Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Unread postby MadMax » 21 Oct 2011, 09:13

Thank you very much for the kind words Sir Yurian! I am as excited as ever at seeing the results of your story addings! You always seem to find the best way to enhance what I have felt could not be enhanced any further, and for that I salute you dear friend! :) Let's do this, add some more story bits, check them again and then RELEASE this baby! :)

Then, let's start with the PLANNING stadium on Campaign 3 so that everybody is in on it and knows what needs to be done! :)
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 22 Oct 2011, 17:55

Quick update 22/10/11

Updating sessions for release version will start tomorrow, mid day. Thanks dhalgren17 for your latest report. Your suggestions will be incorporated into the next version (last version?). Max, you shall be informed by tomorrow at 2100 hours Finnish time.


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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 03 Nov 2011, 00:01

Yet another update...

Map 5 of campaign II has been updated. The latest updating sessions for this particular map from the bunch of the total five piece campaign took an estimated 10+ hours of hard work. Updating maps 1-4 is planned to begin tomorrow and will be done simultaneously as they are easier to "patch up" than map 5. I hope HoP received my message & values the hard work that was done. Man I feel so tired right now.... (Usually I write better English than this... I'm indeed pretty exhausted)

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Unread postby MadMax » 08 Nov 2011, 01:17

Here you go, a little suprise from me on my birthday! :)

It's Sighisoara oriented I can tell you that, and something I pieced together myself.. Hopefully more shit like this will come later on as well! :)

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Happy Birthday HeroOfPunk

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 10 Nov 2011, 01:42

Happy 19th Birthday Max!! :)

I'm sorry for having failed to congratulate you on your birthday on Nov 8th, but here's hoping you won't feel too bad about it for too long for I have made some very good progress with MoS II which is, as we speak, on its way to be labelled version 0.96. Maps 5 and 2 seem to be fine for now, and map 1 needs a little additional work to reach 1.0, but maps 3 and 4 are the real obstacle for me. They need to be rechecked for both balance issues and storyline integrity. I'm not satisfied with the current status of those two. The word "unfinished" comes readily in mind when I think of them.

Also, I'm pleased to announce here that I've sought and received the help of some of my (non-CH member) fellow Heroes fans and fellow countrymen to test Masters of Sighisoara II: The Undead of Xerphef version 0.96. It will also be tested by yours truly when the time is right. (this weekend most likely) Like I've stated many times before, quality comes first. That's the real deal when making a Heroes campaign.

Last but not least, a huge thank you, HoP, for making the nice trailer for MoS II and releasing this work in Youtube. (as seen in the link in the post above mine) I sincerely hope that "advertising" us on Youtube shall increase the amount of downloads for our MoS project maps and campaigns here on CH and elsewhere, too. Let's hope you'll make more of those in the future. What do you say Max?

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Unread postby MadMax » 11 Nov 2011, 12:36

Looking forward to your work mate! I have glimsed at the work on Map 5, what can I say more then that it looks fabulous!
I also want to tell the people out here that in this campaign, you get hinted that Sighisoara is not the only continent out there... Perhaps is there another continent, perhaps is there another planet?
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 11 Nov 2011, 21:22

HeroOfPunk wrote:Perhaps is there another continent, perhaps is there another planet?
"Those who speak, do not know. Those who know, do not speak." ;)
The Team remains silent at this point, but we do encourage everyone to try out our maps and Campaigns to find out themselves.

Sighisoara campaigns:

The Murdered Inn keep (campaign I, released)
The Undead of Xerphef (campaign II, unreleased, TBA)

Sighisoara single scenario maps:

A Sighisoara Christmas (both English and German, released)
Prime Suspect (both English and German, released)

Search for these in the CH map database. :)


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Unread postby Kalah » 11 Nov 2011, 21:50

The Murdered Innkeep is called Masters of Sighisoara in the db, btw ...
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 11 Nov 2011, 22:10


Yeah, I know. I was just trying to get people's attention to the fact that we do have a Second Campaign under the way and released pretty soon.

Clarification: Campaign I is known as Masters of Sighisoara in the map database and our Second campaign shall be known there as Masters of Sighisoara II. I'm sorry for making our campaign things appear confusing.

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Unread postby MadMax » 11 Nov 2011, 23:18

Wonderful to see that the community looks at our post, I would just love some response from people playing the campaign and such? :)

Anyways, I can barely wait to release this next piece, currently just waiting for Yurians next update, I do not know if more storybits are needed.
I would also like to apologize from deep within my heart for this taking so long. It has been a tough time, it has been bad planning and it has all been taken under review, the next campaign, MoSIII will be planned into every little detail before work starts so that everyone knows what we are doing!

