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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby sansa » 07 Apr 2010, 08:16

Once happened BOTH Ornella and Arantir started this mission with Death Embrace sets. I'm not remember exactly why, but I think it was related with a way how I finished the previous mission. When I put complete set just before the end of the Bull's Wake on Arantir, only he had whole set at the start of this mission,what was normal, but when Ornella ware it at the very end of the , both of them started with complete sets in Beasts Bones. I think that I was playing with no patch (but I am not sure), nevertheless this is no mentioned as a bug fixed by patch. Has anyone had happened this situation? I must admit, I was very happy about it, there's no need to explain how is easier to play with both heroes having full Death Embrace set!

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby sansa » 07 Apr 2010, 08:18

And both of them had carried it to the last mission!

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby Dstr » 27 May 2010, 18:39

playing on heroic...

a very very easy mission. in 2 months and a half i took all stats, res. on the map...

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby VAMPSVSZOUNDS » 10 Jul 2010, 18:13

In my game,I had to choose between 30 ore,3k gold and a Tunic of Valor as a starting bonus.I play the same version.I don't know whether it is a bug or not.

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby DarthBob » 25 Sep 2010, 14:34

Edited on Sat, Sep 25 2010, 18:35 by DarthBob

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby DarthBob » 25 Sep 2010, 14:36

Although i can finish the level, i've ye to finish off the yellow base with the 438 Cyclops and the rest of this base's Orcish horde. I've tried nearly all advice above. To no avail.

Using Ornella for example, I have Expert level: Necromancy (Eternal Servitude, Mark of the Necromancer, Banshee Howl); Attack (Battle Frenzy, Archery, Flaming Arrows); Dark Magic (Fallen Knight, Master of Pain), War Machines (Ballista, Tremor); and Summoning Magic (Master of Conjuration).

Using spells I have (particularly in "trying" to defeat the 438 Cyclops) include: Frenzy, Summon Phoenix, Slow, Vulnerability, Blind, Puppet Master, Raise Dead and Mark of the Necromancer.

Every time I battle the yellow base with Ornella, her Expert War Machines skill (normally useful) auto "immediately" catapults down the the front gate. Yes, I have no Catapult (control) Skill. From the outset, the gate is eliminated. In quick time the walls are also down. I want the walls intact! There are too many breaches - the orcs can flood out.

I have about 838 skeleton archers, 147 Vampire Lords, 91 Wraiths, 116 Arch Liches, 222 Poltergeists. 35 Spectral Dragons and 472 Rot Zombies. Often I leave the Zombies and even the Dragons with Arantir, so that I can split the Poltergeists up into 3 groups.

I have even tried just using Poltergeists in the army (split into 7 smaller groups). Basically just using a combination of spells mentioned above. The idea being is that Phoenix and flaming double-shot Ballista do the attacking on the "marked" ("vulnerability" caused zero defense) Cyclops while the Poltergeists move about the map.

I've tried everything mentioned above. However, because the damn walls are all knocked down, its too tricky for Ornella to have enough time to repeatedly raise Poltergeist dead, and re-summon enough eliminated Phoenix, while the Cyclops have monstrous walking range and attack.

Usually I get to a situation of only the Cyclops left (it having lost only about 100 units) after all other orc troops have been Frezied or PMed into extinction.

Discussing some comments above:

In my situation, how does one "lead" the Cyclops down to the Centaur anyway? I have many breaches in the walls remember.

And, how do PMed or Frenzied Slayers take out 30-50 Cyclops "every" attack? The Slayers only get "one" attack, then they're killed by Cyclops' retaliation strike!

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby DarthBob » 25 Sep 2010, 22:35

Edited on Sat, Sep 25 2010, 18:37 by DarthBob

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby DarthBob » 25 Sep 2010, 22:36

Edited on Sat, Sep 25 2010, 18:39 by DarthBob

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby DarthBob » 25 Sep 2010, 22:38

Oh, and Ornella and Arantir are both Level 24 Necromancers. I have the Death's Embrace set and the 2-piece Urgash set among other items.

And, what is so thrilling about using the Wasp Swarm spell in this battle?

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby tangado » 10 May 2011, 23:10

İt was an amazing fight with yellow.ı have only 88 poltergeist and 159 vampires ı have no lost!!!

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby Ravenblade » 22 Aug 2011, 22:41

As I am playing the whole campaigns on Normal difficulty there was not much trouble with this mission.

