Bones_xa wrote:I'm here because basically I'm not impressed with the new games of today or at least I have not gotten into them. When I was younger I never played the might and magic games when they came out. Only in the last couple years is when I actually tried them out and got hooked so they are still relatively new to me.
Perhaps I am living in the past.
I feel the same way about games lately.
When I was growing up I used to have a Sega Genesis I played a lot, and a Super Nintendo to, then I was still playing them even after the new game systems came out. The last game system I bought was a Sega Dreamcast. All the games I play now are on PC's.
Even PC games just don't seem to be as good lately. So many games that were pretty decent in the past have disappointed me when sequels came out. It seems the makers just decide "We need to spend all our time on REALLY good looking graphics, gameplay is secondary".
I mean take Lords of the Realm series, the first and second ones were awesome, I used to still replay them from time to time, but now they don't run anymore on newer versions of windows. When Lords of the Realm 3 came out over 10 years after Lords of the Realm 2 I thought it would be an awesome game, but quickly found out 1) they spent tons of time on graphics and not much else in the game, 2) they made so many serious changes to the game that it wasn't really a true a turn based strategy game anymore like the original, it was more like a real time strategy game, but one where there's too much going on for you manage it by yourself.
I think another reason I don't play many new games lately is that a majority of the new games I see in stores are one of three things.
1) A first person shooter type action game. (So many of those games these days can make you dizzy after a while of playing them. And they're all just variations of the same thing, run around with the weapons available in that game shooting people and avoid getting killed. Oh, and some have multi-player versions of that against people)
2) An online game that you have to pay a monthly subscription to keep playing, even after forking over $20 or more just to buy the game in a store. I want a game that I can play for a few months, then get bored of, then come back a year later able to pick right up where I left off. Can't do that with online games with monthly fees.
3) Some kind of a puzzle game (like Portal, some people I work with love that game, not me, puzzle games are fun at first, till you get stuck, or have to time 3 things in a row just right within half a second, then you just get pissed off when you fail)
All of which aren't the kind of game I usually enjoy. I enjoy games that involve strategy.