Maximilian the Knight
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Unread postby Kalah » 12 Nov 2011, 11:10

I am updating the campaigns page these days; could you just quickly remind me of the number of maps, their sizes and difficulty level of MoSI?
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MoS I campaign information

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 13 Nov 2011, 22:50

From the First Sighisoara campaign's ReadMe:


Campaign description: Welcome to the continent of Sighisoara where
various nations seek to expand their territories in the best
traditions of medieval warfare and petty factionalism. The First
Sighisoara campaign follows the adventures of Yurian the Knight as
he tracks down the killer of an innkeep from Aurolas.

Number of maps: 4

Map size: map 1 M, map 2 L, map 3 XL, map 4 XL

Language: English

Game version: Heroes III: Shadow of Death

Play-Testers: The Sighisoara Team
(Maygwan, HeroOfPunk, Yurian Stonebow, Koni)
Version 1.1 tested by Yurian Stonebow

Campaign created by: HeroofPunk, Yurian Stonebow, Maygwan

Campaign difficulty: User selectable

Campaign type: Singleplayer only, no Human or CPU allies

Campaign version: 1.1"

Hope this helps :)

I didn't name the main campaign Hero for MoS I as Sir Yurian the Knight.
My friend and team mate HeroOfPunk was behind it as the fantasy world of Sighisoara is the fruit of his imagination.
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Unread postby Kalah » 14 Nov 2011, 07:51

Ahkay I just put in "normal" difficulty. It's a bit down the page as it's sorted alphabetically and by game version, but it's an archive page after all.
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 15 Nov 2011, 00:25

Quick update!

Campaign II will see some important changes made in version of 0.96. I have just sent HeroOfPunk my latest piece of work, the updated map 2 of Campaign II, and I sincerely hope that we're on our way to some pretty good stuff here. Hopefully HoP receives the updated map with similar enthusiasm. Right? ;)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 18 Nov 2011, 01:17

Update on the early hours of Friday 18/11/11

Map 4 of Campaign II was updated yet again and sent to HeroOfPunk to receive his approval, comment and checking the stuff for "blanks" where additional story bits ared needed to fill in the gaps. Soon we shall have version 0.96 ready for testing. (It was delayed due to my perfectionism. If it isn't "ready", it just isn't, only flawless stuff will do)

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Unread postby Star King » 23 Nov 2011, 01:46

I would love to play and give my criticism when this comes out. I guess I have to play the previous campaign first though D:

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Version 0.96 ready for testing on this Saturday

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 25 Nov 2011, 19:35

Update on the 25th of November 2011

Version 0.96 of Campaign II will be sent tomorrow, on Saturday mid-day GMT to the Sighisoara Team members and our trusted map testers. :)
I wish you all a most pleasant gaming X-perience.

@Star King: Please write me at olavi_valimaki (at) You shall be received as a newest member of our map testing team. ;) Please tell us your amount of free time and your level of Heroes III experience. This will help us to determine your level of association to us. Please contact me (Yurian) at the aforementioned address. Thank you.

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Version 0.96 of Campaign II is finally ready

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 27 Nov 2011, 03:43

Greetings All,

I have good news to you dear fellow Heroes fans. The Second Sighisoara Campaign was confirmed version 0.96 a mere couple of hours ago which means that testing sessions on the newest version will start straight away. Maps 1 and 3 can be tested as single scenarios so you don't have to play the full campaign if your current amount of free time doesn't give in.

Once you have received the stuff via email, please put the campaign file and the single scenario files to your ...Heroes III/Maps folder. When you start the game, click on "Campaigns" and then "Custom Campaigns" to get to test the soon-to-be-released MoSII campaign's (pre-release) version of 0.96. Please note that if you try out maps 1 (="A Troubled Land") and 3 (="In the name of the King") in single player mode instead of the campaign mode, you will miss certain additional campaign bonuses at the start of each scenario. The level of difficulty found therein is user selectable.

The Second Campaign makes some references to the First Campaign as it follows it chronologically but it is nevertheless quite an enjoyable gaming experience on its own without requiring you to know the events of the First campaign. The First Sighisoara Campaign can be downloaded from the CH map database by searching maps by Yurian Stonebow (author) or maps by name ("Masters of Sighisoara" or just plain "Sighisoara"). Please note that the latest version of MoSI campaign is 1.1.

You may also want to play through "Prime Suspect", which is a Prologue map to the MoSII campaign. It has been updated to version 1.1 and is readily available for general audience map testing by contacting me, Yurian.

Sighisoara Team members HeroOfPunk and Koni and some of our "regular" map testers (members of the Sighisoara Map Testing Departement) should have already received version 0.96 via email as I type this. Please confirm asap that the email has reached you. Thanks.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 27 Nov 2011, 13:50

Good luck to the team. Your dedication is extraordinary :handshake:

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 27 Nov 2011, 19:43

Thank you Salamandre. We do wish to produce but Simply the Best in our Sighisoara campaigns and single scenarios. :)

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