MM6 : Mod / Grandmaster

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MM6 : Mod / Grandmaster

Unread postby wolfy » 20 Jul 2013, 02:33

Hello, this is my first time around this type of forum. I can say that I am a pretty hardcore Might and Magic VI Mandate of Heaven fan, so much of a fan that I cannot get around to love the other games. I recently got around to the 7th game, but I can never enjoy it as much as I still enjoy the sixth.

Now during that short time I did infact play Might and Magic VII, I easily noticed and got very interested after finding out that all the skill had a new unique grandmaster skill. I'm wondering if it is actually possible to modify / add more skills into Might and Magic VI, because I would love to play the old game I've always enjoyed, but just with new features that I would sure love.

Please get back to me as soon as possible about if it is possible to mod this or if its actually just a distant dream I should soon forget.

Thank you for your time.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 20 Jul 2013, 08:10

I'm pretty sure you can't, short of using this:

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Unread postby wolfy » 20 Jul 2013, 09:40

They have a project to remake Might and Magic VI, VII and VIII it appears. That means they should be able to do some nice changes, possibly fixing a couple of exploits, adding more content perhaps and add these Grandmaster skills I seek so bad.

We'll see.

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Unread postby Xfing » 23 Jul 2013, 17:08

MM6 with Grandmaster would be too good, haha.

Not that you even need it, actually. Haste + 4 Blaster Rifles takes care of anything. The only thing I suppose would really, really benefit the game are Harden Item potions.

Oh, make it the MM7-8 alchemy mechanics overall.

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Unread postby wolfy » 29 Jul 2013, 22:52

I'm not capable of moding this game myself, but I'm hoping a moder would take time to look through my thread and maybe get some inspiration. If there is one thing I'd love to see in Mm6, then its the Skill perks made more advanced, and possibly add a grandmaster skill, here are my suggestions to some of them. Most are copies from Mm7's as I agree with how those are.


Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Armor Class (Double effect)
Master: Chance to stun equal to skill

Comment: I think that Staves is a pretty weak weapon class in might and magic six in general, due to lack of unnarmed skill and ect like there is in might and magic 7. As it is right now, daggers prove to have a much better optional for mages and druids due to their specialities.


Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill reduces recovery time
Master: Permits use of sword in left hand
Grandmaster: Skill added to Armor Class

Comment: A sword is a huge metal piece that can be used to deflect and block incomming attacks, so why not give its potentional Grandmaster perk a armour class advantage as it has in Might and magic 7.

Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Permits use of dagger in left hand
Master: Chance to cause triple damage equal to skill
Grandmaster: Skill reduces recovery time (Double effect)

Comment: Grandmaster should give you more speed with them daggers.

Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill reduces recovery time
Master: Skill added to Attack Damage
Grandmaster: Chance to cause double damage equal to skill

Comment: give the Axe some sort of chance to deal twice the damage as a critical strike ability.

Spears and Polearms:
Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Armor Class
Master: Skill added to Attack Damage
Grandmaster: Chance to stun equal to skill (Double effect)

Comment: Spears and Polearms are long, Grandmaster skill should give the chance to push the enemy off.

Bows and Crossbows:
Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill reduces recovery time
Master: Bow fires two arrows on every attack
Grandmaster: Bow fires three arrows on every attack

Comment: just an upgrade, lol.

Maces and Hammers:
Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Attack Damage
Master: Chance to stun equal to skill
Grandmaster: Skill added to Attack damage (Double effect)

Comment: maces are heavy blunt weapon. Grandmaster should give it some extra damage.

Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Attack Bonus (Double effect)
Master: Skill added to Attack Bonus (Triple effect)
Grandmaster: skill added to Attack Damage (Triple effect)

Comment: Already Op weapon in the game, lets OP it even more.


Normal: Skill added to Armor Class
Expert: Skill added to Armor Class (Double effect)
Master: Skill added to Armor Class (Triple effect)
Grandmaster: Skill added to Armor Class (Quadruple effect)

Comment: make shields more useful for tanking.

Leather armor:
Normal: Skill added to Armor Class
Expert: Recovery penalty eliminated
Master: Skill reduces recovery time
Grandmaster: Skill adds to fire, cold, elec and magic resistance (double effect)

Comment: expert should have recovery penalty eliminated or atleast its master, grandmaster should have the resistance advantage.


