Favorite MM game

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Flodarien » 06 Dec 2012, 16:45

For me, it would be World of Xeen. The whole game. The music, and story were top notch when it came out.

Third place would go to MM6 though. I love the music, and the atmosphere. And for some reason, when spring comes, it always makes me want to play MM6.
Last edited by Flodarien on 26 Dec 2012, 21:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby StoneCold » 12 Dec 2012, 20:58

MM6, I had nightmares of floating eyes for months...

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Unread postby Flodarien » 26 Dec 2012, 21:11

StoneCold wrote:MM6, I had nightmares of floating eyes for months...
Oh well. No game is perfect.

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Unread postby Bones_xa » 29 Dec 2012, 17:15

I don't know my favorite because I have not played all the MMs. I only played through 6, 7, & 8 completely, and I only am at about just under half way through MM3 and Xeen I have not started.

This was posted in the other thread but its a good example of why MM7 is definitely NOT my favorite:
Arret wrote:There are two issues with getting master water in 7 which do not become problems in 8:

1) Requiring promotion of either druid (evermorn island) or sorceror (requires a lot of travel).

2) Getting out of the tunnels. Getting unlucky and having a spawn of all 3 types of minotaur at the front of Thunderfist Mountain is not fun even with an invisibility spell.

In MM8 you just walk over ignoring the wasps, and is simple to get to from Alvar, which is reached easily.

There seems like so much more travelling around from place to place to get things done, to learn expert/master of skills, in the earlier part of the game in MM7. This is not really too fun, but rather time consuming just to get your chars how you want them. The main thing that drives me is to get the chars to a certain point which ends up taking huge amounts of time if I start a new party.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 29 Dec 2012, 21:13

The thing that frustrates me about MM7 is how the class promotion quests often seem to require a different class: most egregious are the Thief missions which all are designed to require stealth -- something a Thief has absolutely no access to.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 30 Dec 2012, 17:56

And neither of these things frustrate me when playing MM7 :D

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Unread postby MarisVetra » 18 Jun 2013, 14:56

MM6 - One i have finished dozens of times and keep coming back time after time. Perfect for me, but althou i dont like too much limitations - powercure, telekinesis, meteor shower, starburst, fly, hour of power, day of gods, lloyds beacon - can be learned at lvl 1 on any hero who for 300gold learns the skill is kinda weird....

MM7 - 2nd place, just because it feels that theres too much limitations - more linear storyline, magic and skills can be learned when you reach certain level in skill and to reach that level you need to complete promotion quests, which make your character leveling more expensive, and most grandmaster skills are pretty useless, because game is almoust done by then. Also there are few dungeons i dont like, like Red dwarf mines, journey to Nighon(for water and alchemy masters, that imo should be easier to access).

HoMM 2 - 3rd place. Black dragon and Titan art is WAY better then in HoMM 3. So is the armor/attack system.

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Unread postby Xfing » 06 Jul 2013, 17:16

Well, even though MM8 constitutes uncanny childhood memories - like at LEAST 200+ hours spent stuck on Dagger Wound Island before I figured out how to deal with the spike pit in the Abandoned Temple - I'd have to say I like MM7 more story-wise. The game also offers incredible immersion in either Light or Darkness, something neither 6 nor 8 does.

MM6 I've played only once, and I have to say that content-wise it probably has more than MM7 and 8 combined, and looks the best outta all of them. You don't even have to try to get to level 100 by the time you finish the game, and EVEN THEN many areas are challenging. Too bad the mechanics weren't that refined yet, like no GM skill level etc.

MM8 on the other hand is way easy. Having 5 adventurers at level 50 you can easily clean out Escaton's Crystal. Luckily the game doesn't force you into having 5 chars, but on the other hand the impact of class choices isn't that strong, since if you have a Cleric, a Necromancer and a Dark Elf, the remaining two slots are fully interchangeable using the remaining classes. IMO, a Knight(or Troll or Minotaur or Dragon)/Vampire/Dark Elf/Cleric/Necromancer can get you anywhere.

Sadly, I haven't yet played the retro games. I suppose I should do it one day.

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Unread postby antipaladin » 07 Jul 2013, 01:17

i cannot say i plaied everything below mm6. i just couldnt make it work on any windows propperly, if it is posible to run under win8 i'd be delighted too.

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Unread postby Tress » 07 Jul 2013, 06:25

i cannot say i plaied everything below mm6. i just couldnt make it work on any windows propperly, if it is posible to run under win8 i'd be delighted too.
Most old games wont work on modern systems. IIRC some worked on 98 or xp but not without issues, and almost certainly none will work on 64 bit system. If you want to play any of old games just dl DOSbox and they will work perfectly.

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Unread postby Kalah » 07 Jul 2013, 09:21

A complete M&M collection should be on Ubi's list of re-releases. ;)
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Unread postby antipaladin » 07 Jul 2013, 10:06

tress wrote:
i cannot say i plaied everything below mm6. i just couldnt make it work on any windows propperly, if it is posible to run under win8 i'd be delighted too.
Most old games wont work on modern systems. IIRC some worked on 98 or xp but not without issues, and almost certainly none will work on 64 bit system. If you want to play any of old games just dl DOSbox and they will work perfectly.
i'd need a good guide to do that...

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Unread postby Tress » 07 Jul 2013, 15:59

i'd need a good guide to do that...
Generally just go to http://www.dosbox.com/ and take latest version and setup virtual disc by typing mount c (path of game you want to play), adjust speed for doscobx by cntrl + f12 and just launch game through setuped dosbox.
There is pretty detailed instrucitions on linked site as well

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Unread postby Xfing » 14 Jul 2013, 19:55

Just started a bit on MM6 again. Damn, this game's world is soooo much better than MM7 and 8's. These two games basically castrated the world, removing plenty of stuff that made it great, probably due to time constraints. But that's understandable, MM6 was most likely in development much, much longer than either MM7 or 8 were. But yeah, this game's dungeons and sheer expansiveness and content way, way surpass MM7 and 8. If this game had Armsmaster, the newer Alchemy system and Grandmastering skills, it would have been literally perfect.

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 14 Jul 2013, 20:58

antipaladin wrote:
tress wrote:
i cannot say i plaied everything below mm6. i just couldnt make it work on any windows propperly, if it is posible to run under win8 i'd be delighted too.
Most old games wont work on modern systems. IIRC some worked on 98 or xp but not without issues, and almost certainly none will work on 64 bit system. If you want to play any of old games just dl DOSbox and they will work perfectly.
i'd need a good guide to do that...
not really, most of the MM's work directly in DosBox, MM1 could be a trick to get the right speed for, but the others start just fine (but you should change the soundcard in MM4-5 to something else then Soundblaster, its known to bug out)
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 15 Jul 2013, 13:41

tress wrote:Generally just go to http://www.dosbox.com/ and take latest version and setup virtual disc by typing mount c (path of game you want to play), adjust speed for doscobx by cntrl + f12 and just launch game through setuped dosbox.
There is pretty detailed instrucitions on linked site as well
There are also things like DBGL that do all the setup and launching for you, making it even more convenient.

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