Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Unread postby MadMax » 19 May 2013, 18:43

Well, hello Yurain! Good to hear from you, I'd say that it would probably be a good idea to hold a Sighisoara meeting sometime this week perhaps? Let's get this baby finished!
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Unread postby MadMax » 26 May 2013, 20:43

Ok, finally I have grown tired of waiting, and this was ment to be released to you, our wonderful and understanding fans earlier. But as Yurians finnish depression kicked in, things have become delayed in the terms of the release of Masters of Sighisoara II - The Undead of Xerphef.

Have no fear however, I have been everything but inactive during this time, I have had some balls in the air as we say here in Sweden.

So let's get a little list.

PAR - As you now already know, Paul Anthony Romero has composed a melody for our campaign! It can be listened to already by following a link below.

Wikia - The lore and storyline of the Sighisoara continent is quite vast and deep, sometimes it is troubling even for us, the creators to keep track of dates, kings, happenings, artifacts, and many things alike. You also have the ability to help us get this wikia updated by adding your own material to it. I am also in the works of getting it more and more updated!

You guys are more then welcome to add some comments to the wikia, we as creators work to be able to ready your thoughts and your opinions on our work! :)

Here is a list of a couple of sections from the wikia:

The World of Sighisoara

The Nations

The Heroes




The Creators

Masters of Sighisoara III - Codename X

It can be accessed through this link

MoS III - Codename X

Yes, you read right, since Yurian is caught up completing MoS II. I got kind of bored and my storywriting fingers started itching, so I set to work, and as you may read on the wikia, map 1 is a good to go version while Map 2 is now being worked on.
Codename X is of course not the final title of the campaign. But we want to keep this one more of a secret for the player to unveil rather then just throw everything out there! However, a preview video that reveals more then the eye may meet at first has been made as well and posted on youtube just minutes ago!

You may watch it on the wikia as well: ... Codename_X
The song featured in the video is the one Paul Anthony Romero actually created just for us! *proud*

Masters of Sighisoara II - The contest

I am not really sure what prices I can be offering at this moment, but as MoS II gets released, I will create another thread with rules and things alike. It will be who gets the highest point, in game, and takes a screen shot of it, finishing MoS2 that wins a little "Sighisoara package" that will be sent to your home for FREE! :)

I do believe that is all, I am also adding the wikia to the first page. And look out in the News Section, something Sighisoara related may just get up there along with MoS2 ;)

Wow, I just realised we just hit 46000 views on this thread.. I want to thank everyone that has ever been involved in making, inspiring, commenting on the series. I know I've had my ups and downs with the motivation and the dedication to this project, but I seek to finish MoS3. And then plan for the future once more....

Also 500 replies, wow, I wonder how many of them are me and Yurian? ;)

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Unread postby Artas1984 » 28 May 2013, 22:25

Is this finished yet? :|

So that i don't have to replay this later due to some "found bug in sector X"
I really hope this summer to play some huge H3 campaign on a notebook in the evening when i am in the motel by the see listening to my fav music.

It sure is taking a long time....
Heroes franchise was not about the free actions of Heroes or monsters, it was not about 3D of shiny graphics either, it was about diversity and balance, simplicity of gameplay and realistic picture, strategy in it's purest form. That's why Heroes 3 will be the greatest game of all, because only Heroes 3 has all those qualities together, no matter which one you personally like more. This statement is unquestionable, uncriticized and undeniable .

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Unread postby MadMax » 29 May 2013, 15:13

Last I heard from Yurian, MoSII is in a 0.99 state and a PROMISE of delivering campaign two within 3 days! Now, we always strive to release campaigns perfect and Yurian alongside with others spend countless hours playtesting, balancing etc. So I do hope no bugs manage to sneak through, however, even big time companies allows little things to go through in a 1.0 release state.

MoSIII is going faster then ever updating, I believe we can claim map 2 to be in a 0.5 state at this moment. But there is more storywriting in this map then ever before. As you may have noticed, I have written in the new youtube video that more in depth lore will be unlocked and secrets discovered.
We are putting alooot of our fuel into finding old dates and small stories to make sure things are correct with the main storyline.

MoSIII will take place at the year of 500, so there are new kings and alot of other things that needs to be "explained". Such as the matter of fact that there are 1000 year old wizards living even though the year is only 500.

Any other questions?
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 30 May 2013, 16:11

@Artas1984: the more testers we get the sooner the Second Campaign will be released. Are you willing to speed up the process? We sure could use some help to root out the remaining bugs and unwanted side effects.

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 01 Jun 2013, 01:11

Update on the early hours of Saturday, June 1st 2013

While MoS II was not sent to HoP and Kalah 4 hours ago as I had previously planned, work on finishing the second Sighisoara campaign still continues as the project is not cancelled and has not been abondoned by any means.

Today I had a pretty intensive 4 and a half hour session at the campaign bringing it to version 0.99c. Map 2 of the Second campaign was finally finished as I managed to fix some inbalaces and also double check the newly written hero bios that were still missing. It turned out that not 4 but a total of 7 hero bios were still missing or only partially finished!

