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Unread postby Koni » 27 Jan 2012, 19:41

Does anybody know a word that starts with "ks"? I don't! ;|

rule 15) Any player who is forced to use a word for which he/she is later penalized will receive 0 points (instead of the normal -1) if the word prevents the round from ending.

Please continue with a word starting with "s" only! You will not be penalized. ;)

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Unread postby Pitsu » 27 Jan 2012, 20:12

Koni wrote:Does anybody know a word that starts with "ks"? I don't! ;|
H5 academy has a creature that starts with ks and although it is a loan word it is also listed in Merriam-webster for instance. So, if i may:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 27 Jan 2012, 21:03

Koni wrote:Does anybody know a word that starts with "ks"? I don't! ;|
Ha, noob.... see Pitsu's post...
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Unread postby Koni » 27 Jan 2012, 21:43

Ok, accepted. :tsup:

Time for an update:

Words used:
encounter, countered, redone, oneiric, rickshaw, shawled, lederhosen, seniority, typical, picalilli, lilliputian, angry, gryse, septum, tumble, umbles, bless, blessing, singers, erstwhile, ileum, eumycotic, ticking, kingdom, dome, domestic, domesticated, tedder, dermotology, gyroscope, scopes, copesetic, ticket, ketchup, update, dates, testicle, cleats, tsar, sarcoma, comal, malepropism, pismeres, rescissory, oryxes, especially, lyssa, lyssaviruses, sessile, silent, lenticel, iceless, lessons, sonship, shipper, perpendicular, larch, arching, chingma, maar, aardvark, arks, kshatriya

TT :hoo: :hoo:

The new score:

Kalah 35+3+3+ = 41
Koni 37+2 = 39
ThunderT 25+3 = 28
GreatEm 23+5 = 28
jeff 18+4 = 22
Avonu 17+3 = 20
Pitsu 13+2 = 15
ShadowL 3
Gnom 1

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Unread postby jeff » 27 Jan 2012, 23:41

Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby Koni » 28 Jan 2012, 08:58


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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Jan 2012, 17:07

Isn't "kshatriya" against 5th rule?
5) Proper nouns (nouns that label a specific thing, like Earth, Microsoft, Belgium, etc), and non-english words are not allowed, and neither are abbreviations.

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Unread postby Koni » 28 Jan 2012, 17:46

You'e right, but I've accepted it according to rule 15. Otherwise the round would have ended.

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Unread postby Avonu » 29 Jan 2012, 16:02

Koni wrote:You'e right, but I've accepted it according to rule 15. Otherwise the round would have ended.
15) Any player who is forced to use a word for which he/she is later penalized will receive 0 points (instead of the normal -1) if the word prevents the round from ending.
Note that this still counts as a round penalty.
Also the word must not break rules 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 or 14.
So rule no 5 should still count. AFter all, there are for some reason.
And what is wrong with ending old round and start new one?

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Unread postby Koni » 29 Jan 2012, 16:52

Avonu wrote:So rule no 5 should still count. AFter all, there are for some reason.
And what is wrong with ending old round and start new one?
Ok, with TT's last posting of "arks" the round ends, because there isn't any valid word found starting with "ks", according to rule
9) The round ends when there are no words that can be posted. The one who ends the round gets -5 points (so that users are encouraged to prolong the game)

So let's start a new round.

The last score is:

Kalah 35+3+3+ = 41
Koni 37+2 = 39
GreatEm 23+5 = 28
jeff 18+4 = 22
Avonu 17+3 = 20
ThunderT 25-5 = 20
Pitsu 13
ShadowL 3
Gnom 1

The winner is KALAH !!!

No need for you, Kalah, to give away your (last?) T-Shirt. :D
But would you please start the new round!!!?

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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Jan 2012, 17:06

Okey, a Heroes VI T-shirt for the overall winner, then. I got some left over. :-D

Before we begin, I should of course point out that I rule. :proudirule:

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Unread postby jeff » 29 Jan 2012, 19:19

Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 29 Jan 2012, 19:49

Shouldn't we start a Calodont 6 for that, then?

Also, I can't think about any more words for that particular word. Nothing really starts with "ls" (and UNIX commands are not accepted here, alas :D ). "diols" would be possible, like "diolsulfate", but that would be just bad chemistry (IUPAC states that the "diol" part has to be separated by dashes, so it wouldn't fit the rules; and it would more likely be a sulfatediol, too, since if it existed in the first place, its formula would be something like HO-SO4-OH; and it doesn't exist, since it would create a SO4(OH)2 ionic compound, which would instantly break due to both ions having negative charge, SO2 has -2 and OH has -1; yay for chemistry!).

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Unread postby Koni » 29 Jan 2012, 21:43

Is it that, what we call in German a typical "Fehlstart" (false starting) f.e. in a speed running competition? :D

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Unread postby jeff » 29 Jan 2012, 23:35

In basketball it is called a slam dunk. :D
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Jan 2012, 07:44

Avonu wrote:Isn't "kshatriya" against 5th rule?
5) Proper nouns (nouns that label a specific thing, like Earth, Microsoft, Belgium, etc), and non-english words are not allowed, and neither are abbreviations.
Or for fucks sakes.... i take it then that kings, vicar or priest aren't allowed either...

Kshatriya basically means warrior and since it's Indian it's been in the english language at least as long as Thug:

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Unread postby Pitsu » 30 Jan 2012, 08:29

I am with ThunderT in this one since "kshatriya" is about as English as "buddhism", "brahman" or, according to TT link, "thug". We may leave them out, but if we at the same time have Greek god's names (Lyssa) accepted then it is kind of hard to understand.
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Unread postby Avonu » 30 Jan 2012, 08:50

Hey, I only asked about it, not accepted or denied it. :P
I never saw word "kshatriya" used in English besides HV.
Last edited by Avonu on 30 Jan 2012, 21:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Koni » 30 Jan 2012, 09:05

So, what to do now? We could continue the first round of Caladont 5.0 with this last score after the word kshatriya accepted:
Ok, accepted. :tsup:

Time for an update:

Words used:
encounter, countered, redone, oneiric, rickshaw, shawled, lederhosen, seniority, typical, picalilli, lilliputian, angry, gryse, septum, tumble, umbles, bless, blessing, singers, erstwhile, ileum, eumycotic, ticking, kingdom, dome, domestic, domesticated, tedder, dermotology, gyroscope, scopes, copesetic, ticket, ketchup, update, dates, testicle, cleats, tsar, sarcoma, comal, malepropism, pismeres, rescissory, oryxes, especially, lyssa, lyssaviruses, sessile, silent, lenticel, iceless, lessons, sonship, shipper, perpendicular, larch, arching, chingma, maar, aardvark, arks, kshatriya

TT :hoo: :hoo:

The new score:

Kalah 35+3+3+ = 41
Koni 37+2 = 39
ThunderT 25+3 = 28
GreatEm 23+5 = 28
jeff 18+4 = 22
Avonu 17+3 = 20
Pitsu 13+2 = 15
ShadowL 3
Gnom 1

and continued by
jeff's riyal
Koni's yald
Avonu's alder

If you go conform with this suggestion, you may continue with the last word "alder". Sorry, Kalah! :P
But please remember (and I hope you all accept this), we will continue the round without the +5 bonus. So using the whole word "alder" in the next word will only count the 5 (letter) points.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Jan 2012, 14:30


Avonu wrote: I never see word "kshatriya" used in English besides HV.

Well they add a few dozen new ones each year... and plenty of words are not used that often...

But it's in MW:
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