CH Heroes VI Review

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Ya5MieL » 02 Sep 2012, 13:25

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Ya5MieL » 02 Sep 2012, 13:25

Nice review. I find myself sharing exact (or at least very similar) feelings in each category.

While i still hope that the game will get an extra star before the end of its cycle, the current state is mediocre indeed.

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Dave_Jame » 02 Sep 2012, 14:43

When considering the fact that I would not judge the editor (due to the fact that I do not use it) I would probably give it 4 out of 6 but after reading through your review I have to say I agree with almost everything in it.. it was nice to read.

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Unread postby markkur » 02 Sep 2012, 15:18

I did not buy the game so I cannot comment on the review but I do like the review's timing & layout.

Two things that I can comment on are why I did not buy the game and the Editor.
I would never buy a game that, because of bugz, if it had been a car, it would have had only 2 wheels. I, like the rest of the world had great hopes for the 6th installment but we were delivered a product that <imo> more resembled a brand new game that had not been well conceived. I don't gamble but the release looked like a bad bet regardless.

"Not well-conceived" highlights the Editor fiasco. I was very excited and spent time (again like many others) "brainstorming the best of the editors" and thought there was no way they would repeat the mistake of H5. Other than planning on the editor being a part of the release, things got worse. The editor in 5 seriously cut down the amount of folks making maps etc and from what I have witnessed (rather, is missing from forums) the editor in 6 has nearly eliminated fan-maps entirely.

I am still bewildered at this lack of understanding their own game. You're spot-on aboout the fans wanting to add to the game and also that they are needed because...
The Heroes series is based on longevity
For whatever reason, they do not or will not support that dynamic.

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 02 Sep 2012, 15:44

I think the Gameplay segment was a little skewed.

You didn't talk about any of the game's actual gameplay - you claimed that you found it fairly enjoyable, but didn't say why. You then proceeded to harp on the problems with the online interface for the next two paragraphs.

You didn't address any of the game's mechanics (blood crystals, area of control, town conversion, skill trees) either.

Other than that, the review seems pretty reasonable.
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Unread postby jeff » 02 Sep 2012, 16:18

As a non-buyer I can’t comment on the game’s playability or replayability. Even the graphics I would have to use only the pictures and clips that I have seen. For me his overall rating though probably fair would be far lower for me. I have made no secret that since I have moved from being primarily a player to mapmaker; the quality of the editor and campaign ability is all that is important to me. I only play the games long enough to understand what is needed to make a good map. Sadly H-5 and now 6 have failed miserably. I was one of the few that were extremely worried when UBI was the company that acquired the NWC properties, and they have only proven every one of my fears. The comments of Erwan le Breton are very insightful, UBI doesn’t care if the passionate fan who kept the franchise alive between H-IV and H-5 as long as the casual, perhaps one time buyer, purchases the game in sufficient numbers. This is a similar attitude Fabrice displayed when saying shortly after Tribes was released; that they had no idea fans were unhappy with the editor. Really where are your heads buried. Well I am one of those passionate fans and I did not buy H-6 because the lack of a good usable campaign editor. Unlike UBI I learned my lesson after buying and trying the H-5 editor. Sadly after reading this review I must conclude one is not coming. With the normal development time I may be too old by the time H-7 is released, that is assuming an H-7 is even going to happen, and they have learned their lesson and create a great editor. So my rating would have been the same as Kalah’s editor rating.
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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby MoNoXiDeBlue » 02 Sep 2012, 17:49

I enjoyed this review, even if Kalah didn't delve deeper into the Gameplay aspects. Music & Graphics were two of the attributes that saved this game from getting any lower than 3. Hell, I think 3 out of 6 is generous. As a gamer who has the entire series of HOMM, (who regularly plays ) I find myself less driven to play 6 as opposed to say 2, 3. The lack of map mapping and user friendly aspects have given this series a black (hole) eye.
Edited on Sun, Sep 02 2012, 13:51 by MoNoXiDeBlue

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby cjlee » 02 Sep 2012, 19:35

As much as I feel Kalah overrated H6, I will give it 2/6 stars. The graphics and music are indeed well done, making it on balance slightly better than the kind of games which end up in the bargain bin within a few months.

I would have given H2 6/6, H3 6/6, H4 4.5/6, H5 4/6. It was indeed surprising to me that Ubisoft couldn't even live up to the lowered standards of H5.

Over the weekend, my friends and I got together again to game. As mentioned in one of my posts, in early August we officially decided to end our gaming of HOMM. Apart from the occasional afternoon when the LAN was down due to technical problems, this marks the first time in over 15 years that we have met in someone's house for an entire afternoon with no gaming of Heroes of Might and Magic at all.

15 years ago, we played Sanguozhi, Nuclear War, Worms, Street Fighter 2, Tetris, Counterstrike, MechWarrior and so on. These games became dated and inferior and we moved on. Now it is Heroes of Might and Magic that has become dated and inferior.

We're actually not that happy with Starcraft 2 because some of us don't have fantastic clicks-per-second reaction time. We really want a good turn based game. If Heroes VII is good, I believe Ubisoft can make a thousand bucks out of us easily. After all, we used to buy the originals, the expansions and the gold/ collectors' editions.