Let's take a quick look at the current status (0.99c) of MoS II:

Map 1: Completed
Map 2: Completed
Map 3: Completed (? one round of double-checking still needed)
Map 4: 98% finished
Map 5: 97% finished

Campaign cutscenes almost finished, epilogue text is still not done

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Unread postby MadMax » 01 Jun 2013, 18:26

Gogo Yurian! You will most likely only need one last session and we will finally be able to release this baby! 3 years of waiting is almost over! ;)
And MoS III is progressing nicely to. Map 3 is starting to get planned inside my head :)
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Unread postby Kalah » 01 Jun 2013, 20:45

Are you planning a pre-release via our maptesting service or a straight-up release as is?
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Version 1.0 and linguistics

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 02 Jun 2013, 13:20

I think it's best that we aim to release MoS II asap without any further public map testing. Enough time has been spent already. Something along the lines of 3,5 years I believe. What the campaign now needs is my attention to small details so that we can afford to release it as bug free as possible. This might take some time. Likely less than a week, anyway.

Some typos will probably be still left lurking in version 1.0 as neither HoP or yours truly is native English speaker. So what we have to offer to you in terms of bizarre linguistics is English based on Swedish and Finnish. Luckily we Finns understand a bit of Swedish so it gives me some insight into HoP's ideas while I study his story texts and what HoP probably meant while translating his text bits from his native tongue into English.

With all this said, wish me good luck to finishing the Second Campaign.

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Unread postby MadMax » 05 Jun 2013, 17:32

Oh boy, things are really going down with the work on MoS3! I have now figured out a way to add custom music to the game. Even works to change combat music, main menu, everything like that.

So Map 1 will be featuring the wonderful Paul Anthony Romeros tune.
The other 3 maps will be featuring my friends quite epic work! I am currently sitting next to him with a beer and my laptop. Together we are creating music and Map 3 is currently entering stage 1 of the overall map design!

I also updated the wikia with a very short presentation of my friend (Per) which can be read here: ... raskari.29

The main focus right now is to add music to the maps, but we are also considering and playing around with some "storyline" videos together with soundtracks! Only time will tell.
However, yours truly must now return to the duty of mapmaking and storywriting. Boy I am psyched! :)
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Unread postby Kalah » 09 Jun 2013, 10:38

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Unread postby MadMax » 09 Jun 2013, 12:44

Want what Kalah?
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Unread postby Kalah » 09 Jun 2013, 14:09

Want it.


Chop chop.
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Unread postby Star King » 12 Jun 2013, 00:21

Just started the first campaign.

Only beat the first scenario so far.

So I don't mind waiting ;P

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Unread postby MadMax » 13 Jun 2013, 11:41

All up to Yurian, Kalah.. I am trying to get him to work faster ;)
Now StarKing, what do you think so far? Pros, cons? I am working on map 3 on campaign 3 at the moment, so I need your critique!
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Unread postby Star King » 15 Jun 2013, 14:55

Hm... it seemed pretty easy. Maybe that's just because it was only the first scenario, though.

Resources were pretty generous. I never ran out of gold, even when buying all troops. I would have maybe limited the main Castle to City Hall, and maybe add a time limit of some sort, since the enemy's army doesn't grow. But I liked the layout of the map and stuff. Not too linear, with plenty of exploring, but had a clear goal in mind. Oh, and I don't think anybody in their right mind would trade Boots of Speed for Red Dragon Flame Tongue ;P Or at least, not someone who plays for time like me.

Story seems pretty good so far. I don't like storyless maps as much, so this is good.

I noticed a few spelling/grammar errors. It doesn't even really matter since everything is clearly understandable anyways, but just pointing it out in case you're a perfectionist. I could do a quick check of campaign 2 and help fix the errors, if you like (I suppose I'd be spoiling the story for myself, though, but oh well...)

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Unread postby MadMax » 21 Jun 2013, 00:29

Thanks for taking the time to comment your thoughts, have you finished map 2 yet? What did you think of it?

Still, MoS3 is progressing slowly. But progressing at least, I currently work 40 hours per week and study on top of that. It is though, I will tell you that!

I do believe that something we have been lacking in MoS 1 is that aesthetic perfection of the maps. I am trying to create art in MoS3 when making the maps, not only spitting out terrains and lands at random.
Also, custom music has now been made for the campaign. Every song is finished pretty much. I don't want to say to much, but my current goal is getting MoS3 finished somewhere around the end of this summer.
But it is all up to Yurian as well. I know I am dedicated to my cause, and I support Yurian with IRL problems he is facing at this moment.


EDIT: Hint hint there will be some sci-fi in MoS3 as well. Stay tuned and keep watching the sky ;)
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Unread postby MadMax » 01 Jul 2013, 19:09

Oh boy, waiting and waiting for something to happen. Today I had some sparetime over at my job and decided to create a little piece that will go to the winner of the MoS2 competition. It is a small version of the Zelas I will send to you by mail alongside with some other goodies ;)


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Unread postby MadMax » 18 Jul 2013, 15:15

Finally update time!
I have received MoS 2 version 0.99d It is 100% playable and is just looking to get thoose final twerks and twists to be "finalized"! Wonderful work by Yurian and in a level of speed I have never seen before theese last days.
I am now going to check the maps through and do some writing to my friend from Suomi, then maybe, it is time that I made some updates to MoS 3 as well? ;)
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Unread postby MadMax » 19 Jul 2013, 18:04


Last one now, as it is only a few days left according to Yurians last report ;)
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