Might Magic 2 snes question(s)

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Might Magic 2 snes question(s)

Unread postby mattdodge531 » 01 Aug 2012, 11:58

Hi all! Was wondering if some of you fine folks could help me out:)

I've just started playing MM2 on the snes, and have a couple questions that maybe someone could answer.

1 -Why is it my cleric can only hit undead enemies? I've tried several different weapons with other chars, but no dice. Atm I have to use turn undead, and then hope the magic and cleric can get it done by themselves. Also, it seems to be the same case of the 'sludge monster' you meet in the first town.

2 - in this version are there no front and back rows? My mage can be hit from anywhere, and likewise. It seems like I can choose to 'fight' whatever monster I choose that is listed within the first 10. Was this a change from the PC version?

3- lastly, I take it the quests are somewhat different? I'm still at the beginning, but a wizard in the first town wanted me to get an hourglass from beneath the town. No biggie, got it, got some xp and some gold. He sends me to someone else in the first town. Nordonna or something like that? She wants me to go back down to the dungeon and find her brother or something like that. A - where is her brother in the dungeon? I just spent like 2 days clearing it out:( and B - i don't see anything about this in the faqs or MM2 shrine that can be found online. Are all the towns gonna have these different quests? I'm just curious!


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Unread postby Arret » 02 Aug 2012, 01:38

Never played the SNES version, but I'll take a stab.

1) If the monster is immune to physical damage, you will only be able to hit it with spells. Try the sorcerer elemental bolt (1-4). Have you ever tried hitting a ghost with a mace? It isn't particularly effective. If that isn't the issue, make sure that your accuracy stat is at least 15. You start really losing +hit below 13.

2) If the enemies have ranged attacks, they don't have to only choose people in melee. Also if you get surprised, everyone automatically starts in melee.

3) Don't remember particularly well but as I recall it's in a hidden room in the north central part of the dungeon.
Last edited by Arret on 02 Aug 2012, 01:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Arret » 02 Aug 2012, 01:43

2 minutes on google turned this up:

http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/564550-might ... faqs/48295

Looks like the very far top left.

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Unread postby mattdodge531 » 02 Aug 2012, 13:46

Yep, I found that map awhile ago. And indeed it was in the top L. Corner. I only asked just in case it wasn't there, as nothing happened when I mapped out the area the first time. I guess you have to have the quest to trigger it, which makes sense I guess!

Unfortunately, nothing else that you posted seems to be accurate with this port. Weird, I know? Turns out bashing a ghost with a mace is indeed effective...as long as a cleric is the one doing the bashing. I assume it has to be some sort of class thing? And then somehow the 'sludge monster' is miscoded somehow? Magic works on them fine, but beyond that, the only one who can deal dmg is the Cleric. Perhaps I wasn't clear in the first post, but my other characters do actually 'hit' the enemy, it's just there attacks don't do any dmg.

As to attacks, regardless if they are melee or ranged, everyone can hit everyone, surprised or not. I seem to recall when I played this on PC ages ago there were little * to donote who was in melee range? I could be misremembering. Regardless, my sorceror can take out the last enemy that i am able to 'f'ight on the list like a champ with his dagger.

I know the pc version is better, but atm I do so much on the go stuff I am playing this on a handheld. I hope I'm just missing something and things arn't just this badly mangled, hehe

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 02 Aug 2012, 16:28

Hm, you can look up RPGenie's playthrough of it, he started playing the SNES version first before switching to the Genesis version. And I'm playing through it on the PC version.

In the PC version, you need to find a goblet for Nordon, and two sons (hirelings) for Nordonna. Maybe due to some executive meddling/blind idiot translation they changed this.

In the PC version, there are rows, and you can exchange the places of people. Characters in the back row can only be hit by spells, ranged attacks, or if there are many open slots/the front row characters fall unconscious.

Everyone can attack undead monsters and sludge beasts. Some undead, like Carnage Spirits and Dancing Bones, are immune to physical attacks, so they have to be dealt with by using magic. Sludge beasts are the opposite, they can't be harmed by magic (or have a magic resistance percentage, not sure which).

Overall, it seems that the SNES version has some indeed strange changes...

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Unread postby mattdodge531 » 04 Aug 2012, 02:10

Also confirmed....rangers? They don't give a shiznit about any damage except my Cleric. Maybe they are in reality mislabled undead rangers...

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Unread postby ludmeister » 24 Aug 2012, 13:57

One interesting little element of MM2 that I seem to remember is that many monsters are immune to physical damage from one sex or the other. I've never played the SNES version, but this is definitely in the PC version. These properties seem to be placed on numerous undead critters. Carnage Spirits and Warrior Maidens, for instance, can only be hit in melee by women, while Cursed Corpses and Hunchbacks may only be hit by men.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/926479-the-u ... faqs/36601

The link above is to Stephen Lee's MM2 (PC version) FAQ, and it documents the specific weapon immunities for each monster (immune vs. men, women, or both). Maybe it well help you.

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