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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
Patch 1.3 here, this mission is impossible!
I'm not sure why, maybe because I have Veyer (he starts on a ship near the Sanctuary's starting location and maybe that intimidates them), but sometime during week 2 a Sanctuary hero clears the whole map with 3 stacks (sharks, frogs and priestesses) of 200-300 units in each.
Am I missing something or is this a bug? Please help!
I'm not sure why, maybe because I have Veyer (he starts on a ship near the Sanctuary's starting location and maybe that intimidates them), but sometime during week 2 a Sanctuary hero clears the whole map with 3 stacks (sharks, frogs and priestesses) of 200-300 units in each.
Am I missing something or is this a bug? Please help!
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
Solution: don't move Veyer, let him be killed.
Edited on Fri, Apr 27 2012, 07:52 by 0r4ng3
Edited on Fri, Apr 27 2012, 07:52 by 0r4ng3
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
@ 0r4ng3: To avoid having Veyer in that location in mission 3 (I guess you followed the tear path for Kiril), in mission 2, when you encounter Veyer, choose NOT to convert the fort. He will leave and after that dialog, you can convert the fort to your faction (Inferno). That way, you will only have Xana in this mission and in the final mission as well.
- Pixie
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Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
Well I didn't get Xana, perhaps that is because I have Veyer. Another good item to put in the walkthrough, is that Akasha' Gost is the fianl heroes to clean out, one of the objecties.
- Sir_Toejam
- Nightmare
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: 24 Jul 2006
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
no, that doesn't work. you only get ONE carry-over hero from mission 2. Xana if you went tears route, Veyer if you went blood (that's your overall rep, not the specific decision you make at that fort). it doesn't matter what you do in mission 2 as far as mission 3 is concerned.
You won't have Veyer at all, no matter what, if your rep is tears by the time you hit the fort in mission 2. Instead you just get some juggies.
FWIW, if you do go blood, Veyer is one of the only secondary heroes you can actually level up as you please; all his points are free when you get him. Don't know why they didn't do that will ALL the secondary heroes.
no, that doesn't work. you only get ONE carry-over hero from mission 2. Xana if you went tears route, Veyer if you went blood (that's your overall rep, not the specific decision you make at that fort). it doesn't matter what you do in mission 2 as far as mission 3 is concerned.
You won't have Veyer at all, no matter what, if your rep is tears by the time you hit the fort in mission 2. Instead you just get some juggies.
FWIW, if you do go blood, Veyer is one of the only secondary heroes you can actually level up as you please; all his points are free when you get him. Don't know why they didn't do that will ALL the secondary heroes.
- Sir_Toejam
- Nightmare
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: 24 Jul 2006
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
"he starts on a ship near the Sanctuary's starting location"
no longer the case as of 2.1.1. Veyer starts next to you at your starting town.
no longer the case as of 2.1.1. Veyer starts next to you at your starting town.
- Sir_Toejam
- Nightmare
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: 24 Jul 2006
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
for those going the blood magic route:
by this time, your primary hero should have Armageddon, which can be used here to great effect early on, especially with the staff of Urgash in hand (make sure to UNEQUIP it after use, before saving, and before you end a turn, or you will get bugged, badly). also good when facing stacks you can't wipe out with fire in the first turn, is to use the fully upgraded staff of tides, which gives you a 250hp shield to all of your units (including, btw, your gated units!). while you will be lesser on firepower, you will have good defense to start with, and your tiny gated stacks actually can take 250 damage before dying, which makes them actually useful as distractions. Use the tide staff to get past the big army guarding the entrance to the area that contains fort D, and you should end up suffering no losses (mass regen works well here, along with fireballs and firebolts, and even a time stasis maybe.)
