Your Favourite M&M

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).

Which is your favourite Might & Magic game?

Might & Magic
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Might & Magic II
Might & Magic III
Might & Magic IV
Might & Magic V
Might & Magic VI
Might & Magic VII
Might & Magic VIII
Might & Magic IX
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Unread postby hellegennes » 27 Mar 2013, 20:29

Sir Charles wrote:I voted for MM2 Gates to Another World. Unlike Ryder, I started with the first game, but leap in quality and depth from 1 to 2 was amazing.

There were clearly 3 incarnations of MM games.


Each group was vastly different from the previous and each game was strikingly similar to the others in their group.

#2, 3 & 6 were the best games IMO from each group. While I liked the Xeen games, Gates and Mandate were far and away the best MM games made.
You can actually put 9 on a separate iteration. It doesn't fit with 6-8.

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Bandobras Took
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 27 Mar 2013, 20:30

It would have been transitional if it hadn't been unfinished.
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby Ryder » 27 Mar 2013, 20:51

Sir Charles wrote:I voted for MM2 Gates to Another World.

Amen brother. I read through one of our MM2 threads on your forums the other day. Made me want to play it again. :-D
Unlike Ryder, I started with the first game, but leap in quality and depth from 1 to 2 was amazing.
I was a fair way through MM2 when I bought MM1. It was impossible to play after playing MM2 for so long. So much better.

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Unread postby hellegennes » 28 Mar 2013, 08:06

Bandobras Took wrote:It would have been transitional if it hadn't been unfinished.
I wouldn't say so. MM6-8 had a lot in common. They shared the same engine, for one. Their mechanics were practically the same, MM9 deviated in terms of gameplay. You wouldn't face large group of enemies, the inventory worked differently, it had a completely different dialogue system, it was 3D, the class system was different, etc.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Mar 2013, 08:13

Ryder wrote:
GreatEmerald wrote:Heh, when I checked this poll a couple of days ago, the results were pretty much in a normal distribution curve, with the average being The Mandate of Heaven. Though it seems like there's no love for Clouds of XEEN - but I suppose that's because people mean that their favourite is the whole World of XEEN and thus they vote for Darkside.
Clouds of Xeen is awful compared to Darkside. By the time you're strong enough to defeat Morgana and Xetoc? in Sandcaster, you can go back to Clouds and map the whole continent with Day of Protection and Day of Sorcery cast. The amount of experience you get on Clouds pales in comparison to Darkside too.
Arret wrote:Clouds is a good game, but not the best and possibly the worst of 2nd generation. That being said, you should try actually playing Clouds, as in don't go to Darkside at all until you have cleared Cloudside with the Volcano Cave, Dragon Cave, and of course killing Xeen.
People tent to forget, that after what we saw in MM3 (huge world and long game) MM4 was short and very unsatisfying. I mean 20 levels (IIRC) compare to 200? It is like after M6 you play MM8 - it would be short and simple.
MM4 is only good as part of WoX, the it's like prologue to proper adventure.

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Unread postby Tress » 28 Mar 2013, 09:26

People tent to forget, that after what we saw in MM3 (huge world and long game) MM4 was short and very unsatisfying. I mean 20 levels (IIRC) compare to 200? It is like after M6 you play MM8 - it would be short and simple.
MM4 is only good as part of WoX, the it's like prologue to proper adventure.
First of all mm 4 is meant to be played in tandem with mm5 - i. e wox. Second mm4 as standalone - Level cap does not equal content. We should count square, amount of dungeons or whatever else. Perhaps it is somewhat smaller than mm3 but not by much Surface i think was equal. Amount of dungeons should be close.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Mar 2013, 12:29

Go to a dungeon in MM3 and go to a dungeon in MM4 - you will see what wrong is with MM4 standalone in comparasion to previous game. Not only dungeons themselves but also riddles and quests are just more simple. MM5 fixed this all but still MM4 was minor step back.
We should count square, amount of dungeons or whatever else.
MM6 has 15 adventure zones, MM8 has 14 adventure zones but there is a great difference between them.
First of all mm 4 is meant to be played in tandem with mm5 - i. e wox.
Same as MM1-2 perhaps? Or HoMM5+ToE? :P
If you are saying that standalone game, which MM4 still is, need to be played with other game/add-on to be good, then something is not right.
Yes, WoX as a whole is great, but in the poll you have each title separated. I don't see there WoX option.

