Anyway to change difficulty level in middle of a campaing?

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Anyway to change difficulty level in middle of a campaing?

Unread postby helmo1977 » 07 Nov 2011, 11:52

I started the Inferno campaign on hard and the third mission is too much for me. Is there any way to change the difficulty without having to restart the campaign? Perhaps changing the profile files? Or the savegame?

Thank you very much

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Unread postby frozd » 07 Nov 2011, 12:39

As far as I can remember you can change it but you have to play it through from start. The way you do it is, to click on campaign and look to the left there's the difficulty setting set it to what you like then click on the cultist and click on the third map to start it again. Hope this helps, changing it mid game is not possible.

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 07 Nov 2011, 22:43

Go back to the main menu you see when you first start up Heroes 5. Click on the single players campaign, and the campaign you want to play. Select the difficulty level, and then chose to play Mission #3 (or whatever mission you want to play).

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Unread postby helmo1977 » 08 Nov 2011, 11:02

ShadowLiberal wrote:Go back to the main menu you see when you first start up Heroes 5. Click on the single players campaign, and the campaign you want to play. Select the difficulty level, and then chose to play Mission #3 (or whatever mission you want to play).
However, that way I won´t get “my” Agrael, but another (different) Agrael, because I will be starting a new campaign at mission 3. Am I right?

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 08 Nov 2011, 20:50

helmo1977 wrote:
ShadowLiberal wrote:Go back to the main menu you see when you first start up Heroes 5. Click on the single players campaign, and the campaign you want to play. Select the difficulty level, and then chose to play Mission #3 (or whatever mission you want to play).
However, that way I won´t get “my” Agrael, but another (different) Agrael, because I will be starting a new campaign at mission 3. Am I right?
No, I'm 99% certain the game saves your Agrael stats after each mission and uses them as your starting stats in the next mission.

I've done this before and never noticed anything different in my skills & abilities or stats.

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