SoD Dungeon Semi-Walkthrough

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SoD Dungeon Semi-Walkthrough

Unread postby Mytical » 16 May 2013, 05:43

Ok not near as through as Maltz Vanilla H6 walkthroughs, but the following does contain a few spoilers. Also, I am redoing the campaign on Hard (I always start out on easier settings to get a feel for the maps), and will be updated as I make it through each map. So far I've only lost a handful of units ..and am up to midway in map 2 for the third try (once on easy, once on normal, and now on hard). The walkthroughs are based on hard. All that out of the way, the following post will start the walkthroughs.
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Unread postby Mytical » 16 May 2013, 05:45

Ok, so I am going to give my impressions on how to build a Dungeon Hero for the campaign. I am sure somebody else will have a better build, and disagree with me, but here it is.

Might or Magic

For the campaign the default is Might, so I stuck with this. The object of the Dungeon is to do as much damage as possible as fast as possible, and Might seems to fit this. So the not really walkthrough that follows is based on this.

Blood or Tear

The question here becomes do you want to do more damage or avoid as damage as much as possible? I went with damage avoidance, as most dungeon creatures are kind of frail. So Tear it is. Feign death = get out of damage free. If you invoke it on a unit, and it gets hit the damage goes to zero and until that units next turn they can not be targeted except by AOE magic. Useful. Distract makes combat so much easier it is not even funny. Range units got you down, pluck this thing right next to them, and by the time they can do any damage to one of your units, you should be in melee range. I do not know if it works vs undead, constructs, etc (but it does elementals). So keep that in mind. Feign death DOES fool undead, etc however. Also since I like Reinforcements and Regen..its easier to get Tear points.

Stick with default hero, or build your own.

I like to make my own, so I chose a Might hero with default enlightenment. Other good choices are regen master, or the one that causes lurker attacks to reduce stats. I like free skills though, which is why I like Enlightenment. That way you have 6 starting skills, not just 5.

Now I am not going to say "Get this skill at this level", but here are some useful skills.

Useful Magic Skills
Regeneration, Mass Regeneration, Life Drain, Mass Life Drain.

Magic Skills that could be handy.
Haste/Mass Haste

High Priority Might Skills
Reinforcement I, II, III. Toughness I, II, III. Cleave. Giant Slayer.

Useful Might Skills
Archery I, II, III. Tactics I, II, Counterstrike I, II, III, pressed attack.

General skills just about every town should get
Logistics and Pathfinding. (a secondary hero should follow you around gathering things if at all with the +20% skill)

Feel free to try other builds..this ties up a lot of your skill points.

The Other Elves
First I have to say that level 8 feels like too low of a cap for this, but what can you do. Got Hero on Hard with this ..a Might/Tear Raelag with the Enlightenment specialty (I made a hero, but named his the same as the one they offer).

IF (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS IF, FEEL FREE TO NOT DO THIS) you use Dynasty is the three I went with. The Exp one (forgot the level cap, you reach it WAY before you end the map, so you can substitute here), Movement, and the +150 points of racial gauge at the start of each combat (this also is not really needed, so feel free to substitute).

You start at level 5, so chose your 5 skills before moving an inch. I also suggest picking up every crystal off the ground you see.

You start at A. There is a door blocking your way north at D. Start by clearing to the left of your starting point, then head north to clear out until you reach the door, and then finally head toward 1.
There are some stalkers at S1, which will start a side quest to pick up a total of 3 stacks of them. Make sure to clear out everything you can before heading up to S2. There is a mini boss here, and an absolutely useless fort. Send the angel packing and head toward 2.
You’ve bypassed the door, and when you have a set amount of crystals you will complete a quest, and get to summon some back up. Head north toward p1. There is a building here which if you clear gives you some more assassins..and a one way portal. Remember it, you will be back. Head toward 3.
At M1 you pick up a few Minotaur’s, and get a quest to fight a haven army for more, but before we head to do that, there is a portal near the Minotaur that will take you to S3, where there is also an artifact merchant. Hope for something good that you can actually afford. Once you have done everything head toward P1 (which connects to p1 underground), but you have to fight a mini boss to access it. The good news is you claim some more Minotaur if you beat him. Hit the portal.
Start going toward 4, but clear out the entire area before you climb the stairs. Make sure you have full movement points when you surface at 4. You will get two quests, one of which you will fail. One is to fight, and get blood points, one is not to fight and get tear points. Since I went tear AND the level cap is easy to reach I chose not to fight. At P there is a sanctuary which you can hide your hero in. If you have pathfinding, logistics, and the Dynasty traits I suggested .. only for 1 day though. At G you get a cutscene at the portal will open up. There is a unicorn bow protected by some haven archers here, I suggest claiming it if at all possible. Then through G we go.

