sirously though,did you comper h3 sales to h5 or h6?
or MM7 sales to Dark messiah?
Well there is no way you can compare action with party based rpg. As for homm3 / homm 5/6, first of all I couldnt find exact sales besides there is generation gap between games. For example TB strategies sell less nowadays, however games are more available, so any comparison for 15 year apart cant be really made.
if any,Heroes 3 developers ware geniouse IMO,selling the same game atleast 4 times (AB,SD,Chronichles and the original).
Yup their marketing and financial genius certainly helped them when they needed to fill chapter 11. If those games would sell half as good as 3do wanted they would have gone under. Selling chronicles were already selling trust they built up by making homm1-3. Such genial strategy works as far as people notice they are played for chumps. If there is restaurant which is really good and all eat there ,then perhaps couple bad meals wouldn't scare away customers, but if they think that giving bad meal is their new strategy and everyone will eat there just because they are loyal customers , they will have another thing coming.
but as can name any other game but MM' that have so meny fanbased projects?
MM games aren't mod friendly by any means. It's strange that there hasn't been mods that simply mess with monsters (for which there's been MM6View early on), but look at how many remake projects there are.
Should I even start since that will be wall of text ? Even if we skip games that are mod friendly(which have incomparable amount of mods), like elder scrolls/ fallout's with good modding capabilities, then there are tons of games still. Will drop original doom as first thing that comes to mind,where whole new episodes were added with new monsters, weapon sprites etc. MM problem is that any modding activity became active just few years ago, which means that game was out for 10 years already. This of course means that there is extremely loyal community for classic mm, but most of those mods are carried by handful of people, Mods like BDJ for mm7 are huge work but they were made by few people, there never was mod or fan game for mm where large group of people would work and would get anywhere, which means that total conversions or game wide mods that would content wise rival any of original games are not possible for MM RPG (at least yet). Games like mm tribute realistically may never see light of day, so strictly speaking we should count stuff that is released or at least in good late stage of development.