MOnster Exp

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MOnster Exp

Unread postby question » 10 Apr 2006, 19:54

i have selected the option so my monsters can have exp but...
i have kills alot monsters my hero alrady lvl 45 and my monsters have 0 exp why is that ? and when i see a monster that i can fight it (not an other hero monters)
they have lvls and exps why is that ?
if u know the answer plz tell me it.

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Re: MOnster Exp

Unread postby Pol » 10 Apr 2006, 20:07

B:bug:g Anyone else?

...or some forgotten setting. Did you tried to reinstall or reset the wogify options and set them again?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 10 Apr 2006, 20:11

I think you've picked the wrong options. Can you tell us exactly what options you choose to get XP on your monsters?
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Unread postby question » 24 Apr 2006, 20:01

Gaidal Cain wrote:I think you've picked the wrong options. Can you tell us exactly what options you choose to get XP on your monsters?
sure i cant here:at wog settings all i have chouse is this:
buy all creatures button.
arrow tower gain expirience.
comender are enable.
trops stacks gain expirience.
this is what i have marcked with "V"
and the other is some marked with X some not marked at all.
so what you guys think its the prob and if u can tell me how post here picture i will post screan shot here to make it easyer for you.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 24 Apr 2006, 20:23

OK, if that's what you've got, I was obviously wrong. I thought you'd picked the option where neutral stacks gain experience but not the one that makes stacks in your army.

I trust it isn't so that your moster has experience, but that not enough for them to reach any ranks beyond what they start with? But if you've fought yourself to level 45, that seems very unlikely...
You don't want to make enemies in Nuclear Engineering. -- T. Pratchett

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Unread postby question » 25 Apr 2006, 11:10

my monsters not up any renks at all.
they start with 0 exp i reach lvls 60+ but they hae 0 exp still :(
i dont know what to doo maby u tell me what ops i need to chouse so they up exp.

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Unread postby Shark » 25 Apr 2006, 18:07

here's what, try to gain a few levels (fight) without buying new troops, whenever you join/merge troops, they loose XP (because the new troops have 0 xp and the new ones have xy, the XP lost should be (number of units you had)*xy/((number of units you had) + (number of units you added)), basically (xy+xy+xy+...+xy +0 +0 +0 +...+0) / (number of xy + number of 0) but in most cases it isn't... sometimes it can happen that you have negative XP and you have to make up for it, but most of the times it works out ok) so maybe your units are gaining XP but you *refuel* (recruit) them so often and in such great numbers that they remain on 0 XP...) so you might wanna try to fight with as less units as possible... e.g. try leading 10 crusaders instead of 50, 10 will gain ranks much faster than 50, and if you have 50 and fight a few battles, they will gain like 1000-2000 XP by the end of the week, and when you add another 10 of them at the end of the week, that XP will most probably drop down to 0 (because my formula doesn't work)...

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Unread postby Fnord » 25 Apr 2006, 21:50

Shark wrote:here's what, try to gain a few levels (fight) without buying new troops, whenever you join/merge troops, they loose XP (because the new troops have 0 xp and the new ones have xy, the XP lost should be (number of units you had)*xy/((number of units you had) + (number of units you added)), basically (xy+xy+xy+...+xy +0 +0 +0 +...+0) / (number of xy + number of 0) but in most cases it isn't... sometimes it can happen that you have negative XP and you have to make up for it, but most of the times it works out ok) so maybe your units are gaining XP but you *refuel* (recruit) them so often and in such great numbers that they remain on 0 XP...) so you might wanna try to fight with as less units as possible... e.g. try leading 10 crusaders instead of 50, 10 will gain ranks much faster than 50, and if you have 50 and fight a few battles, they will gain like 1000-2000 XP by the end of the week, and when you add another 10 of them at the end of the week, that XP will most probably drop down to 0 (because my formula doesn't work)...
That's good advice and correct (okay, I didn't check your formulas but it sounds basically right) except that 50 Crusaders will actually gain XP at the same rate as 10 Crusaders.

