1.2 Bugs

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Avonu » 05 Jan 2012, 12:46

I don't know it is bug or wrong game desing but if you equipt artifact that increase hero might, magic or (magic) defense, it doesn't increase hero attack value (Might + Defense) or Mana (Magic + Magic Defense).
IMO it seems not right.

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Unread postby Naki » 05 Jan 2012, 22:13

The damned game keeps crashing on me on trying to SAVE a game.
It actually crashes even before clicking the NEW SAVE SLOT and trying to enter any text. No one else gets that crashing???
Playing in offline mode.
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Unread postby Mirez » 06 Jan 2012, 17:42

I found two bugs today.
First one is more of a glitch but whatever. When you re-specialize and decide not to learn certain war cries you had before you can still use them if you have made a shortcut of them. For example: kiril had mass heroism (I had a shortcut to it as well). I re-specialize and decide no not learn mass heroism, but I can still use it with the shortcut.

The second one is this:
[img]http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8867 ... 161257.png[/img]
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby Avonu » 06 Jan 2012, 20:27


Inferno campaign, mission 4.
If you want to check Librarian NPC stats, you will see no hero model or bios. Well, no big deal.
But if you want to check his abilities, game will crash.
No such problem with others NPCs (Cate for example) and enemy heroes.

Sarah, Xana and Airini don't have any specialization. Few others campaign heroes/enemies also don't have their specializations.

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Unread postby cde804 » 08 Jan 2012, 04:17

When using Yuki-Onna´s ice shards, if a creature recieves damage when touching the first square that reduces its quantities to 0, the creature keeps moving until final destination and only then dies, instead of doing it in that first touched square of the 3x3 rectangle created by ice shards spell.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 08 Jan 2012, 17:56

Frozen Griffons can use their battle dive. They'll fly off still iced, the ice shards on the ground will disappear, then the whole frozen effect comes back when they land. The next turn frozen will be gone like normal, but they don't miss a turn to attack.

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Unread postby cde804 » 08 Jan 2012, 19:30

This is a good one: if during a siege battle you use Tsunami and send a creature that was outside castle´s gate back inside, then you can´t hit it because what computer displays you are trying to hit is siege gate instead of the creature, and your creature does nothing and then your next creature´s turn starts. The enemy creature turn after turn tries to get out but the turn after, is still in the same square it was at the beginning of last turn, and repeats every turn the same movement. Weird, weird. 8|

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Unread postby Eucalypta » 08 Jan 2012, 21:05

Hi. Just started with MMH6.
Played the tutorial and currently halfway into map 2 of stronghold campaign. Obtained the Sword of Griffin, Sword of the Wolf, bought the Oblivion with the ubipoints whatever.
Installed patch 1.2.1. (btw happened not automatically, had to do it manually with the gu.exe, so who knows how many people are still having this copy achievement uberbug going on..sigh) and then....continued my game.. with now also in my possession:
Thunder Staff, Iron Feather, Sword of Whistlebone, Malathua's Cleaver and the Souldrinker. How can this be? :tired:

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Unread postby Ell1e » 09 Jan 2012, 08:58

One of the skirmish maps seems bugged for me. It's the one that looks like a six-player map from H5 (don't know the english name, sorry) with six areas and a desert with stats and treasure in the middle. That desert area used to be blocked off by semi-powerful neutral stacks, but since 1.2 those have disappeared. I really liked that you didn't get AI visitors in the first month and when they appeared they didn't jump you all at once, but now the AI just skips across the desert to bug me whenever they want.

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Unread postby Kelben » 09 Jan 2012, 17:39

1/ Implosion series of achievements are accounting for cumulative damage caused by one hero and not on a one-shot basis.

2/ Pretorians seem to shield the enemy units when next to them (little green arrow up) like they would do for a friendly unit.

3/ Undead campaign first mission, when you capture the 2nd city, the pylons of the gate on the right stay yellow instead of turning green on the side you control.

4/ I do not think this is WAD: got max mana achievement through dragon nexus.

