Be careful what you wish for, a problem I faced in one of the maps of my last campaign where you had to defeat several AI heroes was the AI tendency to combine forces. This frequently created near impossible armies; occasionally they just transferred creatures which would create one impossible and one push over army. So in equilibris anyway you get the splitting and combining.furret wrote:^ You know, I WISH the computer was smart enough to even think of splitting the army.
The bottom line is the AI is unpredictable and all you can do is increase the odds it will act as you want. Sometimes you get it and other times you don’t.
furret wrote: *edit: Another question, this time about Change Owner script: I know how to change owner from none to certain color, but can I make it work backwords or to another color without the game getting crashed?
That does work, in fact if you wish to remove an AI hero you must change it to no owner (gray) before you eliminate it, otherwise the game will crash. What I do is the eliminate script starts with change owner to gray, then the hero fights an impossible army say 999 angels. Now because the change owner script has to be placed on the army this means, if the hero separates from the creature army, the script goes with them. If you then try and eliminate the hero it will not occur.