All creatures gain equal experience from battles no matter how many are in the stack, so it's only adding new ones after (that have no or little XP) that reduces the overall XP of the stack.
- Fnord

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Unread postby Beholder » 26 Apr 2006, 06:48

Long story short - your creatures gain experience only during battles, so if you visit learningn stones, events and knowledge trees only, then you`ll have high level but your troops won`t have any exp at all.

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Unread postby Shark » 26 Apr 2006, 09:49

that and you have to fight a couple of battles with the same troops without adding new ones :)

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Unread postby question » 27 Apr 2006, 12:16

thanks for the help realy i wil try all of it.
If i win one battle vs monsters then my cretures must have exp no ?
after any battle they gain some exp and my creatures i check then every battle and the exp is 0 and i dont buy new once has u said
is 12 thunder lords gain exp slow or fast ? because i won at battle vs vary strong Al and i get like 12000 exp from him im sure that my creatures should have some exp from it am im right ?

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Unread postby Shark » 27 Apr 2006, 13:59

12 thunderlords is a different story, lvl8 creatures don't gain XP the same way as normal units... i think they gain 50%, plus i think they gain XP really slower than the other units... try checking if regular units get XP, if they do -- the script "Level 8 units (don't) gain XP as regular units" is probably your problem (reducing it to 0 instead to 50%) :)

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Unread postby Fnord » 27 Apr 2006, 16:25

question wrote:thanks for the help realy i wil try all of it.
If i win one battle vs monsters then my cretures must have exp no ?
after any battle they gain some exp and my creatures i check then every battle and the exp is 0 and i dont buy new once has u said
is 12 thunder lords gain exp slow or fast ? because i won at battle vs vary strong Al and i get like 12000 exp from him im sure that my creatures should have some exp from it am im right ?
How are you checking their experience?

Are you opening up their Stack Experience screen and looking at the specific amount of experience they have or are you just going by how many little experience marks (the ^ characters and the sword symbols) they have on their picture in the hero screen?
- Fnord

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Unread postby Beholder » 27 Apr 2006, 21:07

question wrote: is 12 thunder lords gain exp slow or fast ? because i won at battle vs vary strong Al and i get like 12000 exp from him im sure that my creatures should have some exp from it am im right ?
well it doesn`t matter - each unit would gain SOME exp. It`s just that units from higher levels require more exp to get some bonusses (fe. lvl1 would need 12000 for rank10 and level 7 unit would need 50000). So either way the exp should be greater than 0.

You could try disabling other scripts - maybe there`s some problem when several particular scripts are turned on at the same time. It`s going to take some time, but it could be the case...

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Unread postby question » 29 Apr 2006, 10:49

I have a good solution for it.
Maby some one of you thats the exp work for him, will make a screan shot of the scripts he use and post the screans here so i can see what to chouse and i will tell you if its work or no :) simple.

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Unread postby question » 29 Apr 2006, 10:53

Fnord wrote:
question wrote:thanks for the help realy i wil try all of it.
If i win one battle vs monsters then my cretures must have exp no ?
after any battle they gain some exp and my creatures i check then every battle and the exp is 0 and i dont buy new once has u said
is 12 thunder lords gain exp slow or fast ? because i won at battle vs vary strong Al and i get like 12000 exp from him im sure that my creatures should have some exp from it am im right ?
How are you checking their experience?

Are you opening up their Stack Experience screen and looking at the specific amount of experience they have or are you just going by how many little experience marks (the ^ characters and the sword symbols) they have on their picture in the hero screen?
I open the Stack Expirience screen and look if there is more then 0 Expirience and i see all the time only 0 Expirience.
And at battles I look at my monsters and i dont see any "^" or swords symbols.

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Unread postby question » 29 Apr 2006, 13:33

Ok guys i not have Expirience with my monsters :) thanks you all for your help.

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Unread postby Shark » 29 Apr 2006, 22:27

i didn't get that last one... so it was turned off or what ?
well, i guess you *fixed* the problem, or found a solution for it... i'm just glad we helped :)

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