5/ Sanctuary campaign M3: The wall upgrades do not update the adventure map view passed the first one for Hukarere (orc city on the right).

*1/ Now properly promoted to bronze at dynasty rank 10.
Last edited by Kelben on 12 Feb 2012, 09:05, edited 5 times in total.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 09 Jan 2012, 20:59

They don't shield, it's just the animation. And I'm pretty sure those achievements are meant to be cumulative, because I don't think a single hero attack can even do 2500 damage.

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Unread postby Kelben » 10 Jan 2012, 00:26

I know they don't shield hence the "seem" and hence the bug. And I am sorry but you are definitely wrong on the implosion achievement...

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Unread postby Ell1e » 10 Jan 2012, 10:37

If you say so. I can't tell for sure, it was bugged when I got it. ;-)

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Unread postby Kelben » 10 Jan 2012, 12:39

Yes I am sure, it is called implosion because implosion typically make about a thousand damages as I could see along the undead campaign mission 2 so I gues by the end, with some weakening resistance kind of thing, grabbing all the extra magic power skills you can near 2.5k. That is a lot though but that's why it is made an achievement. Otherwise I got it along the 1st campaign, 2nd mission :disagree:

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Unread postby Mirez » 11 Jan 2012, 18:11

heroic charge doesn't work on necropolis units... Why would a necro might hero be able to get it in the first place?
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby Arabmoney » 12 Jan 2012, 19:21

I have some more original bugs O.o:

1) When AI has Sun Riders in their keep, it will never move them out of keep even if they are the only soldiers he has left.

2) When Imperial Griffins get good morale, they seem to move 3 times.

3) (this has to be a bug, sorry its just redicolous, it makes having morale pretty much a nerf) If a creature has good morale, and has guardian angel applied on it, the guardian angel will disapear as soon as it does its first move and starts doing its good morale move, this pretty much means that you just get the buff for one attack rather than 2 attacks and an entire turn of being invincible to enemies, like you would normally.

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Unread postby Naki » 12 Jan 2012, 20:23

In version 1.2.1 the damn crashes on SAVE/LOAD seem fixed.
The bug I mentioned that bugs me, is not fixed:
* Dual monitor config.
* Run game, press Alt+Tab to switch to Windows.
* Switch back to game.
* Try moving mouse cursor ---> Goes off screen to 2nd monitor.
Since the game actually allows me to choose which of the 2 monitors to use to play, I find it strange the cursor is not confined to that monitor after an Alt+Tab and then switch back to game.
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Unread postby Ell1e » 13 Jan 2012, 15:12

I've only seen that Griffin bug triggered if they had good morale on a turn they used Battle Dive and the turn after that. Since they're moved back automatically, I guess the extra turn is saved and can be used the next turn.

Another fun one: In the bestiary, when you click on the icon for Azkaal's sketch, all you get is a giant version of his portrait.

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Unread postby Avonu » 13 Jan 2012, 16:27

Another bugs

1. Combat sometimes does not end when Abyssal Worm from Inferno unique building swallows enemy units. You have to use/click hero or unit ability/spell to finish combat.
Now, real "fun" begins if this happen in fight against enemy hero. Enemy can act during swallowed unit turn and if swallowed unit is last enemy stack, combat should end and enemy should lost.
But due above bug, combat sometimes does not end and enemy hero still can act resulting in crash.

So instead having useful unique building, Inferno has another disadvantage.

2. Necropolis Might hero has ability which lower damage, morale and luck of enemy units if any of their stacks will die. By why it works if also Necropolis hero stacks die?
And why it works when summoned/gated unit is killed?

Hmm... maybe because Inferno is so overpowered that it need all kinds of nerfs? :P

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Unread postby Ell1e » 14 Jan 2012, 11:15

...Okay, summoned/gated still makes sense because one of their allies just got killed, but I really don't see the logic behind "Haha! We just took out the fearsome liches! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!".

With the Abyssal Worm, do you have to actually kill the swallowed stack or just do something to end the battle? The second one sounds like you can at least plan around it but with the first one crashes are almost guaranteed.

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