Actually managed to beat that Stronghold town with Ornella who had Expert Dark Magic but still was level 24 and I equipped her with both Urgash/Death Embrace set and only had acceptable losses aside from mismanaging my 470 Vampire Princes and 95 Spectral Dragons and losing them all to the cyclops. Obviously I went in with around 290 Lichmasters, 2k Archers, 1.8k Poltergeists and 250ish Wraiths. Actually if I had to do it again I'd only deploy 5 Spectral Dragons instead of the whole stack (and keep resurrecting them). I didn't bother with puppet master much because I found in this fight it is more effective to just spam Frenzy on Slayers until they die and have Mass Confusion up (lasting around 5 rounds at least) so retaliation doesn't hurt much.

Of course doing it with Arantir is a whole different story. But I wanted to end the mission with both heroes level-capped which I succeeded with! :)
Edited on Mon, Aug 22 2011, 18:42 by Ravenblade

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 29 Nov 2011, 03:52

My own advice on defeating the mighty orc fortress.

-Work on wiping out everyone but the bloodeyed cyclopes first, as the cyclopes will take a while to beat down.

-Take advantage of the bloodeyed cyclopes fire breath attacks. Use it to wipe out some of the other orc units/war machines.

-Visit the mana pool to get double your maximum mana, that way you won't have to waste time with mark of the necromancer.

-Use Phantom image on your strongest stacks within range of the cyclopes and pound the cyclopes with the phantom so your real units won't suffer retaliation attacks.

-The computer is often dumb enough to waste attacks on your phantom images of large stacks rather than attacking the original (standing right next to their cyclopes). I killed almost 100 cyclopes with a phantom copy of 1,300 ghosts, before the computer finally wised up and took out the original stack of ghosts.

-If you have a spare turn and no other curses to apply or phantom images to create than use earthquake. Your phantom images will last longer (and likely eat up the cyclopes turn attacking it) if they have less people attacking it.

-I'd suggest puppet mastering the slayers and getting them killed off by the cyclopes.

-Once the cyclopes finally run out of blood rage armor they'll go down MUCH easier. I started killing 20 to 50 cyclopes an attack (50 with 220+ wraiths) once they lost their blood rage.

-Don't forget to take out the enemy war machines, especially the ballista. They may be weak but they're still dangerous to your phantom image.

I won the battle with almost all my Wraiths/Liches/Skeleton Archers/Zombies still standing, as well as around 20 spectral dragons (though that's 90 less than I started the battle with).

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby gerardmajax » 28 Jan 2012, 03:55

Hello everybody,

I'm stuck in this mission for many hours now.

I did everything in the right order, and 2 times.

I still got the objective "find and destroy the demons cave" (i trad it from french) not complete.

I got the demon town, destroyed the portal, got all the mines and artifacts, and finally i caught the blue town. Then the cinematic appears, then it goes back to the map. Nothing happens. WTF !?

Please help me.

I really want to play on the 5th mission, and this is getting me mad ^^.

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 21 Nov 2012, 17:50

I had to try the battle with Yellow three or four times. I don't recall it being that difficult when I did it years ago. Is it new to 3.1 that the hero loses all his mana if the Avatar of Death dies?

The key was Mark of the Necromancer. In my game Arantir didn't have that skill so I eventually had to use Ornella.

Toward the end I would Blind the cyclops stack and frantically Raise Dead for a few turns and then hit the cyclops with Vulnerability a couple of times. It was important to keep the cyclops away from the ammo cart.

One cute thing happened with my Vampire Princes. (I should have had Vampire Lords, it would have been much easier). After many Raise Dead spells, I would raise 17 with 1 HP each. When they got in a successful hit 231 would come back to life! Then I would hopefully cast Phantom Warriors wishing for a bonanza.

Another cute trick though admittedly only marginally useful: I used Puppet Master on the 900 Sky Daughters, once they lost one creature I cast Raise dead on them adding one creature but taking away about 6300 HP from the stack!

Arcane Armor was useful on my shooters to slow down the beating they take from the towers. I was worthless otherwise. My stack of 50 dragons with Arcane Armor was killed by one hit from the cyclops stack.

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Tribes of the East → Will of Asha → Beasts and B

Unread postby Brainiac » 18 Dec 2012, 02:29

I finished this mission, M4. It says I completed it successfully, but it takes me back to the mission screen with only M1 enabled. That's pretty harsh for having successfully completed the mission! I want to do M5. I'm using 3.1 and played this campaign on normal. I tried capturing the town with Ornella once and Arantir once and it made no difference. Suggestions?

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