Patch 1.3

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Patch 1.3

Unread postby Kalah » 27 Feb 2012, 18:42

As you can see here, patch 1.3 has been announced and is scheduled for release in 3 weeks time. Here is the list of features they aim to improve:

Online features:
  • Invite Friends: you’ll be able to invite players from your friend list directly in-game.
    Official Map Tags: highlight official maps released by Ubisoft and the others in the map selection screen.

  • Sanctuary - The "Challenge" ability has no functionality.
    Sanctuary - The "Trail of Clouds" will completely stop the movement of enemy units that attempt to cross its area of effect.
    Haven - The Imperial Griffin creature can use its special ability while frozen.
    Menu - The tooltips of the Reputation Abilities do not indicate the proper school which they belong to.
    Necropolis - Wasting Grounds does not award the bonus stated in its description
    Campaign -The primary quest "The Choice” will not complete when the user upgrades his reputation after visiting an Arena.
    Campaign - The hero cannot interact with a Dragon Nexus near the town of Nar-Heresh
    Campaign – In multiplayer, the resources spawn outside the island on Tree of Plenty map.
    Campaign - The user cannot select any hero for the Epilogue campaign after previously visiting the other campaign tabs
    The Unyelding trait the user receives for finishing the Sanctuary campaign does not work
    The Barbarian Hero trait the user receives for the Wormchopper achievement does not work as stated in the description.
    The custom hero changes into Irina at the beginning of Sanctuary 2.
    Create Hero panel's class specific ability name is not localized.
    The player that is attacked during a Multiplayer session by another player can't complete any Combat Achievements during that battle
    During Siege, one of the player remains on the map if the other player exit the session.
    If the user is defeated by not completing the condition to re/capture a town or fort in 7 days - he will receive achievements completed by the AI
    There is no confirmation dialog when kicking another player from the lobby.
    Some of multiplayer map name is displayed to English
    A previously saved session cannot be finished after being reloaded, if not all the players rejoin the saved game.
    The user that does not join a loaded game will still have his assets in the game.
    The client remains on infinite loading screen if he joins any Multiplayer server after he lost his internet connection
    The user cannot buy the newly unlocked items from the Altar of Wishes when reaching a new Dynasty rank, until he advances one more Dynasty level.
    The information provided when using "Compare" is incomplete
    The Online Profile displayed is the one of the previous selected friend, if changing the tab to Online Profile after choosing Compare achievements option from the Friends list.
    The Player statistics transfer from one player to another after using the "Compare" and "Details" .
    When selecting the "View online profile" option for a friend from the friends list, the achievements list shown remains the one of the user.
    The confirmation message received when trying to remove an active widget is not localized
    The user cannot see the details and compare the achievements with the other in "leaderboards" and "friends".
    After losing the connection to Conflux servers on the transition to the Main Menu, a debug text error is displayed and the Main Menu background disappears
    The user is unable to load any save while in game, after reconnecting to the Internet
    Map Editor - The maps created with the Editor do not appear in the Multiplayer game lobby.
    The sound FX is distorted when modifying the movement of the AI, units and Hero.
    None of the artifacts present in the Artifact Merchant menu has a description.
  • The player that is attacked during a Multiplayer session by another player can't complete any Combat Achievements during that battle
    During Siege, one of the player remains on the map if the other player exit the session.
    If the user is defeated by not completing the condition to re/capture a town or fort in 7 days - he will receive achievements completed by the AI
    There is no confirmation dialog when kicking another player from the lobby.
    Some of multiplayer map name is displayed to English
    A previously saved session cannot be finished after being reloaded, if not all the players rejoin the saved game.
    The user that does not join a loaded game will still have his assets in the game.
    The client remains on infinite loading screen if he joins any Multiplayer server after he lost his internet connection.
  • The user cannot buy the newly unlocked items from the Altar of Wishes when reaching a new Dynasty rank, until he advances one more Dynasty level.
    The information provided when using "Compare" is incomplete
    The Online Profile displayed is the one of the previous selected friend, if changing the tab to Online Profile after choosing Compare achievements option from the Friends list.
    The Player statistics transfer from one player to another after using the "Compare" and "Details" .
    When selecting the "View online profile" option for a friend from the friends list, the achievements list shown remains the one of the user.
    The confirmation message received when trying to remove an active widget is not localized
    The user cannot see the details and compare the achievements with the other in "leaderboards" and "friends".
    After losing the connection to Conflux servers on the transition to the Main Menu, a debug text error is displayed and the Main Menu background disappears
    The user is unable to load any save while in game, after reconnecting to the Internet.
  • Map Editor - The maps created with the Editor do not appear in the Multiplayer game lobby.
    The sound FX is distorted when modifying the movement of the AI, units and Hero.
    None of the artifacts present in the Artifact Merchant menu has a description.
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Unread postby Mirez » 27 Feb 2012, 19:15

treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Re: Patch 1.3

Unread postby Kelben » 28 Feb 2012, 01:47

This is really good news but seriously, did you notice how the list is f*$#%^ up? Scarry :S
Kalah wrote: Campaign – In multiplayer, the resources spawn outside the island on Tree of Plenty map.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Feb 2012, 07:14

Because it is not a list of bug fixes. It is list of bugs themselves.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 28 Feb 2012, 07:29

Why are some bugs listed only twice? The list would look much longer and more impressive if every bug is repeated at least trice!
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Unread postby Kelben » 28 Feb 2012, 07:33

No option to like a post on the forum so I plainly write it: I like your post Pitsu :D

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Unread postby Pol » 28 Feb 2012, 07:52

Kelben wrote:No option to like a post on the forum so I plainly write it: I like your post Pitsu :D
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Unread postby Torur » 28 Feb 2012, 15:03

Lets hope this gives the gaming exp the boost it needs...

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Unread postby Naki » 28 Feb 2012, 22:33

No Marketplace fixes?? :( :(
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Unread postby Zareth » 17 Apr 2012, 23:18

It's being released now...but doesn't have nearly as many of the changes they listed in it. Go go ubisoft? >.>

Edit: No patch yet for Steam version o.o

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Unread postby ywhtptgtfo » 18 Apr 2012, 02:48

By comparison, this is the latest patch release of Crusader Kings II, which I am totally salivating to download: ... cksum-NPPS

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Apr 2012, 07:09

Pitsu wrote:Why are some bugs listed only twice?
That's a bug with the listing software... it's supposed to be 4 times each...
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Unread postby parcaleste » 18 Apr 2012, 07:27

ThunderTitan wrote:
Pitsu wrote:Why are some bugs listed only twice?
That's a bug with the listing software... it's supposed to be 4 times each...
They'll fix it in several patches somewhere around 2020.

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Unread postby BMJedi » 20 Apr 2012, 20:32

This game has been out all this time and still bug-ridden, and the community driven to sarcastic despair over it being playable?

Dang. I thought I might buy Homm VI eventually (tried the demo - hated it. wtf? no townscreen art?) I guess I won't be buying it after all.

Here's yet another sad example of how pc game developers have completely lost the knowledge of how to make a good game.
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