Build a tavern on the first turn and hire one of the magic heroes, since you are only level 19 (at 20, you would be hiring a might hero for the full level 15 realm bonuses). give 15 of that hero's succubi to your primary hero, and the rest of the units to Veyer (don't forget to buy whatever troops are already in the town). Have Veyer take the pit fiends, as your primary won't need them. move your primary to the magic booster, then on to take out the first orc stack. move veyer to the magic booster, then behind your primary. have your hired hero pick up all loose resources.
have your primary take the first fort, move Veyer to take the warpath lodge and the stack guarding the magic power buff, then move him north to take out everything including fort "E"; except the stack guarding the northern underground passage. I ended up needing to swap dynasty weps often with Veyer, depending on the circumstances. Whistlebone is useful here, so are arachne, malathula's cleaver (especially nice for the pit fiends) and the sword of the pirate king. Just depends on what you are fighting. fighting ranged units? the boarding from pirate king works to get your pit fiends on them before they can shoot, for example, and the morale boost gets you double shots a lot of the time. arachne is great for battling stacks of panther warriors (the aoe slow spell is very useful!), and the cleaver for fighting groups of orcs, where your pit fiends make short work of them with double-strike and unlimited retaliation.
Send your primary to take town C, then move to take fort D, and everything between town C and fort D. Have your hired hero follow behind and pick up loose resources, then stick in the town to do upgrades.
using the above strategy, on hard I took everything up to and including the two forts in the first week, and suffered NO losses of any troops. built every creature dwelling up through elite, and even converted all four of the external creature dwellings.
actually, I decided to reload day 6, and ended up taking town F on day 7, too! Though in that case, I lost all of Veyer's army except the pit fiends (fun battle; took several tries with diff weapons before I figured out that Whistlebone was the best for this). Well worth it, since it's unlikely the AI will target town F before I can rebuild Veyer's army back up. So that's everything up through and including town F on this walkthrough, on day 7, on hard.
now that was a fun little challenge
Things that have changed as of 2.1.1 that need updating in Malt'z walkie:
-mentor only will add experience up to 50% of your hero's total now, NOT 75%, making it entirely worthless, since the heros you can hire from the tavern, already being within 5 levels of you, have more than 50% of your experience to begin with! so, hopefully you didn't waste a skill point on mentor. Because of this, you're best off hiring one of the magic heros for the extra succubi, imo, which enable you to go very far in the first week (as noted above). switch to hiring might heros when your level gets to 20 or over.
-use summon elemental (your choice, any will work), the staff of tides, and your hero attack (with or without pressed) to deal with phoenixes (they are immune to any direct damage spells, including armageddon). the ice barrier from the staff will protect your units (including the summons) from unhealable phoenix damage for 4 turns, and even your gated units will benefit. just keep them away from your army as much as possible; don't keep your succubi spread out - put them in a single stack and protect them with another unit.
-there are no more "heroes spawning with only 4 units" to attack your towns. Now all the heroes start of with at least a weeks worth of stronghold troops, and you can't just leave a token force at home expecting to swat them. you in fact will have to face endless tides of annoying heroes with actual armies, so plan for it. Or, you can do what I did and simply stretch yourself to breaking in the first week, and you will only have to worry about the underground hero for week 2, whereupon you will have 3 times their army in size, plus way more firepower (their magic heroes all cast mass heal if you let them, but it is more an annoyance, and a reason to take mass regen, than anything else).
-when using Veyer, and if he has some elite units or pit fiends, try out the intimidation skill.
Edited on Mon, Aug 26 2013, 04:16 by Sir_Toejam
by this time, your primary hero should have Armageddon, which can be used here to great effect early on, especially with the staff of Urgash in hand (make sure to UNEQUIP it after use, before saving, and before you end a turn, or you will get bugged, badly). also good when facing stacks you can't wipe out with fire in the first turn, is to use the fully upgraded staff of tides, which gives you a 250hp shield to all of your units (including, btw, your gated units!). while you will be lesser on firepower, you will have good defense to start with, and your tiny gated stacks actually can take 250 damage before dying, which makes them actually useful as distractions. Use the tide staff to get past the big army guarding the entrance to the area that contains fort D, and you should end up suffering no losses (mass regen works well here, along with fireballs and firebolts, and even a time stasis maybe.)
