Fans for Heroes Campaign!

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Fans for Heroes Campaign!

Unread postby Elvin » 04 Oct 2011, 18:45

Hello guys :) Long time no see.

Recently, me and my fellow H6 insiders have arranged an H6 support movement. If you are interested in H6 you may want to have a look and maybe help us out. Sadly while this is a very promising installment there has not been enough coverage, marketing was far from ideal - at least in the beginning - and a number of controversial features have sown the seeds of doubt in many fans who are only partially informed on the state of the game, its support plan and future possibilities.

On our end we will be gathering interesting articles regarding the game, posting our inside impressions, answering questions you may have and possibly help you decide whether H6 is worth your while or not. Because to be fair, most fans have a very different idea of what they want from a heroes game and some things just don't work for everyone. But if you think you are going to enjoy it you might as well give us a helping hand, it matters more than you might imagine.

If H6 proves the success I hope it will be, this can only remove ubi's doubts on whether it is worth investing more in the series. The vanilla H5 wasn't half as decent but by tribes of the east it was one hell of a game. Now H6 will have a reasonably good release and a solid support plan, by the final expansion we could possibly have the best heroes game yet. Maybe wishful thinking but hey it's possible.

Here is the original thread, you should find it more detailed.


Fans for Heroes is a movement created by the VIP fan members of Ubisoft, fans selected from various communities to help with the development of Heroes of Might and Magic VI! Or Might & Magic Heroes VI as they call it as of late :canthearu:

We, as a fan community, wish to promote the game on our own, raise public awareness, dispel the common misconceptions and highlight its good parts, without of course overlooking its faults.

Where the H5 Save Heroes movement was born of desperation, we are confident in a decent release and an even brighter future, something we hope to build upon and expand, see more factions and watch the gameplay evolve. We are of course too demanding to be satisfied with H6 as it is, instead we consider it as a taste of things to come. We want H6 to be the success that fans wish to see and this initiative is part of our effort to see this through.


This thread will be periodically updated with articles, reviews and links of interest but it's not just about us. Anyone can help promote the game either via forums, blogs or local media, I bet there are a lot of people who either do not know it is being produced, what state it is in or what it is even about. With our support we hope that H6 will prove a success which will in turn open doors for future expansion(s) or titles.



- Did Ubisoft put you up to this?

No sirre! This movement is from fans, for fans. Hell we aren't even getting paid for this :grumpy:

- But the game looks far from finished, so many things are missing?!

That is a matter of perspective. Yes the beta has a number of bugs and balance needs tweaking, that however does not mean those issues will be present in the release. Yes the town screens are still missing but they are on ubi's improve list and you should get an official update on that soon™. Yes simultaneous turns and a random map generator are absent but then they have always been expansion features and it is possible we will get them earlier than that. We are not happy that they will not be included in the release mind you but we can live with the compromise. Or at least I can :blush: Yes factions are not as numerous as before but if you try the duel mode you will see that each offers numerous tactical possibilities and a variety of playstyles. Not to mention that more factions, skills and spells will later be added. The core game is solid, it can only get better.

- You sound rather positive. I mean..?

I have a few reasons to be. First, we have contact with BH and they are open to suggestions, we may not agree on everything but if anything I can tell they are dedicated and love what they do. Ubisoft has helped by inviting us to discuss the game face to face on two occasions. Secondly, game stability and performance has vastly improved since I first tested the game. The numerous release delays and a long beta testing period have had a considerable effect on the state of the game. Finally, if you follow the evolution of the beta you will see that many of the fan wishes were taken into account. BH and Ubi have acknowledged our criticism and the flaws we've pointed out, privately and in public, and seem prepared to act on it.

- So how can I help?

Plenty of ways - you could put a word in your blog or forums you frequent, write or rate a review, contact your local media, design an H6 banner for your signature, preorder the game as a token of support, run naked in the streets shouting that H6 is coming.. On second thought don't try that one. It's really up to you, I cannot ask anything of anyone.

- Do you think that will help?

Certainly. Like I said there are a lot of people who are unaware of the game's status or even existence. Also many who have been misinformed and may not bother checking it out. And of course plenty of new gamers that have not been introduced to the series.

- What have you arranged so far?

At the moment we have an H6 preview at RpgWatch.

Also there is a Fans for Heroes facebook group which you may want to check.
Last edited by Elvin on 04 Oct 2011, 19:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Elvin » 04 Oct 2011, 18:49


Fans for Heroes Facebook Group -

Ubisoft Official H6 Site -

Might & Magic on Facebook -

Ubisoft H6 Forum -

Heroes Community -

Celestial Heavens -


Heroes VI FAQ

Anything you want to know, it should be here! If I have overlooked something let me know.

What is the final H6 release date?
The game will be released on 13th October.

Is there a Demo?
Yes, you can download it here: ... m:6-231-32

What will the anti-copy protection of Heroes VI be?
The game has no DRM(constant online authentication) and you will not need to be connected to Internet to play it either. It will require a one-time activation though you can get around that by contacting Ubisoft support, whether by phone or mail.

