Polls and Bugs

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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby Kalah » 21 Dec 2011, 12:33

<img src="/images/news/poll_H61.2.jpg" align=right hspace=10 vspace=10>After the release of H6, the word is that most of the really major complaints have been addressed. Of course, there are still bugs in the game, but that's to be expected. Still, they spent more than two months making this patch, so I think we have the right to have high expectations.

Please scroll down and look to the left of the screen and take our <b>poll</b>: rate how well you think the game plays after 1.2 has been applied. Don't consider how long it took them to make the thing, just the result: how good the game is right now.

Also, please pop by <a href="/viewtopic.php?t=12933">our forum</a> to report any confirmed bugs you may encounter.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby maltz » 21 Dec 2011, 16:07

I believe that most people don't rush to buy games because (1) they will become much cheaper a year later; and (2) they are full of bugs at the beginning. I had to buy MMH6 as quickly as possible so I can help with the website's walkthrough. If not for this reason I would definitely put it on hold, same as Mass Effect 2, Shogun Total War 2... the list grows long (cry).

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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby Spin » 22 Dec 2011, 08:22

It's getting there slowly. Like all great games, they aren't fantastic on release. Heroes 3 took until Shadows of Death to become truly legendary, many other strategy games have done the same. Hopefully Heroes 6 keeps getting patched every month or 2.

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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby hellegennes » 22 Dec 2011, 13:39

People shouldn't take it as norm that a game MUST be buggy at release. We have to see games that do that as unfortunate. Take Bliizzard for instance. They take their time to finish their games (although this becomes ridiculous after a point).

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Re: Polls and Bugs

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 22 Dec 2011, 16:07

hellegennes wrote:People shouldn't take it as norm that a game MUST be buggy at release. We have to see games that do that as unfortunate. Take Bliizzard for instance. They take their time to finish their games (although this becomes ridiculous after a point).
I agree, Blizzard takes their time making sure they get everything right before releasing their games, and it shows in their success. You can't walk into a store that sells Computer Games that doesn't have a couple of Blizzard Game on the shelves. Even some of their 12+ year old games that don't work well in Windows 7 like Starcraft #1 are still on a lot of stores shelves. You can't say the same thing about most other PC game makers.

While the game may eventually became something really great when the bugs are all fixed (like Heroes 5) it can do irreparable damage to your reputation with online gaming forums & reviews being filled with endless complaints about bugs and things not working right, simply because you released the game a few months too soon.

If I weren't such a huge Might & Magic fan I doubt I'd ever buy Heroes 6 after all the complaints I've read about it's bugs and DRM (right now I'm waiting till it's less buggy to buy).

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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby cjlee » 22 Dec 2011, 16:29

I agree strongly with the comments on Blizzard. I would prefer to buy Blizzard games over anything else in the market, and I would pay a premium for them.

(The words of a guy who got H6 FOC from his cousin after said cousin found H6 could not work properly on his laptop. And no, I haven't played H6 for over a month and don't miss it. Starcraft2 is the only game I play now. AND THE ONLY BUGS IN STARCRAFT ARE THE ZERG, YOU UBIHOLE MORONS!)

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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 22 Dec 2011, 19:45

What makes no sense regardless of whether you like the game or not is how pathetic the PR has been. Blizzard (to continue the example) posts and tweets almost daily on its projects to keep fans informed...Irina took a month to get to us about the 1.2 patch.
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Polls and Bugs

Unread postby hellegennes » 22 Dec 2011, 20:42

That's probably because they -Blizzard- have dedicated personnel for this purpose, while I am sure Irina has a million other things to do. This means that Ubisoft just don't care to pay employees for this.

The worst thing is that I love this game. It would be fantastic if it was finished. Though it's nowhere near complete, it has a great potential. Although I am pretty sure I wouldn't have been playing it, if it weren't for my brother with whom I play hotseat.
Edited on Thu, Dec 22 2011, 15:44 by hellegennes

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Re: Polls and Bugs

Unread postby Campaigner » 23 Dec 2011, 04:41

maltz wrote:I believe that most people don't rush to buy games because (1) they will become much cheaper a year later; and (2) they are full of bugs at the beginning.
Hah! That's me :-D

I'll get M&M:Heroes VI (I feel like I'm trolling when saying that abbrevation....so I'm gonna continue with it :D) when it's on a Steam sale with its expansions for 5-10 euro.
Haven't finished even the original campaign of M&M:Heroes V (Ranger mission 2 is really difficult! :mad:) so I'm in no hurry.

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