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The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 Apr 2006, 22:46

Yeah that would be nice. But I doubt it will be an option ;|

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Unread postby dragonn » 23 Apr 2006, 14:15

I read once, probably in the official H5 FAQ, that there will be a in-game option to choose between the traditional turn-based battle system from H3, and the new initiative based one. I wonder what happened to this idea, why it isn't implemented into the game. I don't see the reason why it shouldn't be included. It would be possible, in "traditional" option it would define units turn in battle, just like in H4. There would be a problem though with the heroes. I think there is a mechanism in H5, that the stronger the hero is, the more moves he takes in battle. It would be hard to implement into the traditional battle system (or maybe not?). One of the things that I disliked about the spell system in H3 was that I had so many spells to choose from, and I could only cat one spell per turn. And usually, If I have strong offensive spells, I prefer to use them instead of status changing spells. I don't say I don't use them, but it would be fun if I could cast a couple of spells in one turn.

PS: Maybe a system that would let you use one offensive and one status changing/defenceive spell per turn?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Apr 2006, 14:21

As i recall it was only between dynamic (timed) and non-timed battle that you could chose from.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 23 Apr 2006, 14:27

They said a lot about doing this and that in order to speed up combat.But to me,combat doesnt seem any faster than in previous sequels.It just feels more dynamic.And that is a good thing.All that talk about faster combat and small battlefields just seemed wrong to me.I still think that BF is too small,and squares too big,but Im glad that its not a slaughterfest I thought it would be.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Apr 2006, 14:34

Well maybe there will be a nice BF mod sometime in the future. 8|
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Unread postby Kalah » 23 Apr 2006, 14:52

Duelling now... kicking everybody's @$$es so far..
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Unread postby Orfinn » 23 Apr 2006, 16:44

Kalah wrote:Duelling now... kicking everybody's @$$es so far..
Which hero do you mostly play with?

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Unread postby Derek » 23 Apr 2006, 18:34

Orfinn wrote:
Kalah wrote:Duelling now... kicking everybody's @$$es so far..
Which hero do you mostly play with?
I like playing with the Dungeon hero. The Blood Furies are almost unstoppable, and I've always been partial towards warlocks. I'm usually in channel two as Chaos_Wielder.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 23 Apr 2006, 19:55

Dungeon are easy to deal with (at least for me) when Im playing with Academy.
I know its all about each others tactics, skillz etc. But I see them as this:

Sylvan good vs all
Necropolis good vs inferno
Dungeon good vs haven
Academy good vs dungeon
Haven good vs inferno
Inferno good vs academy.

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Unread postby Derek » 23 Apr 2006, 20:03

Orfinn wrote:Dungeon are easy to deal with (at least for me) when Im playing with Academy.
I know its all about each others tactics, skillz etc. But I see them as this:

Sylvan good vs all
Necropolis good vs inferno
Dungeon good vs haven
Academy good vs dungeon
Haven good vs inferno
Inferno good vs academy.
Why would necro be good against Inferno? It always seems like the Inferno resists every spell and since that's all you've got as the Necro hero it is troublesome.

Besides that I agree with you, especially with the Sylvan.
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Unread postby dragonn » 23 Apr 2006, 21:13

And I see it like this:

Sylvan is good vs everyone :D
Dungeon is good vs Sylvan (it really is)
Inferno is good vs Academy, Necro, Heaven but
Heaven is good vs Inferno (it depends on how you play them)
Academy plays well vs Inferno and Necro
Necro is not good :(

So as it seems, beside Necropolis, it all depends on how you play the game and how good your enemy is. I've beaten every race while playing with Inferno, which in fact is my favourite race...

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Unread postby Orfinn » 23 Apr 2006, 22:09

For anyone interested in the duel heroes check this link, click on a heros portrait to know more about her/him/it, enjoy! ... list.shtml

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 23 Apr 2006, 22:45

Hey, I just tested the Guardian Angel ability, and guess what it does:

An Archangel appears and ressurects your last creature stack (I was using 1 Rakshasa Raja so I don't know how many it raises), and then it dissapears.
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Unread postby theGryphon » 23 Apr 2006, 23:14

How do you test that? Is it a skill or what?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Apr 2006, 00:05

It an Life magic ability! You need to have Master of Blessing!

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Unread postby Infiltrator » 24 Apr 2006, 00:13

dragonn wrote:And I see it like this:
Dungeon is good vs Sylvan (it really is)
You must be joking, Dungeon or any other faction can't touch sylvan IF the sylvan guy is an average player. Sure I won a couple of games vs sylvan but it isn't hard vs newbies.

I think Academy has an edge over dungeon in the duel as well.

As for Necro, I beat Haven with them every time, Dungeon most of the time but a good academy is hard for necro because I can't plague the damn golems/gargs.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Apr 2006, 00:55

After some more testing I'm sure that you don't need any magic skill to learn Adventure Spells. All you need is a certain level, as follows:
Vessel of Shalassa - lvl 1;
Summon Creature - lvl 10;
Instant Travel - lvl 15;
Town Portal - lvl 20;
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Unread postby Infiltrator » 24 Apr 2006, 10:01

But does having expert summoning enable you, for example to choose where to TP?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Apr 2006, 11:30

Actualy the description for TP says that having Exp Summoning lets you go to the nearest town, and not having it to a random town, but it takes you to the nearest town if you don't have Summoning at all. Hmm... i'm gonna try and test that (I love the Sacrifice Pit) :devious:
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Apr 2006, 13:17

Ok, Expert Summoning doesn't seem to affect TP at all in the demo. And Instant Travel has a patetic range.

Also the Sacrificial Pit has a bug and actualy gives you 2 skills/abilities per lvl (if the skill is on expert the first time or you choose the same ability twice it doesn't, but otherwise you get two).

The Chain Lightning spell has no animation (of 3 stacks of Hydras the 2 unupgraded ones droped dead long before the upgraded one and as soon as I presed the mouse, before the sound of the spell).
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