H6 Expansion Announced

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby Kalah » 04 Oct 2012, 16:53

<img src="/images/news/H6expansion_darkelf.jpg" align=right vspace=5 hspace=5>The official site has <a href="/http://might-and-magic.ubi.com/heroes-6 ... nounced</a> that a stand-alone expansion to <i>Might & Magic: Heroes VI</i> is scheduled for release in the spring 2013.

Being a stand-alone expansion, this means that by purchasing the new release, you will get the whole game with the existing patches as well as the new contents. Adding to the line-up of factions in the game is the <b>Dungeon</b>, led by the dark elves:

<i>The Dark Elves have left the forests of Irollan, made a pact with the mysterious Faceless and escaped extermination, becoming underground renegades, stealthy and revered assassins.</i>

We will continue to monitor the web for more information about the expansion.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby Cristian » 04 Oct 2012, 17:04

Great to see the game isn't dead. So this means that it's very likely regular elves and magicians will come in other expansions.

And another good rumour is that patch 1.8 is expected next week, with many improvements... http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=38132

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby Fuddelbaerentatze » 04 Oct 2012, 18:55

Nice. Hopefully we soon get some bits to see how the art direction (re?)imagines Dark Elves in Heroes 6 in contrast to Heroes 5. Will they have some kind of native terrain (graphics) or do they just use standard underground terrain like in H5? Afair Dwarves were the only underground faction that had a special set of underground graphics in H5. And Speaking of Dwarves, I still hope they will be too added at some point in the future. Maybee I should reinstall H6 now ...\

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby michiganjf » 04 Oct 2012, 18:57

Gald to hear about 1.8 patch...

I've got so many bugs after 1.7 that it's making me ILL!

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Unread postby jeff » 04 Oct 2012, 20:02

A simple question, I hope, does the expansion include the campaign and maps of the first release?
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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby ShardofTruth » 04 Oct 2012, 20:07

I don't think so, at least that wasn't the case with Tribes of the East.

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Unread postby jeff » 04 Oct 2012, 23:37

That is what I am thinking. I own H-5 and HOF and as I recall (it's been awhile since either has been on my computer) HOF did not include the first part either. I believe it is more about the new units being available if you play the old with the new version than anything else, but I could be wrong.
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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby japol » 05 Oct 2012, 08:01

This game is now looking like the Frankenstein monster with all the patches ,dlcs and expansion.Should have waited for a platinum edition, or whatever and whenever they come up with.

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Unread postby Tress » 05 Oct 2012, 08:32

Hope they will use more original design for elf troopers rather than "inspiring" from WH. There are tons of Dark elfs in video games and almost each company manage to create somewhat original concept. It's not like WH elves are only ones out there.
This game is now looking like the Frankenstein monster with all the patches ,dlcs and expansion.Should have waited for a platinum edition, or whatever and whenever they come up with.
You clearly don't understand. Addon in standalone, and once it is released it will have DLC of its own, so we will have Homm6:expansion name silver, gold and so on.... :P.

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby YoshMaster » 05 Oct 2012, 13:44

The dark elves? Argh... I want my regular elves and my wizards... :(

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby hellegennes » 05 Oct 2012, 13:57

I'm curious about the pricing but I am thankful they're working on an expansion.

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby Fuddelbaerentatze » 05 Oct 2012, 19:29

"Hope they will use more original design for elf troopers rather than "inspiring" from WH. There are tons of Dark elfs in video games and almost each company manage to create somewhat original concept. It's not like WH elves are only ones out there."

So true, that is why they took inspiriation from D&D Forgotten Realms too. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drizzt_Do%27Urden). Still WH and D&D might be good choices to borrow from, they could have also come up with something really bad & stupid on their own.

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Re: H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 06 Oct 2012, 05:34

Fuddelbaerentatze wrote:Still WH and D&D might be good choices to borrow from, they could have also come up with something really bad & stupid on their own.
I would be much more impressed and excited if they attempted to come up with something on their own than having to put up with the same old shit time and again.

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby Fuddelbaerentatze » 06 Oct 2012, 08:28

"I would be much more impressed and excited if they attempted to come up with something on their own than having to put up with the same old **** time and again."

Always remember something on their own could turn out to be a fire/magma/lava godzilla for example. ;-) This somewhat ruined the Fortress Faction in H5 for me. In that case I would have prefered somthing less of an "innovation" and something more stereotypically. H5 godzillas teached me to be carefull what I wish for when it comes to original creature designs. Lets see what they have up their sleeves for the H6 dark elves. Maybee they have some giant slaved SM bucketheads on steroids as tier 7 dark elv unit. Like the bucketheadboss in the dlc. The bucket would then of course be filled with poison or acid, and the fluid would of course be flammable.

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby SplinterHoMM » 08 Oct 2012, 12:06

"The dark elves? Argh... I want my regular elves and my wizards... :("

Same here. Elves and druids (if possible with dendroids/treeants and unicorns) is what i want to see most of all.

It doesn't make sense to me that they release necro's before magi and dark elves before light elves since they ORIGINATE from the corresponding faction...

Also, I like the dungeon faction in H5 as it is a lot. Except the minotaur must be stronger/higher lvl. It's not even funny how they degraded in each game sins H3....

If they add just one faction in first expansion, it seems unlikely we will have 9 factions in Complete version of the game....
...so where are my beloved elves?!!.... [cry in the void]
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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby dark raider » 10 Oct 2012, 11:43

im a bit dissapointed...had hoped they would come with the elves too...and give the story about the wars between the evles and dark elves....but its still cool that they come with this...this is one of my favorite factions...however this might be the first heroes game where dungeoun dont have the black dragon :-(

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby dark raider » 10 Oct 2012, 11:44

and if the elves are comming back in another expansion..i hope they will have pegasus back...those where cool in H3.

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H6 Expansion Announced

Unread postby ronus03 » 20 Nov 2012, 16:41

So will we be seeing shadow- or black dwaggies? :)
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