It is impossible to get lost here, as there is only one way to go. You will have a fight, send them to meet Elrath in person, then start heading back to A. Fight or don’t, doesn’t matter, but just know that you have at least one fight left regardless if you outrun your 3 (yes 3..if you didn’t kill the two patrols that is) pursuers. At A you will have a fight with a Dungeon hero and troops..but you should be more than a match for them.
Last edited by Mytical on 22 May 2013, 04:10, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Mytical » 16 May 2013, 05:56

Map 2

Map 2 Partial Walkthrough (This will be worked on as I progress, redoing the maps for higher/better score and on Hard instead of normal). So far have just beat the black dragons with zero losses (no losses the whole map far).

When you make your Raelag make sure to get the pathfinding and Logistics. You need ALL the movement you can get. Since I had enough tokens and Uplay points I now have 5 dynasty slots. Here is my recommendations..keeping in mind that early game is much harder/more important then late game. By the time you get to mid/late game you should be near an unstoppable Juggernaut.

So the dynasty traits I chose were the +3 movement, +200 gold/day, +10% gold, First hero free, and +3 core creatures. As this will go far in helping early game. Feel free to substitute (especially the +200 gold). It's not much, but you start out needing every last gold piece.

Now for purposes of this partial walkthrough we will assume you are always facing the top of the map, as you start in the middle area, but the dragons are to the far north. So all my directions are to be understood that you are A) Underground, B) Facing the dragon Den

Start out going right to claim the ore mine, then circle back around to the left. Clear everything as you go. You will come to some stairs some minotaurs want you to free the saw mill on the surface, so lets quickly go do that. Go to the surface and IF you feel confident/have enough movement points, etc do the circle here (there is a rally flag, it helps a lot), and head back down stairs. Day 1 I built a tavern and had a secondary hero with the +20% skill following my main guy to conserve movement points..also boosts your starting

Now go right again, stopping by your town to pick up any reinforcements. You will come to a fork. While going south will allow you to pick up a gold mine, this adds about 2 days to your trip..and we can not spare the time AND you will be back here. So go right, then north.

I reached the portal on week 1 day 7, but had to pause for since I had to back track a little, it was week 2 day 2 before I burst through the portal (Dang air elementals and their blasted chain lightning!). I am sure more skilled people will be able to break it week 1 day 7.

Now you want to go clockwise in this area, clearing as much as possible. Since I knew I had a LITTLE time to spare, I claimed the gold mine and crystal vein, but you may have to choose one or the other if the enemy is moving toward their portals. You may also have to leave one stack that is just south of your entry point, so you do not fall too far behind. (If you broke through week 1 day 7, you have PLENTY of time).

Its pretty linear just follow the dark shadowy road. You're off to see the Warlock (Note: There is no Warlock, it is a parody of follow the yellow brick road, and off to see the Wizard ). You get the choice who to 'support' one is tears, one is make your choice. have to keep going north, and you run into some shadow lurkers. What is a pain about this is, you have a SET number of creatures to use..and can not use skills/spells. You don't get a chance to split stack them (you might if you get tactics), so expect losses..and it is really difficult.

Once you make it past them, claim the fort, summon reinforcements (you did make a town portal .. didn't you? ). I advise heading left, up and around to face the dragons. This is a difficult match, but I made it out with ZERO casualties, and I am NOT the greatest player. Didn't cast any magic either, just got lucky.

You will then find yourself back at your starting town with TWO extra heroes.

Ok from here it gets pretty wide open, so without map making abilities I will give general warnings.

After you take the inferno town to the south, you suddenly have armies coming at you from everywhere. There is a inferno hero on the surface, but they have a small army, so they are not that tough. However, the dungeon guys have not one, but two towns left (one on the surface, and about 3 ways they can come at you (sometimes at both of your towns at once. So make sure to have portals set up so you can hop back and forth.

