I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?

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I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?

Unread postby mani » 18 Jan 2013, 15:34

Fleetfingers' every skill bonus doesn't stack with ring and amulet.(Armsmaster, Disarm Trap)
It stacks normaly with belt, boots, helm, cloak, armor, weapon.
(Gauntlet is impossible because yu can't equip 2 Guantlets)

If you equip three or more items bonus to disarm or armsmaster, highest bonus will aplly.
(ex : Fleetfingers +8 / Boots of armsmaster +3 / Amulet of armsmaster +12 : Armsmaster gets +12 bonus.
Fleetfingers +8 / Boots of armsmaster +3 / Amulet of armsmaster +9 : Armsmaster gets +11 bonus from fleetfingers and boots.)

This bug still occur even under Greyface's patch.

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Unread postby Variol » 18 Jan 2013, 20:57

Oh, that's kinda weird. I don't think I knew about that.

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Joined: 16 Jan 2013

Re: I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?

Unread postby mani » 19 Jan 2013, 14:17

mani wrote:It stacks normaly with belt, boots, helm, cloak, armor, weapon.
I made a mistake. It doesn't stack with boots, either.
Even more wired...

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