This dynasty weapon is driving me nuts

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This dynasty weapon is driving me nuts

Unread postby Ell1e » 20 Nov 2011, 22:07

I find it completely impossible to get the silk sword of the kirin (sanctuary mission 2), I've tried everything I could think of, but it never shows up in my dynasty screen.

I know that sometimes dynasty weapons disappear for no reason and the only way to stop prevent this is getting some xp on them. Since Irina is a magic hero and the sword might only, I first hired a secondary hero and had him visit an xp stone. Didn't work. I'd read somewhere that it might not work with secondary heroes, so I went Tears to get Changbo. He fought some battles with the sword, not enough to level it but several. No sword.

I still have a save file near the end of the mission, would it help if I got that weapon to lv 2? Any other tips? I'd really like to keep it, I don't have that many might weapons.

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Unread postby maltz » 21 Nov 2011, 16:30

Got this from the official forum:

To prevent a Dynasty Weapon from disappearing, right after you get it, save the game, go back to Main Menu, go to My Dynasty, and associate that weapon with a hero.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 22 Nov 2011, 18:12

I tried that as well, but it's not there. Or does this have to be right after you got the weapon without playing any more?

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Unread postby Avonu » 23 Nov 2011, 16:18

Try this:

- Safe before pick up weapon (from map or from questgiver) - just in case.
- Pick up weapon.
- Exit to Main Manu
- Create or choose hero who can use it (magic hero for staves, might for swords)
- Start new game ("A Bridge too far" should be perfect map - it's quick game)
- Equipt weapon to your hero (avatar) and win map (I don't know if it needed but better to do that and with "A bridge too far" map it's 1-2 week of gameplay only).

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