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Unread postby MM6Kergmond » 28 Mar 2013, 12:41

Hi, i'm new on this forum!

I've voted for Might and Magic 6 but i must say i only played at the 6,7 and 8.
Windows Vista is a problem for the others...
I chose 6 because it's the first i played and because it's the longuest of the three i tried.
I also enjoyed the diversity of the universe alot.
However, i must say that MM8, if too short and easy, if lacking of content is full of great ideas and creativity and i would put it in second.

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Unread postby Tress » 28 Mar 2013, 12:48

Same as MM1-2 perhaps? Or HoMM5+ToE?
Well I cant freely import mm1 characters to mm2 or homm5 to TOE. So that comparison is not really in place.

I have played mm3 and 4/5 and I can say that content wise 4 is somewhat simpler but not by that much to say that it is disappointment. For example there are cloud zones, personal castle, Things that mm3 did not had, much more refined engine of mm4 which places way over mm3 in appeal. Sure darkside is more hardcore(but it should be as it is next installment), but argument of 20 levels isnt really that good, since hours to complete all of mm4 is not that much smaller than mm3. There of course is somewhat problem that main quest of killing Xeen hardly requires to venture all zones. (I dont remember that correctly but I think you had to cover some 1/3 of overland, well there was credit gathering which required some traveling but still)
Windows Vista is a problem for the others...
There is DOXbox for that problem, which in fact makes game to have much less problems that awkward comp ability of mm6-8 for systems past xp, Sure there are patches but still, they are largely unnoficial, and there are still some problems with running mm6-8 on Vista.

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Unread postby tolich » 28 Mar 2013, 13:29

Avonu wrote:20 levels
23, actually (including bonuses from Witch Clouds, Golems and Shangri-La). Doesn't matter though.
tress wrote:Well I cant freely import mm1 characters to mm2.
Err, you can.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 28 Mar 2013, 19:52

MM6Kergmond wrote:I've voted for Might and Magic 6 but i must say i only played at the 6,7 and 8.
Windows Vista is a problem for the others...
Yea, as mentioned, you're supposed to use DOSBox for the DOS titles. has those pre-configured already; and for standalone games, you can use tools like DBGL that makes configuration a lot simpler than using raw DOSBox.

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Unread postby MM6Kergmond » 28 Mar 2013, 22:45

There is DOXbox for that problem, which in fact makes game to have much less problems that awkward comp ability of mm6-8 for systems past xp, Sure there are patches but still, they are largely unnoficial, and there are still some problems with running mm6-8 on Vista.
Yea, as mentioned, you're supposed to use DOSBox for the DOS titles. has those pre-configured already; and for standalone games, you can use tools like DBGL that makes configuration a lot simpler than using raw DOSBox.
Thanks alot for both of you. I've sometimes made resarches but it was never clear about it. At least i now know that Dosbox is necessary.
Thanks alot for the sites and references!

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Unread postby Arret » 28 Mar 2013, 23:32

Same as MM1-2 perhaps?
You can import MM1 characters to MM2 but there are some restrictions.
Windows Vista is a problem for the others...
DOSBox is the easiest way to play the DOS games. If you need help configuring it just ask. Start with 3 and go to 5.

I liked 2, but the system limitations become apparent fast (graphics, saving only at taverns, underdeveloped cartography skill, respawns).

I wouldn't advise 1 or 9 unless you are dedicated.

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Unread postby Flodarien » 29 Mar 2013, 02:12

tress wrote:
Windows Vista is a problem for the others...
There is DOXbox for that problem, which in fact makes game to have much less problems that awkward comp ability of mm6-8 for systems past xp, Sure there are patches but still, they are largely unnoficial, and there are still some problems with running mm6-8 on Vista.
Actually, I use Win Vista myself, and I have no problem with running MM6-8, with Greyface's patch. And I have no problems running anything else either.