There is also a quest to talk to 3 faceless, though for the first couple of weeks you will be kept busy protecting your cities. You can get dragons, and your enemies can you will outpower them..just a pain jumping back and forth and it slows you WAY down. If you get to far from your towns until you beat back the waves..they might capture one or the other of your towns..bleh. I did manage to complete the quest to retrieve some backup units though. Just a caution about that IS a trap, so make sure to have your main hero escort him.

You already know where the underground city of your enemy is..the above ground one is about the middle of the map. With about 3 ways to get from the surface to the underground and vice versa, not including a portal.

Since Level 15 is the cap, I suggest getting Cleave. It will help a ton in map 3.
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Unread postby Kalah » 18 May 2013, 06:58

Looks all right, this. :)
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Unread postby Ell1e » 18 May 2013, 18:30

I had Tactics on my Raelag and can confirm that you don't get to split your stacks in that sneaking fight. It wasn't too hard, just make sure you block as many enemy shooters as possible. Losses don't matter since I don't think you get to keep the survivors anyways.

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Unread postby Mytical » 19 May 2013, 02:01

You don't. You also do not lose any from your army that are destroyed in this battle.
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Unread postby Mytical » 21 May 2013, 02:36

The Quest for the Unkown Tear.

What Dynasty Traits to take

Though I prefer economic dynasty don't start with a town. I focus on a good start of the map, as a good start makes the end game a little bit easier. So...

Noble Steed (+5 movement for first week), the +3 movement, +3 Core, +1 Elite, and the one that reduces costs of ore (etc) in the market place.

With only 3 towns and 2 external buildings..this is a small map.

You come with a level 12 from the previous map (if you have leveled him even better), but I forget their name. I built him with economic skills (+1 creatures/week, reduce costs of build 20%, +20% on everything you pick up, and count as an extra marketplace + Logistics and Pathfinding) they picked up everything, following the main hero. He will fall WAY behind (your main hero has +8 total movement/day over him) but that is ok.

Take Town A and when feasible build upto the town portal so you can jump back to town if/when needed, and clear the area around it then head south. Take Fort B. There is a quest person to the north of B, it is optional. Since you are picking up everything from the ground anyhow, might as well take the quest. Your next objective is to reach Town C and claim it for your own.

This opens up the doors above Town A, but unless pressed keep clearing the entire area around Town C including the area to the North. Once you have the two pieces of Ore, gate back to Town A, then portal next to the quest person and give him the ore. Gate back to your main town and head north. Your next objective is Town D. Clear out everything around the town before heading toward the bridge.
Here you will find A person trapped in Stasis, and … one heck of a Boss Battle. This Kirin is not your ordinary Kirin with around 80k Hitpoints. It will be a very tough battle, so since there is no further danger except for this boss..feel free to hang around and build up your army.

When fighting this boss, on Round two he will summon a tsunami like effect.. When he does (and any time in the combat he resummons it) make sure as many stacks as possible are behind the Pillars. That spell HURTS. Also beware of Riptide. If you don’t move the stack it is cast on asap it will do a ton of damage (it targets a square, not a stack)..but the boss has a habit of freezing a unit in place meaning you can not escape it.
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Unread postby Mytical » 21 May 2013, 16:53

The Doom that came to Kronos


I hate, hate, hate this map. Most of your enemies are Inferno which is not exactly bad as if you have Arachne equipped you have a free mass life drain. The problem lies in their towns. If they have their special building built you will be taking damage for each turn you are outside of the towns. Which is where mass haste comes into play for all your Dragons, Manticore/Scorpicore, and faceless. At least SOME of your units won’t be hit every turn. Also, late in the game you can finish up the Assassin set if you’ve followed my walkthrough which helps your creatures avoid attacks. If you don’t have haste, however, the best bet is to use the best artifacts for each slot instead. So look for mass haste scrolls.
You will not have enough money or resources EVER even if you took all resource Dynasty Traits. Also, finally there is a Tear in this quest. Makes your creature growth pretty insane.

