Patch 1.4 Released

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby Kalah » 16 May 2012, 10:04

<img src="/images/news/newshorn.jpg" align=left vspace=5 hspace=5>Patch 1.4 was released today, as announced on the <a href="/ ... ">official site</a>. To install it, you need to connect to the game as was earlier practice, there is (sadly) no single file available for download. Steam players are encouraged to stay tuned for the patch to be released for them as well.

The contents of the patch are as follows:

- Added the Custom Map Exchange feature, allowing players to download missing maps in the lobby, from the host.

- Added the Archipelago map, previously available only during the Christmas event, in Skirmish mode (solo and multiplayer).

- Added features in the map editor:

* Help Files: Added tutorials in the Map Editor.

*Initial Map Setup: Set a trigger to set up the initial structure allowing to save a map right after creation.

* Unified Object Behavior: Implemented unified behavior for all affected objects (e.g.: object selection, scaling, rotation handling, etc.).

* Mini map: Removed the non-functional mini map from the Map Editor.

For patch 1.5, they will focus on balancing the game, tweaking unit stats, creature growth, spells etc. The only way to know if these tweaks are successful, is obviously to play the game after release of the patch.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 16 May 2012, 13:53

Good thing I shut the game down and came here. Patch is downloading as a write this.

Seems relatively minor except for the graphics related (I assume) fix.
* Unified Object Behavior: Implemented unified behavior for all affected objects (e.g.: object selection, scaling, rotation handling, etc.).
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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby hellegennes » 16 May 2012, 14:00

Patch 1.5 seems to be resolving a lot of the issues with the balance. At long last, they saw that the necro-inferno balance was non-existent and skills and spells should be revised.

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby camelotcrusade » 16 May 2012, 19:19

1.5 will certainly be interesting. I am nervous about the impact of these changes on the campaign since clearly they playtested those with the initial build. Will they be playtesting them with the new builds and tweaking them accordingly? Probably not... we'll probably be doing it. Ugh.

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby hellegennes » 17 May 2012, 01:05

The campaign is almost ridiculously easy as it is. So maybe it'll become a little more difficult for Necros and a bit easier for inferno.

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby Kelben » 17 May 2012, 01:23

I am not a map designer/modder at all but do some of you find the tutorials in the map editor useful? I think that is the highlight. I do not understand what this unified object behaviour means though.

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby decebalus » 17 May 2012, 21:18

finally some good news...lets wait and see what will be next. Congrats so far!

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 17 May 2012, 21:22

So the minimap isn't functioning in the map editor...and they just remove it? Instead of fix it?
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Unread postby Toejam » 18 May 2012, 00:20

What i don't understand is why it is so important to fix the map editor of a game first, before the game itself...
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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby hellegennes » 18 May 2012, 02:38

The game has its flaws but you can play and enjoy it just fine. It can use some changes but there are no serious bugs and nothing major to detract from the gaming experience. The map editor, on the other hand, is quite useless and with the game's longevity depending upon it, it needs immediate attention.

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 20 May 2012, 20:33

Does Diplomacy skill actually work at the moment? I mean it says you can use diplomacy to recruit hostile mobs but with a diplomacy equipped hero I had absolutely 0% success with about a dozen stacks of my race in one of the campaign maps. Is that just bad luck?
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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby hellegennes » 20 May 2012, 21:41

No, it's just that the chance must be really smaller. It must be somewhere in the region of 1%.

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 21 May 2012, 01:58

Slayer of Cliffracers wrote:Does Diplomacy skill actually work at the moment? I mean it says you can use diplomacy to recruit hostile mobs but with a diplomacy equipped hero I had absolutely 0% success with about a dozen stacks of my race in one of the campaign maps. Is that just bad luck?
I'm not sure what the rules are in heroes 6, but in heroes 5 Diplomacy doesn't help much either when you see the list of things that effect chance to join. Most often 2 or 3 other factors counter-act the benefit of the skill.

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby rubiconiii » 21 May 2012, 19:22

The patch file is easy to locate on the computer after the auto-download - I extracted the *.exe-file should someone need it - hmm6_1.4_efigs.exe - I reckon that would be its name...

Size is 25.4 MB.

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Unread postby Kalah » 21 May 2012, 22:15

You're right, the single .EXE files were just released. :)

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Patch 1.4 Released

Unread postby infael » 24 May 2012, 22:26

I installed 1.4 when it first came out. Today, I got a patch download which I installed. ALL my games are gone. I was in the final inferno campaign.
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