Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Kalah » 12 Jul 2012, 22:04

<img src="/images/news/newshorn.jpg" align=left vspace=5 hspace=5>Patch 1.5 was released today, as announced on <a href="/ ... 31-32">the official site</a>. To install it, you need to connect to the game and run the updater. Alternatively, you can download single .EXE files by using the same URL as the other patches, but change the number to 1.5:

<ul><li><a href="/ ... ngarian</a>

<li><a href="/ ... e">Western Europe</a>

<li><a href="/ ... .exe">Same - digital</a>

<li><a href="/ ... >Korean</a>

<li><a href="/ ... >Polish</a>

<li><a href="/ ... Russian</a>

<li><a href="/ ... .exe">Same - digital</a></ul>

Along with online/offline savegame compatibility (which <a href="/ ... 9">doesn't seem to work properly</a>), town screens (which are beautiful) and the DLC <i>Pirates of the Savage Sea</i> if you bought it (you need version 1.5 for it to work), the patch contains a whole bunch of bugfixes.

The full list of contents can be found <a href="/ ... k">here</a>.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Unread postby Campaigner » 13 Jul 2012, 00:15

Poland gets their own patch?? :|

Such a small country and language and they get their own friggin patch?! :??

They should either learn English or Russian. Join the east or the west or you're *****! like it was in the old days :tongue:

The Nordic countries should get their own version then as well.

A bit offtopic i guess but it just struck out to me.

No I haven't tested it, I'm waiting for a Gold version when it's kinda done.
I read that the balance is still quite weak.

ps. The language filter is f**ed up. it takes sixletter words and puts four asterisks instead.

Profanities removed by Kalah. Behave.

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Queen Hera » 13 Jul 2012, 00:29

After Installing Patch 1.5:-

The game only works for me if I restart any of the Campaigns from the very beginning. If I try to load a Saved Game I get the "Thank you for Playing Might and Magic VI" screen.

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Re: Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby jeff » 13 Jul 2012, 02:16

Queen Hera wrote:After Installing Patch 1.5:-
The game only works for me if I restart any of the Campaigns from the very beginning. If I try to load a Saved Game I get the "Thank you for Playing Might and Magic VI" screen.
I guess this is one more reason to wait for the expansions; or will there be compatibility issues like those between H-V basic and HOF. ;|
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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Kelben » 13 Jul 2012, 03:35

Let us be fair, patch is delivered on time.

Too bad for being half of mission 3 inferno though

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Rife » 13 Jul 2012, 06:12

Haven't played since before 1.4, but lots of things have been fixed since then. Had to start a map over, but not a campaign thank god, because I wouldn't have started Haven over from the beginning. Bought the Pirates DLC, haven't started it yet. Wonder if there are actual recruitable Thunderbirds. Always liked those units.
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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Torur » 13 Jul 2012, 07:56

I think Im gonna patch and try it again this weekend. Lets hope there's a positive difference in to the game.
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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby val-gaav » 13 Jul 2012, 07:59


So Czech, Hungarian and Korea are not a small country ? Well those are not bigger then Poland FYI.

You are racist, and I hope one day you will have to play Heroes yourself in an language you do not know.

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Re: Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 13 Jul 2012, 08:40

val-gaav wrote:>I hope one day you will have to play Heroes yourself in an language you do not know.
It's not that. I'd be happy to see a Lithuanian localisation, for instance, even though I know English quite well. It's just that it's nice to have something in your native language for a change.

That said, different patches for different languages is stupid. That's not how you're supposed to do things. Look at the Unreal series for a good example - it includes all the supported languages in a single place, and you can switch between them on the fly; it also allows you to edit every localised line in the game or create new languages (you could even create an Elmer Fudd language or so).

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby hellegennes » 13 Jul 2012, 11:41

Not to offend anyone, but English works better than most languages which have complicated grammatical rules. At least for games such as Heroes, which most of its text is in the form of labels.
Edited on Fri, Jul 13 2012, 07:42 by hellegennes

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Covenant » 13 Jul 2012, 15:16

Someone really messed up. I have been ignoring all comments about gameplay because really i haven't cared that maybe i don't get a 1.5 bonus when the moon is in pisces. Game has been quite fun. But this last patch destroyed all cred. Before this patch the "cloud" was messing up my saved games, now they are gone and i basically either start back from the beginning or wait for UBI to patch, and we know how that has been working out for them. Game - awesome. UBIsoft, complete and total failure for their ability to test, test and re-test. Pathetic.

**after posting this i read more on the official forums. I guess i should thank UBI. because if my saved games were there, they were under 1.4. Turns out that they would not be compatable with 1.5 that just go released. Wow. And better, those that start new games with 1.5, when the release their hotfix, it won't work with those saved games. So they recommend players stop playing till they release the hotfix. I kid you not.
Edited on Fri, Jul 13 2012, 11:58 by Covenant

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 13 Jul 2012, 17:00

If you're talking about the issue with save game synchronization, lots of people had the same problem and you can fix it by simply turning it off in the UPlay options. Once you do, all of your save games will appear as if nothing ever happened.


You're right, english doesn't have complex grammatical rules, because it doesn't have any grammatical rules to begin with lol.

EDIT: Patch 1.5.1 just went live. There shouldn't be an issue with save game compatibility now.
Edited on Fri, Jul 13 2012, 15:22 by CloudRiderX
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Re: Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby klaymen » 13 Jul 2012, 19:26

val-gaav wrote:@Campaigner:

So Czech, Hungarian and Korea are not a small country ? Well those are not bigger then Poland FYI.

You are racist, and I hope one day you will have to play Heroes yourself in an language you do not know.
What is this I don't even.....

Different languages = racism? I always thought that racism is about you know, different races. Or the accusation of racism is normal internet insult used when you don't agree with somebody?
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Unread postby Pol » 13 Jul 2012, 19:51

Ah, Campaigner..

Poland is a big and great country, one of the bigger ones in the Europe. UK could envy. And you can get here games extremely cheaply - there are many reasons why they have their own language mutation.

As for the foul words filter it's working good. Exactly as intended. :P
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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby hellegennes » 13 Jul 2012, 21:23


Lol! I guess all those books on sale over at Amazon are fraudulent.

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 14 Jul 2012, 03:57

Goose -> Geese

Moose -> Mooses

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby hellegennes » 14 Jul 2012, 06:43

Actually, it's moose-moose.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 14 Jul 2012, 12:02

Fish -> Fish/Fishes, depending on the context.

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby hellegennes » 14 Jul 2012, 12:25

Well, the plural of fish, people, music, concrete, only refer to types of, not actual plural. So, fishes refers to species of fish, musics refers to music genres, concretes refer to types of concrete, etc.

However, I don't know of any such plural form of sheep or moose.
Edited on Sat, Jul 14 2012, 08:26 by hellegennes

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Patch 1.5 and Pirates Launched

Unread postby Covenant » 14 Jul 2012, 14:32

To cloudriderx - thank you, if i could reach out and kiss you i would. Turned off the bloody sync, fired up my game and i am happy to report i don't have to complete the barborous 7 for the third time. See, people can post important H6 game stuff.

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