Where is the Map editor!?

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Where is the Map editor!?

Unread postby Kareemisegyptian » 19 Sep 2011, 19:52

I bought Heroes V off steam a couple days ago ,and I cant find the map editor to save my life!

its driven me insane!

please someone tell me where it is or how do i get on it.

I jus wanna make mapssssssssss like i used 2 for heroes 3

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Unread postby wneubert2 » 13 Oct 2011, 12:19

I remember reading that they were trying to get the editor released before the game so that people could have maps complete the day the game came out. They had concerns they coulds not succeed. If the editor is not out yet, then they weren't successful. If it did get out, I'm not even sure where it would be.

The good news is that there seemed no question they were doing it, and that it already existed in a near complete state, and it sounded like it had a lot of capabilities. I read that the editor might be the only way to make maps without zones of control. I think the zones are an awesome new feature, but a some people don't like change, and this will create a higher demand for player made maps that allow the game to be played "right":)

I suppose it's possible it won't even be ready on release day. Even if that worst case scenario happens, there is some upside. They said they were trying to have some maps downloadable on release day, so in addition to the 10 that come with the game there may be a few more. Also, since you got the game, you could play it some, try out the maps, and probably learn things and get ideas that will make your maps much better.

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 14 Oct 2011, 13:27

@wneubert: this question was about Heroes 5, not 6....
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Unread postby Mirez » 14 Oct 2011, 14:41

I'm not sure h5 shipped with a map editor?
Try searching for "map editor" in the start menu.
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Unread postby Humakt » 22 Oct 2011, 00:00

It has a map editor, a laggy one with terribe GUI but the game has it.

It wasn't released in the initial version of the game, but we got it later with patch.

I don't have Steam version but H5_MapEditor.exe can be found under bin folder in game directory.
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Unread postby Mirez » 22 Oct 2011, 12:51

Humakt wrote: It wasn't released in the initial version of the game, but we got it later with patch.
ah yes, now I remember. It was stupid of nival/ubisoft not to include one with the game. Especially considering how popular map-making was/is in the previous versions.
And yes the map editor is quite horrible, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. But I'm a map editor noob to begin with :D .
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