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Unread postby Mitzah » 14 Nov 2005, 06:51

TO ToweringAmishPlumber:

THose are not M&M titles, but the games were developed by NWC

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 14 Nov 2005, 19:48

Absolutely amazing. I have only seen M+M 6 and 7 but have seen all of the HOMM series. I think I saw M+M 4 once, can anyone tell me which M+M game had the arrows with the plunger-like ends? I saw it a long time ago and am not sure which one it was. It was an older game.
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Unread postby Biggles Final Flight » 14 Nov 2005, 20:08

Nice. Very nice. Not seen a lot of these and never heard of 'Tunnels and Trolls'. I'm intrigued.

Thanks for sharing!

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Unread postby Ryder » 15 Nov 2005, 02:28


Tunnels and Trolls from memory was before MM1 I think. It was one of his earliest works anyway. My friend and I ordered it around the time we were playing Might and Magic 5 but we didnt play it much at all. Too much of a step down to what we were used too.

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Unread postby vepeli » 15 Nov 2005, 07:24

To CloudRiderX,

M&M game that had the arrows with the plunger-like ends? Doesn't ring a bell to me, if You meant it was in a cover? Now let me see, the first and second have part of the land's and world's map (VARN and CRON) on the cover, when third has a warrior with sword and diamond around his neck in it (have a bit same look that Sheltem in intro movie thou..), fourth has Lord Xeen with his "nice" pet and fifth has long wanted Sheltem ready to rule the world of Xeen and take You down once and for all. And so on, no arrows with the plunger-like ends..

To Biggles and Ryder,

Tunnels & Trolls - Crusaders of Khazan came out same year as the great M&M III, 1990. If You like older M&M and have completed them all (I sure do), then I would also recommend this game if You can find it. It left me fan memories when I played and completed it. It doesn't look like M&M, because graphics are more similar to Ultima 6.

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Unread postby ToweringAmishPlumber » 16 Nov 2005, 00:05

Mitzah, the games may have been developed by NWC, but the caption says: "Vepeli's collection of Might and Magic titles..." and the

games I mentioned are definitely not Might and Magic titles.

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Unread postby superpaladin » 16 Nov 2005, 02:16

No Warriors of Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff and Heroes 4 WOW, but yet this guy has 1 of the most amazing collections of Might and Magic series + New World Computing series!

I bow to you man!

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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 16 Nov 2005, 05:54

Wow. Impressive, to say the least.

Don't forget Hero's Chronicles (the Tarnum ones).

And their should be a WoG and Equilibris label there as well, imo.

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Unread postby lordskeleton » 16 Nov 2005, 13:56

Well, Kings bounty IS the Q DB-staff so...
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Unread postby Torur » 25 Jul 2006, 13:14

Very helpfull... thanks
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Unread postby Terracrete » 17 May 2009, 13:31

I recently purchased M&M9 and I'm having a windows vista compatibility issue. I've found a few references to this issue on the net but no solid solutions.

Here's the issue-When the loading screen with the boat comes up it finishes loading, but the loading screen won't go away. Essentially the game is running perfectly but with the loading screen up instead of the proper game interface.

Solution suggested from other online threads-The only solution available on the net is to alt tab out then back in, which I've noticed only works about 50% of the time.

Things I've done to correct the issue...unsuccessfully-Ran the game in a compatibility mode for an older version of windows, I also removed all the extra graphic features for the game under the advanced option.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Edited on Sun, May 17 2009, 09:34 by Terracrete

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Unread postby astral76minor » 18 May 2009, 02:47

Just use Windows XP for the game. Vista is a pain. You might have to install Windows XP in a separate folder to run Might and Magic 9. I run two computers, one with Windows XP 32-Bit and the other with Vista Ultimate 64-Bit. This is the best way to play all the neo-classic and newer games.

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