Well, that was destruction rather than a reboot I mean the reboot of local Enroth storyline, of course.GreatEmerald wrote:Well, it's wasn't quite a reboot... *glares at Ubisoft*
Not quite. Catherine is mentioned a couple of times in The True Blade, but it's never stated that she remained Erathia's ruler up until Reckoning (and for a good reason, since it would contradict AB and MM8). It isn't established that Kendal haven't chosen the new ruler, either. Quite the contrary, the final map of CotD mentions king of Erathia, and it wouldn't be logical if Kendal never chose anyone. It's not Gelu, as far as one can tell from The Sword of Frost campaign. Who the king was doesn't really matter, since he's an off-screen character, but it would be interesting to know.Avonu wrote:Wasn't Queen Catherine suggested as last ruler of Erathia in Lysander campaign in HIV?
She of course pointed Morgal Kendal to be regent and to choose new king (it supposed to be Gelu IIRC some old rumors) but eventually he didn't chose anyone before Reckoning came.
I doubt it came with the VARN seeding Enroth, since HC mentions the Sword of Frost being created about a thusand years ago and causing the creation of the glacier around Volee (which made the climate of Vori even colder). I think it's safe to assume that the Sword was created by some powerful Vori mage-forgerers.Avonu wrote: Probably it came with first colonists and was created by Ancients or their technology. Who knows what secrets came with VARN? After all, one "thing" from Ancient armory "created" Dragonsand desert in one, big boom. Maybe other so powerful artifacts were scattered around world, so incident like that in Day of Fire will not happen again.