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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Apr 2006, 10:17

Thelonious would be a nice lab rat for the weekly :devil:

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Unread postby Thelonious » 20 Apr 2006, 14:56

You will never catch me alive! :P

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Unread postby Orfinn » 20 Apr 2006, 15:38

Shhhh, we have a fat, white, ugly, six legged, red eyed lab rat here, someone call the Kalah Containment for Interwievs! :oex:

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Unread postby [T]osHiro » 21 Apr 2006, 06:29

Is it just me, or has someone missed two weeks issue on the RTW?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Apr 2006, 13:59

Thelonious wrote:You will never catch me alive! :P
That can be aranged.You dont have to be alive to be interviewed.Look at Ethric,or TT for example :devious: :devil:

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Unread postby FantoMaxJM » 21 Apr 2006, 16:36

*Hehe* This is hilarious! :lol: ...And Orfinn: nice touch adding that "descendants", I was confused :| at first, but here was the answer. :devious:
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Unread postby Kalah » 24 Apr 2006, 19:52

A55a55in: "Ahem, excuse me..."
Anchor: "Shhh! Stop bothering me! Can't you see I'm playing?"
A55a55in: "Yes, well, if I could intrude for a moment, I was just wondering..."
Anchor: "What!?"
A55a55in: "Well, it's been two weeks since last time… don't you think it's time for another one of those 'interview' thingies soon?"
Anchor: "Yes, yes, later."
A55a55in: "But..."
Anchor: "Look! I've been busy all week, my editor is on my back about this party he wants me to arrange for the toilet bugs, and I just got this other thing… in addition to the demo release – you think I've had time to arrange an interview?"
A55a55in: "I heard of a couple of members who would be nice subjects..."
Anchor: "Aaaagh! Those damned Master Hunters! Now how am I supposed to win this duel without any mages!?"
A55a55in: "You think you'll be finished soon then?"
Anchor: "Well, now that you mention it, I think I have a few questions left over from last time..."
A55a55in: "Great! I'll go and try to find someone you can interview."
Anchor: "No need. Just sit down in this chair over here."
A55a55in: "... what?"
Anchor: "Sit, sit, sit."
A55a55in: "Wha... oh! Nononono! Not me, you don't!"
Anchor: "Guard! Can we get a spot over here?"
A55a55in: "NOOOO!! HEEELPP!!"
Anchor: "Get the Comfy Chair! Oh, and gag him until I can ask him a question, would you?"

*Ten minutes later*
Tired old man with a beard: "Thaaaat's right. It's..."

The Round Table Weekly

Anchor: "Have you calmed down now?"
A55a55in: "Oh, yes – how did you do that?"
Anchor: "Simple. I put something in your drink. And threw in a Hypnotize spell for good measure. Now, here's a question: What's with those fives in your name?"
A55a55in: "Well, clearly, it's a way of making my name look a bit cooler; you know – seen the right way, a five is the same shape as an S."
Anchor: "No, it isn't!"
A55a55in: "Well... yes, it is – look, I've got my calculator here; doesn't that five look like an S to you?"
Anchor: "Yes, but that's a calculator – the old kind! This is the Web, man, you have access to the whole alphabet written correctly!"
A55a55in: "All right, all right, let's not get too excited, it's just a nickname – jeez louise..."
Anchor: "How are you pronouncing that name anyway? 'Afivefiveafivefivein'?"
A55a55in: "No..."
Anchor: "It's 'assassin' – isn't it?"
A55a55in: "Yes, of course, but..."
Anchor: "So why not just call yourself 'Assassin'?"
A55a55in: "Huh-huh, dude, you said 'ass'..."
Anchor: "I don't get it."
A55a55in: "Can we please talk about something else? Something different?"
Anchor: "Yes, let's – I've heard that under your mattress, you keep a large supply of..."
A55a55in: "Not that different!"
Anchor: "What was the capitol of Assyria?"
A55a55in: "Some say Nineveh, others say Nimrud."
Anchor: "That's because they're stupid. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
A55a55in: "Airspeed and velocity is the same thing, isn't it?"
Anchor: "No, it could be running on the ground."
A55a55in: "But then why not say 'airspeed' when it's in the air and 'velocity' when it's on the ground?"
Anchor: "Because 'velocity' could mean any number of things! Now can you answer the question or not?"
A55a55in: "Between 40 and 50 mph."
Anchor: "In Ks per hour, please."
A55a55in: "Errr... that's..."
Anchor: "Sorry, time's up. That gives me a bonus question: what's that thing with your hair?"
A55a55in: "Cool, aint it?"
Anchor: "Not really, no. What is it?"
A55a55in: "Well, with the new game and everything, I thought I needed to get some of them pointy ears to look like a proper assassin."
Anchor: "So you put Vaseline in your hair to simulate long, pointy ears?"
A55a55in: "No, I couldn't find any."
Anchor: "I see."
A55a55in: "So I used snot instead."
Anchor: "Eeew!"
A55a55in: "There's plenty about."
Anchor: "I'm sure. Now, where do you live?"
A55a55in: "Oooooh, no, that's a strict secret, revealed only to my closest friends and allies. And my allies' families. And their friends. And their tennis partners. And their tennis partners' friends and their dogs. And some chap I bumped into on the street yesterday called Bernard."
Anchor: "Right, I'll get you to admit to me where your den is located – guard! Get the Comfy-Comfy-Chair, please!"
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 24 Apr 2006, 20:16

Poor a55a55in... that was unexpected! :)
Let us know when you find out where his den is.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Apr 2006, 20:22

theLuckyDragon wrote: Let us know when you find out where his den is.
Or when he runs out of teeth.... whichever comes first.. :devil:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 24 Apr 2006, 20:24

:lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu:

Afivefiveafivefivein!! :loll:

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 Apr 2006, 20:37

DaemianLucifer wrote:Afivefiveafivefivein!!
That's what I have been saying all along... 5 = S: Amazing. :)
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 24 Apr 2006, 20:42

Corribus wrote:
DaemianLucifer wrote:Afivefiveafivefivein!!
That's what I have been saying all along... 5 = S: Amazing. :)
No way?!So 10/2=S?Wow!Wouldnt it be so cool to have a nick a10/210/2a10/210/2in?!! :devil:

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Unread postby Vlad976 » 25 Apr 2006, 13:04

Haha a55a55in. You asked for it, you got it.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 25 Apr 2006, 13:54

Poor little a55a55in :D

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Unread postby Thelonious » 25 Apr 2006, 14:09

a55a55in got his interview, but he's not here to enjoy it. What'sup with that?

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Unread postby Orfinn » 25 Apr 2006, 14:26

He may have seen it but now hes sitting in the sunseth crying..... :devious:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 25 Apr 2006, 14:44

He saw it and is now on a quest to behead Kalah.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 25 Apr 2006, 19:36


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Unread postby [T]osHiro » 26 Apr 2006, 00:50

That was really good one, which also explains why he ignored me at MSN last few days... :D :D :D Strange thing is this morning when I check my horoscope, it says: "Someone will tell you that you are special to that person."

BTW, someone please enlighten me, what is snot?
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Apr 2006, 00:58

I belive the first one applies in this situation:
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