Inferno mission-final boss fight after castle K

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Inferno mission-final boss fight after castle K

Unread postby saugeen123 » 23 Jan 2012, 14:39

I think I misunderstood that final battle with Azkall. Azkall is suppose to fight and defeat the other creatures. and those are the spells available alonh the left side of the screen, right?

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Unread postby Ell1e » 23 Jan 2012, 21:55

Jupp. You're controlling Azkaal for that fight. Have fun. ^^

If you're having trouble, check Azki's abilities. He'll deal a pretty huge amount of fire damage to every unit that has attacked him during the battle when he counterattacks. This doesn't only help you get rid of the shooter stacks, it's also how I got the achievement for killing lots of units with a counterattack.

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