After the 1.51 patch, did this game get a lot harder?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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After the 1.51 patch, did this game get a lot harder?

Unread postby Shield » 14 Aug 2012, 17:18

Working my way through the first Necro campaign, on the 3rd map. Since I was limited to level 15 after the first 2 maps, I'm finding the game very hard.

Not impossible, mind you, but it almost seems as if the computer is cheating heavily. I am able to build the 7th level unit (the spider ladies; forget the name) by the middle of the 2nd week. Every time I do I have a level 20 guy ready to storm my castle.

I'm also not complaining really; it's made the game much more cerebral and "just one more turn" like the glory days from Homm II / III.

I played this campaign last year and found it way less challenging.

My difficulty setting = Normal. Should I try hard? I hear it's actually easier as the AI "cheats less" but who knows.


Blood Fury
Blood Fury
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Unread postby Naki » 15 Aug 2012, 11:22

* Current patch is 1.5.2.

* What exactly do you find hard?
I am playing the other way round - build all core and 2nd level creature building + their upgrades. Please note that Upgrades of creature buildings boost creature growth greatly, unlike in some previous Heroes games.
Only then go for top level units. Top level units are quite under-powered in Heroes VI anyway.

* Did you try the walkthough given here?
May the Implosion be with you!

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