Does Master of Earthblood really make Earthquake stronger?

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Does Master of Earthblood really make Earthquake stronger?

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 05 Nov 2011, 01:47

The summoning ability 'Master of Earthblood' has a description of this.
Makes Fire trap & Earthquake spells more powerful (effective spellpower is increased by 4 for casting those spells)
Yet when I look at earthquake spell's description, it's damage is determined entirely by your skill at Summoning Magic.

So does Master of Earthblood really do anything to make the Earthquake spell better? Or is the description is just wrong on Master of Earthblood and does it just effect Fire Trap?

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Unread postby Mirez » 05 Nov 2011, 17:41

Interesting question, I wouldn't know, never really used earthquake.
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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