Max level training hall (MM8)

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Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Arret » 12 Jun 2012, 16:18

Is there a place to train past level 200 in MM8? I thought it would be in Regna but just realized they don't even have a training hall. Checked both Shadowspire and Balthazar Lair and they both say I'm capped.

Pulled out my old cluebook and didn't see a section on if there was anything else (Currently can train to 262 but don't know where or even if possible).

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Unread postby Avonu » 12 Jun 2012, 17:29

Isn't it max level to which you can train?

I mean that developers put level cap in trening halls and 200th level is max which you can achieve.

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Unread postby Arret » 12 Jun 2012, 18:32

In MM4/5 you cap at 200 (Olympus) but can get to 255 with instant level up items/quests.

In MM6 you can train forever in Paradise Valley but it does some weird looping after 250 (you can actually hit higher than 255).

I haven't been able to get that much xp in MM7 (really don't like solo monk playstyle or farming the Eeofol fountain for a 1/10 chance of 5k xp).

In MM9, you could train to 255 in Arslegard (negative training costs, heh).

Guess I'm stuck at 200 in MM8. Oh well, thanks!

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Unread postby Avonu » 12 Jun 2012, 18:56

In MM3 and MM5 max level in traning halls was 200th. In MM4 it was 20th.

In MM6 at first you could train your party to 65k-th (IIRC) but patch added level cap at 200th and IIRC in MM7 and MM8 it is the same mechanism.

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Unread postby tolich » 14 Jun 2012, 03:39

Avonu wrote:In MM4 it was 20th.
And three places to gain +1 experience level. And much more places +3..5 experience levels in MM5 and in the final dungeons of the World of Xeen.

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Unread postby Avonu » 14 Jun 2012, 08:38

I was talking only about traning halls, not about additional enchants, wells, rings with +5 levels, etc. :P

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Unread postby XEL II » 15 Jun 2012, 13:44

Not to mention that most of these level enchancements are temporary :)
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark

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Unread postby tolich » 15 Jun 2012, 17:48

XEL II wrote:Not to mention that most of these level enchancements are temporary :)
Only wells and ring grant temporary boost. All other bonuses to level are permanent.

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Re: Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Xfing » 04 Sep 2016, 06:33

It would be cool if someone patched Balthazar Lair to be unlimited or say, 500. Shadowspire could stay at 200.

If you think about it, 200 is still way short of truly, fully optimizing your char.

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Re: Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Ser Ironfist » 08 Sep 2016, 18:29

Xfing wrote:It would be cool if someone patched Balthazar Lair to be unlimited or say, 500. Shadowspire could stay at 200.

If you think about it, 200 is still way short of truly, fully optimizing your char.
It's actually not that easy to level that high in MM8. My highest was arund 150, but only because that char was a lich with 20-30 in learning whilst the rest of my team was 30 levels lower. The only way you can level properly is by going to the arena everytime. Sleep until sunday and go to the arena. In MM6 and 7 you could go into prison to make everything respawn. Especially in MM6 that gets you a hell of a lot possibilities to level.

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Re: Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Arret » 08 Sep 2016, 21:59

I've gotten to 300 in MM8 with Necro/Dragon before and that's without respawns. You just need to pump up learning skill early.

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Re: Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Ser Ironfist » 09 Sep 2016, 11:49

How did you train after 200? Did you mod it?

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Re: Max level training hall (MM8)

Unread postby Arret » 09 Sep 2016, 22:22

I had the same question/problem which is why I created the thread in the first place.

Yes, it would require modding it or doing a character edit.

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