higher lev/a bit more numerous (discription:this army will crush you like a bug) units in opposing army, with good tactic you'll crush them.

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Re: Basic strategy

Unread postby wimfrits » 29 Apr 2006, 10:19

littlesaltz wrote:Can anyone point me to a good site or thread with strategy for idiots?
Play 'My Brother's Keeper'. The map has a detailed hints and tips function and is designed to teach the player a thing or 2 about combat tactics. You can find it at the CH map download section.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Banedon » 29 Apr 2006, 11:03

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Unread postby littlesaltz » 29 Apr 2006, 13:42

Wow...this is exactly the stuff I'm talking about.

You guys rock. Thanks.

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Re: Basic strategy

Unread postby Psychobabble » 30 Apr 2006, 08:27

wimfrits wrote:Play 'My Brother's Keeper'. The map has a detailed hints and tips function and is designed to teach the player a thing or 2 about combat tactics. You can find it at the CH map download section.
Heh, I hadn't thought of that but that map could be useful for that. It does walk people through the basic combat tactics like wait, move, shoot, wait (or wait, attack, attack wait) and the basics of prioritising threats. I'd always thought of the map as a really new-player unfriendly one with some help for players who were stuck :).

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