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Unread postby Rune_Caster » 03 Aug 2013, 10:02

wolfy wrote:I'm not capable of moding this game myself, but I'm hoping a moder would take time to look through my thread and maybe get some inspiration. If there is one thing I'd love to see in Mm6, then its the Skill perks made more advanced, and possibly add a grandmaster skill, here are my suggestions to some of them. Most are copies from Mm7's as I agree with how those are.


Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Armor Class (Double effect)
Master: Chance to stun equal to skill

Comment: I think that Staves is a pretty weak weapon class in might and magic six in general, due to lack of unnarmed skill and ect like there is in might and magic 7. As it is right now, daggers prove to have a much better optional for mages and druids due to their specialities.

Normal: Skill added to Attack Bonus
Expert: Skill added to Armor Class (Double effect)
Master: Chance to stun equal to skill
GrandMaster: Allows a Staff to be used one handed.

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Unread postby tolich » 03 Aug 2013, 15:19

Rune_Caster wrote:GrandMaster: Allows a Staff to be used one handed.
Gandalf mode, staff/dagger in accord? :D
Or even staff/sword, yeah.

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Unread postby Arret » 03 Aug 2013, 22:56

Staves are garbage becuase of both how slow they are, and the fact that all the bonuses from expert to GM are lousy. In 8 you at least got some bonus damage, but the only class that could get GM would be using a mace instead.

Sword is fine as is, just because of how powerful master is. I might add something to master for two handed swords, so they don't become useless, which was always a big problem for sword artifacts.

I agree on daggers. Recovery time should have been GM from the start. Although I appreciate the extra damage, in most cases by the end game, you will have spears going faster than daggers due to how armsmaster works.

Axe is fine as is if you actually made the armor class debuff happen more often and made it actually work and did something about making 2h axes not a waste. Critical strike is fine as well.

Spears are fine as they are. They already come with so much damage, that any real changes might make the spear artifacts more powerful than they already are. You don't need to add a stun effect, just leave the mater allows 1h spear use.

Bows I agree. MM9 actually handled this incredibly well, giving the class 3 shots as well as a bow that never missed.

Blasters are fine as is. I don't really see anything to do here other than maybe set the base recovery time for a Blaster to 40 instead of 30.

Shield, no. You have to kill off the recovery time at some point. IF you want to make that the master level instead of expert fine, but you need to have it somewhere.

Leather, what is the point of reducing recovery time at master when it is already 0 from Expert?

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Unread postby wolfy » 04 Aug 2013, 02:16

I've been doing a bit of researching and been testing out a couple of features that are in the game. (Please correct me if my results are incorrect)

First I want to start out with Maces. . .

Maces appears to be a very good weapon at Normal and Expert rank if you want to get a good Accuracy and Damage on your weapon at early stage of the game, however. . . I think that the Grandmaster feature for the Mace / Blunt weapons is rather rubbish. It is suppose to act like a stun a.k.a the Earth Spell to knock back your opponent, and you need pretty high skill points added to the skill to get these frequently. And to add the cherry at the top, the Stun appears to be pretty useless to me, as I've been running through the gae with a party of Arch mages, 60 in Earth magic and of course in master rank. I did a couple of attempts to push away advancing targets with the "Stun" spell, but it barely pushed them away for me to take advantage of that, even in turn-based combat is pretty useless, so my best suggestion would be to add a different buff for the Maces.

Swords appear to be pretty decent to use, though its only effective as a medium-early stage through out the game, as the skill ranks only provide Accuracy, Recovery time and Left-hand style. Left-hand style opens the opportunity to wield this weapon along with a Spear, Mace, Axes and Clubs with different unique rank abilities that can make a deadly combination (My preferance is Spear and Sword) Though later out in the game it grows weak as it has no better rank feature to make up for it, as the other weapons outclasses it in high level terms. (Like 20-30 skill points)
Possibly the AC per skill point as Grandmaster may be appropriate. . .

Axes are pretty much VERY strong due to rankings giving them: Attack Accuracy, Speed and Damage. Making this weapon skill a very solid one through out the entire gameplay as it would just keep making you stronger with its bonuses. Axes are so far as I know the most useful weapon to use in main-hand, maybe Longswords are suppose to turn out to become a Support weapon in high level terms in the end. I'd say a far trade would be if Axe's Recovery time on Expert were traded out for chance of critical strike on the same rank to give a early stage Critical strike chance, but I have no idea what to give its Grandmaster skill.

