Fired up the old classics again - HOMM1, HOMM2

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Fired up the old classics again - HOMM1, HOMM2

Unread postby Shield » 29 May 2012, 15:06

Got them both to run on a Win7 64 bit system by installing to the C:\games folder. I did find I had to hit (F4) a few times on HOMM1 after the game was launched, but the CD music worked great.

On HOMM2 I find the player map movement isn't smooth - I've tried to adjust a few of the compatibility settings to no avail. It seem sluggish for some reason. Any ideas? Seems like there's almost a delay when you travel long distances or pick up resources. I'm sure it has to do with the direct hardware access the original required, but it's still playable.

Anyway, I hadn't played HOMM1 all the way through before; I hadn't seriously played the game in 17 years. While the graphics were crude and the battle scenes slow, it was still very entertaining.
Love the CD music, and I can't believe I still have all my old HOMM1-5 CD's. All of them.

Thanks for listening.

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Unread postby Crayno » 31 May 2012, 07:18

I had the same problem with HOMM2 and the sound in the "movies" hardly work as well.
When I installed it, it said didn't pass the requirements (I have a high end 1 year old pc) and it even said I didn't have enough memory so that could be the culprit.
I also experienced some stuttering and instability in general so I uninstalled it again, really wasn't playable enough for me.

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good games

Unread postby cjlee » 01 Jun 2012, 18:55

so many years after H1 and H2 came out, people are still playing them.

This compares favorably with the trash that is H6.

Round Table Knight
Round Table Knight
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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 05 Jun 2012, 04:23

H 2 was perhaps the most memorable of the series for me. Art was most fascinating, just like looking into fairy-tale book.

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