Megom Chronicles Project

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Assryn » 28 Dec 2012, 12:35

No need to thank me, it's only normal, you did an amazing job on this campaign and i can't wait to play the next part :D ! Keep up this awesome work of yours and good luck ;D !

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 28 Dec 2012, 12:50

Thanks for so kind words!

I will say additionally that 6th map of MC: Memory Crystal have a tricky victory condition. It will be something like gather resources in time but more complicated. :) further maps 7th and 8th I hope will blow your minds :D

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 28 Dec 2012, 20:50

gather resources in time? I thought you didn't do such maps ;)
still looking forward to it, and my you work quick. I almost get exhausted just by thinking of how fast you have progressed with your newest campaign

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Unread postby Taro » 01 Jan 2013, 07:54

How many testers do you have right now? How many you wish?

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 01 Jan 2013, 21:42

I think it's too early to talk about tests. I have yet a lot of work to do. Firstly I must play it myself :) Still if anyone wants to test it you can write me PM now or later. I will certainly write here if I look for testers.

By my testing experience I think that three testers are enough. It is good that they have various gaming skills. I mean that they can play on different difficulties (eg. Novice, Advenced, Champion).

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 05 Jan 2013, 10:32

The counter of the Megom Chronicles: Tales of Souls campaign hit 1000 downloads. Thank you all for playing it! Maybe you can do better and hit 2000 downloads? ;)

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 20 Jan 2013, 13:16

Hello all!

I have this really great idea of mine. I thought it would be great if I could answer your questions from previous campaign in the new one. So here's the way we will do it:

Ask me in your comments about some things including geography and history of Aalondor continent and I will answer them all in the next campaign in a special quest hut which will be something like Library of Aalondor's History. The questions can be inspired by The Megom Chronicles and The Astral Romance campaigns. I am awiating your questions!

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Unread postby Taro » 20 Jan 2013, 13:55

Ok, so:

1) Astus - what he did during Battle of Estwick?

2) Halard - who he was before becoming a vampiere?

3) Illusion Island - how Illusionist took control of this?

4) Talluvn - who the hell he was? :devil:

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Unread postby Assryn » 16 Feb 2013, 20:45

I come for some news :D
How are you doing ?

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 21 Feb 2013, 17:44

Update on 21.02.2013

I made the whole landscape and scripts of map 7th. The only thing is to do is to write all text messages and test the map and adjust some things. After that I will do the last map which will be XL map. But it will have less scripts so it won't be so long to do it. I can say that in 2013 (if nothing will stop me) the campaign will be ready to release.

The 7th map has lots of riddles and challanges. So fans of chessboard from MC:ToS, won't be dissapointed!

Still you can dowload the first part of the story from this link

You can also write down all your questions about the history and geography of Aalondor. The questions will be answered in the game, so this is way you can influance on the new part of the story!

I attach also the screenshot of the 7th map which will be the official screenshot after a release.


Michal Krajewski aka Duzeom

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 24 Feb 2013, 13:06

looks interesting :-)

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Unread postby Assryn » 09 Mar 2013, 22:20

Any news Duzeom ? :D

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 10 Mar 2013, 11:41

Assryn wrote:Any news Duzeom ? :D
Update on 10.03.2013:

The project is slowly progressing but it soon will be on hold because I am starting a job since first of April. Don't worry though, I am still panning to release it in 2013.

Thank you for your interest Assryn, but please be little patient :) Did you played the first part "Megom Chronicles: Tales of Souls"? Or my first campaign released here "The Astral Romance"? If yes you can ask me about some tricky things about geography and history of Aalondor. The answers will be in the game! :D

I encourage everyone who liked my previous campaigns to post here. Such support will surely help me in the work on new campaign. And many new players will hear about this great project! :hoo:

Still only few people know about this great campaign which saddens me :(. That's why I want to little promote my work by making an official website and short movies. It is only in plans and I don't know if I will have time for that. I am only one in this project so works are slow.

So these are potential task for upcoming year:
1. Make the last 8th map. (essential)
2. Testing and polishing the campaign. (essential)
3. Promoting the campaign and whole series of Megom Chronicles. (additional)
4. Making new menu. (additional)

I am still looking some talented artists, who could help me making some pictures describing the Megom's journey.