Spears in general is very powerful, as it is faster than other weapons I believe, atleast faster than a Sword through my experience with it (Correct if incorrect) And pretty much the same with the Axes, its a weapon skill that can be played with through out the end of the game due to Attack Accuracy and damage, and then you get Armour Class for each point (Though very low)

Staves are pretty weak, and I suppose its "Meant" to be so since its an average Druid & Sorcorer weapon, its the only 'Shield' for both of these classes since its Expert rank grants Armour class, though I felt it would be way more fair if it had doubled effect aka the Shield rank, though the shield has triple in the end. Stun effect definently needs to get replaced aswell since it doesn't do much, perhaps the staves should have one-hand ability or recovery time reduction, or let it serve as a magic reistance booster since magic users usually use staves.

Daggers seem to be pretty fair.
Attack accuracy, left-hand option and the chance of causing triple damage(THOUGH very unreliable as I even tested the daggers with master rank at 60 skill point, correct me if I'm wrong)
Daggers are either a main weapon for Mages, or as a support weapon for Knights and Clerics as it can help the main weapon to cause triple damage I believe with its master rank feature (correct if incorrect)
I think that Dagger's grandmaster should NOT have a attack damage buff as it does in Mm7, though a recovery time reduction with double effect to make it more viable to compete against the other weapons.

Bows is a weapon class I respect much because it is a supportive weapon as it can't actually do high damage on high level terms, but the max damage depends on the way you play it out with the distance, I would dislike if the Bow had the rank feature with increased damage like it does in Mm7, cause it takes away the unique support line in it.. Accuracy, speed and ability to shoot two arrows seems pretty fair to me, maybe grandmaster should give the opportunity to shot three arrows? or maybe cause a critical strike?

Clubs...why are we talking about clubs...YES, cause its a free feature in the game for anyone to code on, it has barely any connections to it, though I felt like it should...why would they even add a weapon that you would pretty much replace at the character creating screen?
Normal: Attack Accuracy as usual.
Expert: Left-handed
Master: Attack Damage
Grandmaster: Attack Damage (Double effect)
Making this a pure offensive weapon, though weak due to its small weapon of choice...Three if I recall correctly.

Also I would like to state unless I'm incorrect that I feel like all Two-handed weapons are pretty much outshined by shield or left-hand weapon.

Something should be done to two-handers to make them more viable please.

also would be nice if they were able to add a couple of Mm7 skills into Mm6, such as unnarmed would be pretty cool.

Thank you for your time!


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Unread postby Arret » 04 Aug 2013, 16:19

Maces appears to be a very good weapon at Normal and Expert rank if you want to get a good Accuracy and Damage on your weapon at early stage of the game, however. . . I think that the Grandmaster feature for the Mace / Blunt weapons is rather rubbish. It is suppose to act like a stun a.k.a the Earth Spell to knock back your opponent, and you need pretty high skill points added to the skill to get these frequently. And to add the cherry at the top, the Stun appears to be pretty useless to me, as I've been running through the gae with a party of Arch mages, 60 in Earth magic and of course in master rank. I did a couple of attempts to push away advancing targets with the "Stun" spell, but it barely pushed them away for me to take advantage of that, even in turn-based combat is pretty useless, so my best suggestion would be to add a different buff for the Maces.
Stun itself is terrible, and any skill level (staves, maces) that hits it is basically wasted, but the GM for mace is Paralyze, which is basically instant kill. I wish it triggered more often, but it is still devastating.
Clubs...why are we talking about clubs...YES, cause its a free feature in the game for anyone to code on, it has barely any connections to it, though I felt like it should...why would they even add a weapon that you would pretty much replace at the character creating screen?
Normal: Attack Accuracy as usual.
Expert: Left-handed
Master: Attack Damage
Grandmaster: Attack Damage (Double effect)
Making this a pure offensive weapon, though weak due to its small weapon of choice...Three if I recall correctly.
Clubs are powerful because of the low recovery time. They make excellent weapons until you hit expert dagger on a sorcerer, or if your cleric mace isn't very good.
Something should be done to two-handers to make them more viable please.
This was already done on spears. change the 2h to 1h. I would counteract the effect by reducing 2h weapons damage somewhat if used in 1h.

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