Does time used affect campaign score at all?

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Does time used affect campaign score at all?

Unread postby maltz » 09 Nov 2011, 19:12

How are the factors affecting the ranks (hero, veteran, etc.)? Are "days passed" playing any role here? Thanks.

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Unread postby Mozared » 10 Nov 2011, 13:33

Good question. I'm playing on the easiest difficulty and think I've got the max rank in a map where I spent several months winnnig because I wanted to clear out every inch of it.

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Unread postby PureFun » 17 Nov 2011, 19:07

If it is anything like all previous Heroes games, it does. The thing is, I don't know how much as opposed to getting more stuff off the ground.

My suggestion is:

Campaign- get everything you, unless your sure you don't need it. Next time through, skip even more things to get the acheivement for completing quicker. ;)

Scenario- once you have what you need, don't waste your time with getting everything. Just finish the job and move on the next game quicker.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 18 Nov 2011, 09:33

Right now I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I wanted to get the birthday achievement, so I loaded up a save from just before Anastasya's campaign finished. Time used: 294 months, got a veteran rank just like when I finished it for the first time.

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Unread postby maltz » 18 Nov 2011, 15:29

Not sure how the mission score affects ranking (for example, hero ranking is >= 500,000?), but the mission score has the following tabs:

1. "Skill". The game said this is related to the number of unit lost during the campaign. It is possible to get 300,000+ score from this category alone (>200%, I don't know what that means. A normal distribution, I guess?).

2. "Time", which is related to the number of days spent to finish the mission. I usually see a score between 100,000 and 200,000 on this one.

These two above are the only scores shown on the summary page. The actual mission score could be more than the sum of the above two scores. So maybe difficulty comes into play here. Or there are additioanl scores - under the tabs there are other scores, such as resources gained and spent, etc. Those scores could be even higher than the final score. Not sure how they add up here.

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