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Unread postby hellegennes » 29 Mar 2013, 04:46

I too have no problem running any of the games in vista or XP 64.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 29 Mar 2013, 09:20

Arret wrote:DOSBox is the easiest way to play the DOS games. If you need help configuring it just ask. Start with 3 and go to 5.

I liked 2, but the system limitations become apparent fast (graphics, saving only at taverns, underdeveloped cartography skill, respawns).

I wouldn't advise 1 or 9 unless you are dedicated.
I'd say start with MM1 and go upwards. Otherwise you'll never get to playing MM1 at all, plus the storyline will be inconsistent due to jumping around.

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Unread postby Arret » 01 Apr 2013, 06:59

If the idea is completion, then yes start with 1. If you just want to explore the MM universe more, which seems to be what he is asking for, go 3,4,5,2 and skip 1 and 9.

2 has some tie-ins with 8, but the graphics drop is severe and this is without getting into things like respawns when you leave zones and tavern saving.

I didn't feel that MM1 really adds much to the plot and the no mapping feature isn't something that is going to grab interest for someone that has only plated 6-8. Anything missed you can catch up on in the computer terminals in the spaceships on Darkside.

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Re: Your Favourite M&M

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 01 Apr 2013, 08:59

Kalah wrote:Which is your favourite Might & Magic game?
That'll be MM7. The game play is quite solid, the soundtrack is great and the storyline offers some nice witty dialog along with a chance to enjoy for hours and hours of that funny and addictive built-in minigame called Arcomage.

What is there not to like?

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Unread postby Dharcness » 06 Apr 2013, 03:55

MM6, not because it's my first MM game. and not because it's my first western rpg ( Diablo doesn't count ). But because of all the fond memories I have with this game.

1. My first party was knight knight knight cleric ( spells are for the sissy, but the little booklet tell me to include a healer to HEAL my party ). So off I go charging into an army of mages. That didn't go well.

2. After reading the manual, My second party is Knight, Paladin , Cleric , Druid ( I include a druid because I might need that town portal, waterwalk and torchlight spell).

3. It took me 6 months game time to clear up abandon temple of baa in New Sorpigal. Why? because my characters were wielding the starting clubs!

4. What is killing me when I'm flying in town? Is this a bug? Alright no more flying in town.

5. Gharik Forge is in New Sorpigal, it should be easy right? Nope! The Fire Elementals blast my still virgin party into ashes within 5 seconds. Ordinary people might leave this place as it's too tough for newbie. But I persisted for quite some time to no avail.

6. Accidentally walked across the portal in Castle Ironfist into "Arena" like area and got lost for many days.

7. While trying to clear this new area of castle ironfist I accidentally journey into Free haven. I have to dodge left and right from all the spells the mages cast on me as I take refuge in Castle Temper.

8. While trying to journey back into castle ironfist, I accidentally journey into Mire of the Damned.

9. The fire archer in Free Haven can kill my party really quick. And a group of them is right next to the center of Free Haven town!

10. Diamond gargoyle in Silver Cove are a tough nut to kill. But spells are still for the sissies!

11. Ooooo, Armageddon. What does this do? Boooomm!! *Everyone in town died* Awesome! Maybe spells are not for the sissies afterall!

12. WTF? You mean it's not a bug that kill me while I'm flying in town but a malfuction tower that shoots everything that flies in town? Okay I can fix that.

13. *Accidentally press enter for the first time* The hell? Why can't I move? And why does this hand suddenly appear? As you can tell , the assassin in Misty Island actually manage to kill my character with their special attack because I never go turn base.

14. Why is my wizard eye keep on failing in Castle Darkmoor? *cast wizard eye* *gone* *cast wizard eye* *gone* *cast wizard eye* *gone*

15. How do you solve that puzzle in Castle Alamos? Aha! Internet!! Oooo..there's lots of info in the internet. *smack forehead* So this is how you should play the game!

Unfortunately, The other MM games doesn't give me the same kind of Ooh! Aaah! anymore.

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Unread postby the beavers1 » 06 Apr 2013, 04:19

LOL I know how you feel! :D
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