Editing effects, easy peasy?

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Editing effects, easy peasy?

Unread postby busted85 » 22 Jul 2012, 22:09

Is it possible to alter the effects from items and hirelings? I've been using MM Archive, but I haven't found any files where I could change the existing values. E.g. I would like to increase the raise of the merchant skill, which you receive when hiring a duper/merchant/trader.

EDIT: It seems, as I had feared, that this can only be achieved by editing the executable file ...well nevermind then.

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 23 Jul 2012, 02:05

There is a program that lets you edits stuff like map stats (respawn time, monsters that show up) and items, etc, but I think changing what hirelings and effects do are beyond it. I think you could change the price hirelings cost though with it, and how frequently and where item enchantments occur.

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Unread postby GrayFace » 23 Jul 2012, 17:15

Yes, these things are hard-coded.
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