MMH6 Walkthrough - where to improve/add?

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Queen Hera
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Unread postby Queen Hera » 31 Jul 2012, 04:14

Ell1e wrote:Tips for the other alignment or hero type would be really great.
I agree with Ell1e & Lord Draxx's suggestions. I seem to play better as a Might Hero so tips on playing as a Magic Hero for Haven, Inferno & Stronghold would be appreciated.

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Unread postby Naki » 31 Jul 2012, 16:39

Queen Hera wrote:
Ell1e wrote:Tips for the other alignment or hero type would be really great.
I agree with Ell1e & Lord Draxx's suggestions. I seem to play better as a Might Hero so tips on playing as a Magic Hero for Haven, Inferno & Stronghold would be appreciated.
I found the exact opposite for me - playing as Magic is much easier than playing as Might (in the Campaigns - did not play single maps).
I always play with default hero alignment, i.e. I did not change the default Mage/Might settings for the Campaign heroes.
Last edited by Naki on 31 Jul 2012, 17:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Naki » 31 Jul 2012, 17:17

Datau wrote:I'd like to knew more about the artifact sets that you can collect during the campaigns, from their position to how userful/useless they can be. :)
Also,due to the major overhaul of the magic system in patch 1.5, you might want to have a look at destruction magic: many combat spells have become quite deadly, area of effect ones in particular.
The changes in Mass Heal spells are more apparent and significant - you can now heal units by Mass Regen (and Mass Heal) several times, although you could do it just once per battle before. Regen spells last fewer turns though.
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Unread postby Naki » 15 Aug 2012, 20:48

Web page suggestions + subtitles suggestion:
1) Add Back button to each walkthrough, which leads back to the mission list.
2) Add Next Mission + Previous Mission buttons, which lead to next/previous mission, and go to Mission 1 of next faction if you are on a Mission 4 walkthrough (or go to Mission 4 of the previous faction).
3) A nice touch would be adding all subtitles for all Campaign missions (under the mission main title). These can be seen on the Loading screens of the missions.

* Add French/Spanish/Russian/Polish/Czech titles for the missions, I can help with the Russian ones.
* Add Intro (Tutorial) Missions 1 & 2 walkthroughs (duh!).
Last edited by Naki on 31 Aug 2012, 17:40, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Naki » 18 Aug 2012, 13:49

One Sanctuary mission title is given wrong!
It should be "The Winding Stair" (not "Star)".
Please fix! Thanks.

(EDIT: Changed my game language from Russian to English, and saw this just now, although I have been playing since release.)
Last edited by Naki on 01 Sep 2012, 18:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby wimfrits » 25 Aug 2012, 12:12

Maltz, overall I think you've done a great job with these walkthroughs! I just love the overview maps with all the usefull markers. Thank you for all your hard work!

Some comments that I feel could be included:

Some skill reconsidering:
- snatch saves on average 2-3 movement points per day WHEN using a secondary hero to pick up resources, flag mines etc, so pretty much on par with logistics. But when you occasionally save the secondary hero the trip, snatch >> logistics.
- elemental summoning in order of tactical strength:
1. Water: Movement stopper every 2 turns. Stopping for 2 turns if applied correctly. Regardless of enemy strength. In some cases the only way to win a battle.
2. Light: block shooter, distract walkers and starburst retaliation healing your own damaged stacks all at the same time if positioned wisely
3/4. Dark and Earth. Dark is exceptionally useful against lichs and spiders. No retaliation is nice. And as damage of elementals is pretty much irrelevant, spirit form works in your favor as well. Earth is good for the occasional petrify, though often the stack you need to disable is too large to petrify. Also Earth is often too large to block the ranged stack you want to block.
- pressed attack. This skill previously did triple hero damage (bug?). Currently it still seems to do double hero damage. Doing 3 attacks (even though the description states 2), this gives you 6 times hero damage with a single mana-less cast.

Tears/blood promotion:
- you could mention that one can pick a skill like stand your ground and evasive maneuvers to speed up the path and remove them when respecializing. Especially the tear path can be a slow one otherwise

Dynasty traits:
- I usually pick Explorer, Suzerain and Planeswalker.

Mission walkthroughs:
- Sanctuary 4 has a stat boost SE of town A that is not shown on the map
- Inferno 2: I found taking fort G was excellent for reacting to invading enemy heroes.
1. enemy hero(es) cross the bridge near 2'
2. end your turn with advanced tp.
3. enemy moves close to fort G
4. basic tp and poof
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby maltz » 31 Aug 2012, 17:21

Thanks very much for the excellent inputs! I will definitely work on them... when I finish my Shogun 2 project. :D

I bought the expansion the day it came out, and haven't touched it since. And now I have a coupon saying it is 50% off. ;|

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Unread postby Naki » 31 Aug 2012, 17:36

You are welcome! :D
Naki wrote:Web page suggestions + subtitles suggestion:
* Add Intro Missions 1 & 2 walkthroughs (duh!).
NOTE: It seems with Patch 1.5.2 (which removes healing for non-upgraded Haven sister units) the game 2nd Tutorial mission is very hard for newbies.
By "newbies" I mean players that have played some turn-based games, but never played Heroes V/IV/III/etc.

A walkthrough for the Tutorials will help those players a lot.
Since they can not complete the 2nd Tutorial mission, they can't move on to the Campaign main missions - it needs the 2 Tutorial missions to be completed.
EDIT: I mean DamianSuff over at the official UBI forums, for example.
Please see here: ... Too-Great/ ... ggestions/
P.S. Although it seems DamianSuff was still finally able to beat Tutorial mission 2 after all, which I just noticed...
P.P.S. See here for more info on how he beat the Tutorial 2 mission: ... h-a-sister
(maybe this can be useful for a possible future Tutorial missions walkthrough ) :D
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Unread postby Naki » 11 Oct 2012, 17:19

Split each current walkthrough into 4 new ones:
1) Might Blood walkthrough.
2) Might Tears
3) Magic Blood
4) Magic Tears.
If that is too hard, at least do half of these - maybe
1) Default orientation Blood
2) Default orientation Tears
1) Default orientation (e.g. Magic)
2) Alternative orientation (e.g. Might)

And, add walkthroughs for the 2 DLCs.
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Unread postby Kojote » 20 Oct 2012, 14:24

@ maltz
I simply want to say thank you for your great walkthrough's. I like the way you do that and I appreciate the work you put into this.
Thanks a lot.

PS: Videos of major battles would be totally awesome! :)

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