MMH6 Town Screens

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Unread postby Torur » 01 Jul 2012, 15:16

True, of all their design decisions it is one of the better ones, but I gotta say the general western medieval look and feel the franchise has had over the years(with some exceptions) is my preferred look and feel.
And as I stated earlier its looks great. My dislike of the asian feel is just because it is a turn away from one of the design traits of HoMM that I've always liked alot.

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Unread postby MattII » 02 Jul 2012, 08:53

Well the H3 Rampart had a decidedly Asian tone as well remember.

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Unread postby Torur » 02 Jul 2012, 14:47

The buildings architecture is asian, sure, but the overall design isnt asian or at least I don't think so. And the creatures where not stereotypical asian creatures, but more western.

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Unread postby Kalah » 06 Jul 2012, 15:27

Inferno screens coming up ... :)
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Unread postby Avonu » 10 Jul 2012, 10:18

They are punctual like Ubisoft patches. :P
So when you post them here, in this topic?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 10 Jul 2012, 13:59

Torur wrote: The buildings architecture is asian, sure, but the overall design isnt asian or at least I don't think so.
The only asian building i can see is the mage guild (because of the obvious asian panels)... thatched roofs are pretty common everywhere there's hay to use...
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Unread postby Torur » 11 Jul 2012, 10:27

ThunderTitan wrote: The only asian building i can see is the mage guild (because of the obvious asian panels)... thatched roofs are pretty common everywhere there's hay to use...
I think the Town Hall aswell looks asian. Looks like paper walls and its wood foundation looks like old asian design imo. The rest are pretty common I would agree.

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Unread postby ChimTheGrim » 11 Jul 2012, 18:16

These town screens are the best I've seen in the Heroes franchise. I really wish Ubisoft wouldn't have insulted its fanbase by releasing the game without them.

Torur wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: The only asian building i can see is the mage guild (because of the obvious asian panels)... thatched roofs are pretty common everywhere there's hay to use...
I think the Town Hall aswell looks asian. Looks like paper walls and its wood foundation looks like old asian design imo. The rest are pretty common I would agree.
Anything with a curved roof-top can be described as Asian-looking since Asian culture is most popular for that style. If you go to China, South Korea, or Japan, you're going to see some modern buildings with some old-style asian buildings mixed in here in there--especially in rural areas.

I can't say how much I love the Sanctuary art-style--absolute best new town in the franchise since Heroes 3. Although, I wish they would release a Heroes game with 7 or 8 towns--not five. (Use Heroes 3 as an example)

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Unread postby MattII » 11 Jul 2012, 20:15

The castle as well is built in the shiro style, though with plain rather than painted wood. Some of the houses too look decidedly 'Aisan', with curved slope roofs and more ornate ridges than in many European buildings.

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Unread postby Esvath » 14 Jul 2012, 02:35

I am very happy with in game town screens. While the perspective issues are still present, the size issues are not too glaring imho. Furthermore, I like that Limbic provided a tiny button to close all UI, and let me enjoy the town screens with their glorious music. THIS is Heroes, Ubisoft! :proud:

I also surprised to hear (before seeing them with my own eyes) that Ubimbic decided to add Fort screens! While the screens do not provide any interactive design, they are pretty and succeed in bringing "Heroes atmosphere" in the game. Visiting towns and forts are no longer boring, instead it become an exciting experience.

My "best screen" award goes to Sanctuary :). It almost beat Rampart, only size and perspective issues keep it from winning my heart :D

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Unread postby Kalah » 14 Jul 2012, 11:08

Remember to vote in our poll on the main page. :)
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Unread postby Neidhaart » 15 Jul 2012, 06:47

Im very happy the townscreens are back! They are very nice. Still liked the ones in H5 better though =) Them being 3D and animated and shit.
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Unread postby Esvath » 15 Jul 2012, 07:31

Neidhaart wrote:Im very happy the townscreens are back! They are very nice. Still liked the ones in H5 better though =) Them being 3D and animated and ****.
Hmmm, H5's 3D have its plus and minus, imho. There are several H5's town screens which are breathtaking, such as Sylvan, Haven, Stronghold. But the others are just... boring. The worst is Fortress. Second worst is Inferno.

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Unread postby Neidhaart » 16 Jul 2012, 12:21

Exactly. I think you can make so much more with townscreens animated in 3d. Panning, lighting etc and other special effects are things i think is not possible to reproduce in a 2d enviroment. After all, the feel of the townscreen is very important (in my opinion) and H5 really nailed it in some.
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Unread postby MistWeaver » 22 Jul 2012, 01:51

so, what do you know. they finaly added town screens that, while being worse than last time, at least dont look like a joke. but now UPLAY tells me that my CD KEY linked to some other account. This DRM crap is so funny. I hope whoever thought it was a good idea will get shot. hey everyone, btw ;)

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