The new campaign is more grim and gray than previous. The main hero is uncompromising and ill-natured. The most common surface will be dirt and swamp to reflect the soul of main hero and his beloved country - Duchy of Gloath. Gloath is a place swarming with thieves, drunk men and immoral merchants. In such environment every kind-hearted hero would become a bad person. Campaign slowly kicks off to a sudden and epic ending. Be sure to follow the new unique story!

Michal Krajewski aka Duzeom

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Unread postby Ehlesgens! » 10 Mar 2013, 13:05

Hello Duzeom :D !

I just finished the first campaign and I must say you are really good at mapmaking !

You've made great landscapes, my favorite is Urzac Glacier, the fifth mission, the map is huge and yet very detailed, just amazing !
I loved the fact you've added new creature banks in the form of quest huts, like the Behemot cavern or the "Hole in the Ground" (this one reminds of the demon lair in Heroes II for some reason ^^) !

I would rate it 9.5/10 (because of my being unable to figure out the chess puzzle ^^ I'm not detailing my review in order not to spoil the story ^^)

I loved the story, the maps, the thing you did with the chaos altar was pure genius, in one word -Amazing !-

Do you think you could draw a basic map of how you see Aalondor ? with the mountains, forest, swamps, etc ... ? I would love to know more about its geography
Duzeom_ wrote: I am still looking some talented artists, who could help me making some pictures describing the Megom's journey.
I would love to help you :D !
I've also seen you talk about making a new menu (optionally), do you need help for that as well ? I could help you if you wish ^^

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 10 Mar 2013, 15:41

Very thank you for your kind words, Ehlesgens!
(because of my being unable to figure out the chess puzzle ^^ I'm not detailing my review in order not to spoil the story ^^)
I see that many players have difficulty with it. Sorry to say but the new campaign will have even more complicated logic riddles. :devious:
I loved the fact you've added new creature banks in the form of quest huts, like the Behemot cavern or the "Hole in the Ground" (this one reminds of the demon lair in Heroes II for some reason ^^) !
Such huts will also occur in new campaign. They will also have a little connection to the plot.
Do you think you could draw a basic map of how you see Aalondor ? with the mountains, forest, swamps, etc ... ? I would love to know more about its geography
I made such map for my purposes only. I had this idea that if you would play the newest campaign very attentively player would get such a map as a bonus reward. Someday I will surely publish it (but not before releasing the campaign).
I've also seen you talk about making a new menu (optionally), do you need help for that as well ? I could help you if you wish ^^
Yes I could use some of your help. The idea is to swap the picture in the main menu with fan made. That's why I need talented artist who could paint something nice for me. But I recently thought that some of the images there in the internet would do a job. Unfortunately they wouldn't connect to the main story, but still it would be nice. Still it needs some skill in image processing.

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Unread postby Ehlesgens! » 10 Mar 2013, 16:20

Duzeom_ wrote: Yes I could use some of your help. The idea is to swap the picture in the main menu with fan made. That's why I need talented artist who could paint something nice for me. But I recently thought that some of the images there in the internet would do a job. Unfortunately they wouldn't connect to the main story, but still it would be nice. Still it needs some skill in image processing.
If you wish, send me a private message and tell me what you would like, I'll do my best to help ^^ I'm used to do photo-modification, digital drawing, watercolor painting, ink painting, knife painting, charcoal drawing, color shades work and of course pencil drawing ^^ and I can make custom portrait for the heroes as well ^^

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 10 Mar 2013, 22:06

Duzeom: I wasn't really left with any unanswered questions after playing you campaigns, so I can't really contribute with any Q's you could answer in the upcomming one, but I can highly recommand your prev. campaigns, and I think it's great that you continue the story, and still making it possible for new commers to play it, without feeling they miss a lot of background story.. Anxiously awaiting..

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 12 Mar 2013, 13:22

As I mentioned before I decided to make an official page of Megom Chronicles Project. News will be doubled, that means that I will post here and on my site. But I strongly encourage to visit and subscribe my page because there will be more curiosities than here. Stay Tuned.

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 12 Mar 2013, 14:21

Great. Very interesting to be able to read some background story to this project. Still looking forward to playing the last part

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Unread postby MadMax » 12 Mar 2013, 14:41

You seem to have some nice activity here in your thread haha!

Another sits in his thread, waiting and waiting for thoose replies, even though we have views in their 100s every day! ;)

Congratulations, and nice looking website :)
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