Help with Sanctuary Campaign Mission 2?

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Help with Sanctuary Campaign Mission 2?

Unread postby TheRealVonDoom » 28 Nov 2011, 02:23

Greetings, HoMM players.

I am a long time player of the series, having spent time playing each (Mostly 3, then 2).

I am trying to do the 2nd Mission in the Sanctuary Campaign. After devoting a lot of time to it, I seem to be stuck.

The first time I played it, I tried the old-school, get tons of resources, huge army, never lose guys approach. It seemed to be working well, until I hit a point where the AI was sending huge waves one after the other. I was roaming with the bulk of my army, relying on town portal spells to stop a town-threatening invasion. I could kill their heroes, but eventually I just could not push out and defend, and was overrun.

The second time I tried it, I went with a calculated, go-as-fast-as-possible approach. I killed the fort that had the girl from mission 1 on day 7 of week one, while getting all unit producing structures. I went to the town with the Shark Guard quest guy, soon after, and the Human ship arrived, with an army that seemed JUST AS TOUGH AS IF I HAD WAITED!! I fought him, my army got wiped, I ressed, bought guys, and kill him while he tried to kill my town, but this was too crippling of a blow to deal with.

Does anyone have any decent strats to beat this one? For the record, I am using a custom Tear Magic hero.


Also, how do I complete the Kirin Quest? I assumed it was underground, but while venturing down there on my second try, I was wiped, and I still do not know how to complete this quest...


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Unread postby 2vasort1corppor » 28 Nov 2011, 05:00

kirin quest - that 2nd naga town you took, that you spoke to kenta the wanizame, there is a path to the east that goes to the kirin(not the underground one). there are 2 portals there leading to sanctuary elite creatures. you will choose to either befriend(tears) snow maidens/mizu kami or attack and dominate(blood) them. after that you will be able to complete the quest and build those creature dwellings in the towns you will get the might legacy weapon of sanctuary-silksword of the kirin- as well.

i dont think this mission was particularly hard, it might be because you try to go extremes that you cant win. take the wolf fort after 2-3 weeks. go to the 2nd naga town and defeat wolf invaders. complete the kirins quest and recruit elite creatures. at this point i would suggest playing def for a few weeks and recruiting/picking up whatever you can.

head south and take your 3rd town, teleport to the very first fort you took, head south from there and defeat whatever you find. only thing you should look out for is that they might attack you from underground. so if you have scouted those tunnels with a secondary hero, you will be quite safe. eventually you should outnumber them. level limit is 17 i think. so you can plan your hero development.
Last edited by 2vasort1corppor on 28 Nov 2011, 05:12, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby TheRealVonDoom » 28 Nov 2011, 05:03

Ah I see now... man I'm a fool. I've literally spent like 6+ hours on this map... and didn't realize the Kirin is standing next to 2 portals.

Funny how as soon as you talk to the Kirin, the Underground Passage becomes visible, while the portals relevant to the quest blend into the scenery...

Hopefully with 2 entire extra unit stacks I can do this.


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Unread postby RollingWave » 28 Nov 2011, 06:01

Also, have a lot of secondary heroes for this one, that would save you a lot of time on side quest and resource collecting, I had at least 2 other in addition to the guy / girl you can get in the side quest.

The Kirin Quest can be done entierly with secondary heroes, non of it require fighting (well unless you REALLY want them blood points) . there's a boatload of resource you can collect in the sea in this one so having a couple extra guys running around really helps. the best way to avoid getting owned by annoying attacks is simply having a deep depth so you don't really care about losing a fort or town on the front.
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Unread postby Mozared » 28 Nov 2011, 12:47

On another note, once you've reached the before-last objective (where you need to take two towns in order to open up the gate to the town where Hiroshi is located), don't push out too hard; the AI seems fairly stupid at this point and only ever bugs you with some small heroes with barely any units. Kill those and you can go and gather up all the units/xp you want before going in.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 28 Nov 2011, 18:53

There's several parts of this mission where you won't be bothered at all by enemy heroes, I'd suggest you make the most of those by clearing out all the neutral stacks.

First of all, nothing will happen until you take the bandit fort, so feel free to wait until week 4. Take the fort to the east before it disappears.

Second, nothing happens until you talk to the shark guy, so again, kill and loot everything.

After that you have some weeks to finish the two sidequests for creature buildings and a secondary hero until the first enemy hero arrives. Here's where things can get tough, because your next goal is to defeat two powerful heroes. Those are supposed to stay dormant in their towns and send the occasional weak hero through a one-way-portal to pester you. However, at least for me, the hero to the south of your second town sometimes gets bored and walks over to your town with her decent-sized army. I really think that's a bug, the other guy never does this at all, but I've had it happen every time and had to restart the map twice because of it. What I did in the end was abuse Town Portal to reunite my split armies and take her down when she appeared.

The third phase where nothing happens is after you've defeated both heroes. I waited a few weeks to increase my army and the last hero never even sent another hero out.

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Unread postby maltz » 29 Nov 2011, 01:35

I just finished this mission minutes ago. Spring Spirits are a no-factor in this map, and Snow Maidens' ranged power is no match of the Pearl Priestess. Kirins are too few to make any difference.

I like your first approach, which IMO is how Blackhole wants us to play the game - the AIs' scripted army grows very slowly compared to you. So very soon you will be able to overrun them. If you fight every tough battle as soon as you can win with 0 or almost no loss, you will do very well.

I guess you waited a little too long to get rid of the town south of your second town. Once that is handled, you will simply steamroll the rest.

If you go for Tear-Magic, you will have one very powerful ability "Serenity" early on. It functions like Blind. You can easily take out the enemy shooters this way. Advanced market is actually very useful. You can buy some summon elemental/blind or other things that tie up the enemy's priestess. Another mean tactics is to lure AI's hero out with a weak hero (just outside her one-day movement range). You can then first take the town then the hero.

By the way, occasionally the game bugs out to give you very little creature growth even if it is not the Week of the Plague, etc. So keep an eye on it to make sure you always get the growth you deserve (or load the day-6 or day-7 autosave).

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