Ubisoft chose to head in another direction.

Does anyone remember who published Worms? Or Nuclear War? Are these guys in business anymore?

At the rate it is going, I don't think Ubisoft will be in business in 15 years. I strongly recommend that they sell their trademark to a toilet paper manufacturer. The trademark Ubisoft/ You-Be-Soft should be worth something. At least they won't end up like the Worms guys - you can't trademark a generic name like Worms and it doesn't sound good anyway.

Edited on Sun, Sep 02 2012, 15:41 by cjlee

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Re: CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Avonu » 02 Sep 2012, 21:44

cjlee wrote:>>>Does anyone remember who published (...) Nuclear War? Are these guys in business anymore?
The same company which published Might and Magic I-IX and Heroes of Might and Magic I-IV. :D
For the second part of your question, I think you now know the answer.

Worms were created by Team 17 and according to Wiki, they're still alive.

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby hellegennes » 03 Sep 2012, 00:09

Am I the only one who feels 3/6 is a bit too low? I would have given it 7/10, although I agree with almost all of the points in Kalah's review. The thing is that despite broken features and lack of replayability, it is a quite fun game and very addictive. Yes, I haven't played for months, but I did play for about 6 months, which is probably 15 times the amount of time one spends in playing a very good adventure game.

The points were I disagree with Kalah are dialogues and music. I think the music is very good but not of the same quality as that of H2. About dialogues, I am not bothered too much. I don't think it's such an important element as to destroy the experience the campaigns give you. Nevertheless, I think I too would have given the campaigns a 4 out of 6 (6.5/10 to be exact).

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 03 Sep 2012, 00:47

That was really good Kalah. Too bad you don't make the big euros. Where's are your other game reviews?

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby legendoferthia » 03 Sep 2012, 01:28

Great review. I agree with everything, but I still am glad that Ubisoft is keeping the series alive. It could juts end up an abandoned series. BUT BUT BUT..... If only they listened to the fans.... if only........
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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 03 Sep 2012, 03:36


I would agree with you on 3/6 being too low. But there has been a lot of bias against the game since its inception, so I can't say I'm surprised, really.
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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby MoNoXiDeBlue » 03 Sep 2012, 07:15

And now Ladies and Gentleman (sic) it's time for the Rhetorics, (otherwise known as "WAH") Go ahead, you first.

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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Torur » 03 Sep 2012, 13:18

I agree pretty much with the review in writing, but I think it is overrated. Music and graphics imo do not make the game a 3/6, but a merely a 2/6. The game simply fail to deliver on to many areas and the proclaiming of potential is nothing but empty words until seen proven.

And the fact that the game for me is the most boring game I've played in a long while, is also a huge reason for me not enjoying the game. It can't keep my attention for more than 15 min, and then I get bored.

Move on to 7, and lets hope for better days ahead. The ship has crashed and sunk, leave it!
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CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Loco Blutaxt » 03 Sep 2012, 14:32

As I wrote in a German forum:

Heroes VI is not really bad - but it's not a Heroes game. A strategy game without dragons and titans should not be sold under the license of the Heroes franchise! It's a turn based strategy fantasy game that is copying Heroes as good as it can but the result is by no means as good as a heroes game.

All in all I would give it a 7.837 out of 13.7. ;-)
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Re: CH Heroes VI Review

Unread postby Avonu » 03 Sep 2012, 14:54

Loco Blutaxt wrote:>>>A strategy game without dragons and titans should not be sold under the license of the Heroes franchise!
Then we won't have any Heroes game at all. HoMM I didn't have any Titans (and had only one dragon) but still is Heroes game, isn't it? :P

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Unread postby Kalah » 03 Sep 2012, 17:12

I agree with those who said that my rating might seem a bit high; I actually felt like giving it a 2.5, but I also felt that a 3 would represent the mediocrity in a better way. I don't think it's too low; it gives a nice feeling when you're playing it and it can be entertaining, but in the end it's just not a game you remember in the long run.

@mr.hackcrag: I don't review many games, but you can find one that I have done on MoO2 on our reviews page.
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Unread postby Ontourn&Cyberpunk » 03 Sep 2012, 20:06

As an non englich speaker , i can´t agree with graveig voting, it feels strong like building a trainsymulation in a reallife garage of an older person.
The option, creating parklike cypresion or 45° 90° straight liniar roads may by easier is in my opinion a compromise between new and acepted known.
There was voices they said stay close to fantasy art. i agree. I heard voices they said ,listen to the proud barbarians and the good dark elves, i agree !

I think a good game should be easy to handle. let the mod crafter go easier to work.
diszipline this gamegraphiix not to much. let us go cracy and orginalic. so many people love to experience.
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Unread postby Tress » 03 Sep 2012, 21:04

>>>A strategy game without dragons and titans should not be sold under the license of the Heroes franchise!
Well homm 1 do well without titans. As for dragons... well I personally blame people who wanted to bash homm 5 so much that they had to invent reasons to hate it, one being "too much dragons"(not to mention homm3 had that way more with ab addon). Well they got their wish, top tier creatures are no longer dragons.

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