Build a tavern on the first turn and hire one of the magic heroes, since you are only level 19 (at 20, you would be hiring a might hero for the full level 15 realm bonuses). give 15 of that hero's succubi to your primary hero, and the rest of the units to Veyer (don't forget to buy whatever troops are already in the town). Have Veyer take the pit fiends, as your primary won't need them. move your primary to the magic booster, then on to take out the first orc stack. move veyer to the magic booster, then behind your primary. have your hired hero pick up all loose resources.
have your primary take the first fort, move Veyer to take the warpath lodge and the stack guarding the magic power buff, then move him north to take out everything including fort "E"; except the stack guarding the northern underground passage. I ended up needing to swap dynasty weps often with Veyer, depending on the circumstances. Whistlebone is useful here, so are arachne, malathula's cleaver (especially nice for the pit fiends) and the sword of the pirate king. Just depends on what you are fighting. fighting ranged units? the boarding from pirate king works to get your pit fiends on them before they can shoot, for example, and the morale boost gets you double shots a lot of the time. arachne is great for battling stacks of panther warriors (the aoe slow spell is very useful!), and the cleaver for fighting groups of orcs, where your pit fiends make short work of them with double-strike and unlimited retaliation.
Send your primary to take town C, then move to take fort D, and everything between town C and fort D. Have your hired hero follow behind and pick up loose resources, then stick in the town to do upgrades.
using the above strategy, on hard I took everything up to and including the two forts in the first week, and suffered NO losses of any troops. built every creature dwelling up through elite, and even converted all four of the external creature dwellings.
actually, I decided to reload day 6, and ended up taking town F on day 7, too! Though in that case, I lost all of Veyer's army except the pit fiends (fun battle; took several tries with diff weapons before I figured out that Whistlebone was the best for this). Well worth it, since it's unlikely the AI will target town F before I can rebuild Veyer's army back up. So that's everything up through and including town F on this walkthrough, on day 7, on hard.
now that was a fun little challenge

Things that have changed as of 2.1.1 that need updating in Malt'z walkie:
-mentor only will add experience up to 50% of your hero's total now, NOT 75%, making it entirely worthless, since the heros you can hire from the tavern, already being within 5 levels of you, have more than 50% of your experience to begin with! so, hopefully you didn't waste a skill point on mentor. Because of this, you're best off hiring one of the magic heros for the extra succubi, imo, which enable you to go very far in the first week (as noted above). switch to hiring might heros when your level gets to 20 or over.
-use summon elemental (your choice, any will work), the staff of tides, and your hero attack (with or without pressed) to deal with phoenixes (they are immune to any direct damage spells, including armageddon). the ice barrier from the staff will protect your units (including the summons) from unhealable phoenix damage for 4 turns, and even your gated units will benefit. just keep them away from your army as much as possible; don't keep your succubi spread out - put them in a single stack and protect them with another unit.
-there are no more "heroes spawning with only 4 units" to attack your towns. Now all the heroes start of with at least a weeks worth of stronghold troops, and you can't just leave a token force at home expecting to swat them. you in fact will have to face endless tides of annoying heroes with actual armies, so plan for it. Or, you can do what I did and simply stretch yourself to breaking in the first week, and you will only have to worry about the underground hero for week 2, whereupon you will have 3 times their army in size, plus way more firepower (their magic heroes all cast mass heal if you let them, but it is more an annoyance, and a reason to take mass regen, than anything else).
-when using Veyer, and if he has some elite units or pit fiends, try out the intimidation skill.

Edited on Mon, Aug 26 2013, 04:16 by Sir_Toejam
- Sir_Toejam
- Nightmare
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: 24 Jul 2006
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
by the way...
anyone ever figure out what's up with the riddling signposts? looks like just a fun side thing, as there does not appear to be any way to answer them.
anyone ever figure out what's up with the riddling signposts? looks like just a fun side thing, as there does not appear to be any way to answer them.
- Sir_Toejam
- Nightmare
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: 24 Jul 2006
Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Inferno - In the Forests of the N
by the way...
anyone ever figure out what's up with the riddling signposts? looks like just a fun side thing, as there does not appear to be any way to answer them.
anyone ever figure out what's up with the riddling signposts? looks like just a fun side thing, as there does not appear to be any way to answer them.
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