Dynasty Traits +3 Movement, +10% gold from all sources, +3 Core, +1 Elite, Better prices at the market for resources (eventually this loses its effect as you will have so many marketplaces so you can substitute..but I think it is very handy early game)

You start out in Town A. Again I would advise you to get a might hero day one for ore/wood and to help flag/pick up items. Yes you have one hero, but it is very difficult to flag both starting mines with one secondary hero. Plus, you need all the ore/wood you can get. At a1 there are some stalkers to pick up who tell you that at 1 there is a gate from which inferno units are being summoned. Time to do some curb stomping. Finish the inferno troops off, then immediately claim Fort B. You will get a cut scene showing you 3 where yet another gate is (.At the b1, b2, and b3 there are arcane libraries that you need to visit in order to close this portal)

This triggers ‘The Prince of Chaos’ to come your way. If you hit the observation tower you will see a training center at a2 and get a quest to rebuild it. You really don’t need it, but the reward is nice..if you can find the resources to do it. You can pick up your first Moondisk Fragment here. Go clear out the area and claim Fort C and another Moondisk Fragment. This seems to trigger haven Heroes coming from 2 (It might also be at a certain time, was not paying attention). There will be two waves. If needed summon your secondary hero to Fort B to reinforce your main hero or gate your main hero back to your main town and upgrade, then port to the Fort and head north after dealing with the first Haven Hero. At 4 you will find another stationary Inferno army (NOT ‘The Prince of Chaos’), who are pestering some Manticores, Faceless, and Minotaur’s. If you’ve upgraded these, make sure to have a secondary hero following your main hero in order to pick them up. I actually advise NOT to upgrade them until you have claimed these stacks. Saves a lot of hassle of having to gate back to upgrade them to fit into your army.

Keeping a careful watch out for the Prince and head for Town D. In all the times I’ve played..this town ALWAYS has a tear on it’s main hero. I think it is scripted that way. Also claim the arcane library while you are here. As long as you are not hounded by the Prince, Start making your way to Fort E, might as well claim the last Moondisk Fragment on your way..and once you have claimed Fort E time to go back to your main town. Now even if Town D has a Advanced long as your main town does also there is a way to make sure you port to your main town. Just have two secondary heroes in Town D. Since there is no room, your main guy will instead go to your main town. Either leave the tear here with a secondary hero, or if you can afford it.. build the Tear Building. You get no summon phoenix disk this time.

Head toward Town F as soon as possible, and also claim the second Arcane Library here. The way to Town J is blocked, so head toward Fort G. Claim it, summon backup via a secondary hero, and head toward {b}Town H[/b]. Once you claim the Arcane Library here, you still have to visit 3 in order to close it, which opens up the doors to Town J. The people from this town seem pretty stationary, so if there are none left from the gate at 3 you can take your time and build your army up, clearing the rest of the map. Visit Town F on day one, buying every last creature you can. Sell all excess artifacts that your hero will not be wearing to build your cash up. Then..rush Town J.
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Unread postby Ell1e » 22 May 2013, 08:07

The Prince only became active for me after I captured the first demon town. There was a short scene and one of his lackeys teleported in on the next turn through the demon portal at 3. I then found out that you can completely prevent this invasion by not taking any of the demon towns until you have closed the portal. Since the other two Inferno enemies are largely dormant, this is easier than it sounds. Occasionally they would send out one of their heroes but with town portals there's enough time to chase them away. As long as you close the second portal before advancing the main quest, this is really no problem.

I got lucky with deciding where to go on this map. My general strategy was to pick the enemies off one after another. First the demon portal at 1 (what happens if you let it open anyways?), then the angels at 2, then the second portal and after that both demon groups at once. While I was getting ready for the boss fight, the last demon group sent out one of their heroes to go after my first town, but I was faster. The angel hero will go straight for your town without paying attention to your forts and heroes.

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Unread postby Mytical » 22 May 2013, 09:02

The angels don't always ignore your fort. I learned that the hard way. As for closing the second portal first before the towns, never tried that.

As for the prince, that is odd. I've played the map four times now, and each time he was active for me before I reached the part where the stationary inferno hero was menacing the manticores, minotaurs, and faceless.
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Unread postby Kalah » 22 May 2013, 12:05

Sounds like we could have some good cooperation here - stuff to add to the walkthrough eventually, maybe? :)
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Unread postby Mytical » 22 May 2013, 14:09

Believe me, need all the help I can get :D
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Unread postby Kalah » 22 May 2013, 16:43

Well, I think the first map looks fairly complete now. :)
Maybe a few details like what the skills are called could be added. What's it called, "the one that causes Lurker attacks to reduce stats"?
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Unread postby Ell1e » 23 May 2013, 07:29

Maybe it's because I was playing on Normal? The Prince's turns weren't visible until after I got the first town and I thought it was intentional.

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