sheogh 1 campaign cant acquire troops HELP!

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sheogh 1 campaign cant acquire troops HELP!

Unread postby ancientdm » 26 Mar 2012, 03:12

Am currently playing sheogh campaign, have defeated and acquired all of tor beleths castles.prior to crossing a land bridge to his final castle everything was fine. now when I go to acquire troops at any of my castles it shows all of the troops in the -55672 range. yes thats a minus. so I have been stuck playing with the troops i have and its not enough to defeat the other two legions. Has anyone encountered this or should I not have taken out torbeleth.?

Blood Fury
Blood Fury
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Unread postby Naki » 26 Mar 2012, 17:33

Do you have the latest patch of the game?
I.e., do you have 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1/etc?
This was supposed to be fixed a few patches back, maybe you have an old version.
May the Implosion be with you!

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Joined: 18 Mar 2012
Location: Jefferson,Ohio

Unread postby ancientdm » 26 Mar 2012, 23:29

thanks for the suggestion, I will look up the latestpatch and have it installed.

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