How can I join the Beta?
The beta ended on 28 September I'm afraid. But don't worry, the release is just days away!

Will it be possible to play on Mac? Is it planned for later?
There are no plans for Mac that I know of.

Will there be GNU/Linux support?
As far as I know, it is not planned.

Is my feedback read by the team? How will M&M team deal with it?
Irina: Your feedback is very valuable for us, and we would like to thank you for all your comments.
We noticed some issues remain important for you.
Important changes like the town screens and user interface were already notified by our VIP fans during the technical beta phase. These features are on our improve list, but theyre not the only priorities and they would take a lot of time of development.
The development team at Black Hole and Ubisoft are working hard to be able to offer you the best possible Heroes experience at the time of release. However, we must inform you that it will be hardly feasible to change the user interface (including the town screens) for the release.
That being said, we'd like you to keep in mind that we wont stop improving the game beyond September 8th. We'll continue to update and improve Heroes VI after the release date.

How does the racial gauge fill up for each faction?
Haven: When an ally unit has positive morale or receives damage.
Inferno: When an ally unit has good luck or opponent bad luck.
Necropolis: When an ally unit or enemy has casualties.
Stronghold: When an ally unit attacks / gets attacked or the Hero uses Heroic Strike.
Sanctuary: Each time you attack a different stack. Attacking the same enemy stack more than once will not fill the gauge.

What is the Conflux?
While playing the game you will come across new Might & Magic Heroes VI online features. These bonuses are only available when playing online are all part of what we call the Conflux. The Conflux will extend your experience and allow the whole community to be part of the game:

- Create your online profile, share and compare your achievements and progress
- Check out the latest M&M news and chat directly within the game
- Build up your own Dynasty of heroes and customize it with special Dynasty Weapons and Traits
- Get access to the Altar of Wishes to unlock exclusive bonuses

M&M Heroes VI will be fully accessible offline but Conflux will only be available when connected to the internet (High
speed). To access full game features and play online you will need to register at

What are the Dynasty Traits and Dynasty Weapons?
Dynasty Traits can be picked at beginning of a map; they grant your hero various passive bonuses. The Traits are part of your Dynasty, meaning that any hero of your Dynasty will be able to choose from your pool of unlocked Dynasty Traits.
Dynasty Weapons are powerful artifacts that earn experience and gain new abilities when leveling-up. They are part of your Dynasty, so any hero of your Dynasty can equip any of the unlocked Dynasty Weapons.

Is there a fan manual around?
Of course, here.

Why was the game delayed?
Irina: All our play-tests show the game has a huge potential, but needs extra-time to correct a few flaws. So there had been discussions between the Heroes production team at Ubisoft and the development team at Black Hole and we all agreed we want H6 to be great and to be the flagship for all that’s to come in the Might & Magic brand. We felt it was better to be transparent with you and announce the delay as soon as it was confirmed.

Will there be town screens?
Currently towns screen are windowed. The town visuals will be animated and are what could be described as "2.5D", each with its own musical theme. The town visuals change when you build stuff (although in the current design, not all buildings appear). Building and recruiting is done through the window interface, rather than clicking on the buildings directly.
Their revision plans have been confirmed, however they will not change in time for the release.

How does the AI-run compared to Heroes 5?
The AI turns are way faster this time around. Also, in H6, the AI will cheat much less and less obviously than in H5. It doesn't cheat at all in Easy difficulty, and not too much in Normal either. In Hard, the AI will lose less troops and will receive some extra resources. Currently it is not very strong but that will change soon :)

Are more factions planned?
We’d really like to add more factions to the game, how many and which ones are still in discussion.

Will different spells and abilities affect each other?
Some abilities are more effective when used together. For example some water spells cause "Soak" which gives lightning vulnerability. Other effects are chill, freeze, stun, immolation.

Will the town building plan be unique to every faction like in H5? Are town levels still in the game?
In H6 the town building plans are more similar to each other compared to H5. We’re using an idea similar to the town levels: you have to upgrade your town to a certain Tier before you can build certain buildings. There are Tier 1 buildings, Tier 2 buildings, and so on. So you cannot build the Champion dwelling in a mere Village, you need a Tier 3 town(City Hall). Classic buildings such as castle, capitol and marketplace are back. Each town will have 4 unique buildings out of which you will be able to select 2.

Are "weeks of" still in the game? Any improvements?
The week system is still in, but this time there’s a pre-determined calendar. For instance the Week of Festival always happens at the same time of the year so you can adapt your strategy accordingly. The only random weeks are those that affect production (like the Week of Plague). The week on which the game begins is random. The strong week effects have been nerfed during the beta.

Can you mention any well-known and loved buildings we'll be able to visit on the global map and describe some of the new ones?
There’s the Arena - you still can get a bonus to your Attack or Defense by visiting it but you have to fight an army first. The fight is non-lethal, so creatures lost return to the hero’s army after the combat. The Shrine of the Seventh Dragon replaces Sylanna’s Ancient/Tree of Knowledge, it’s the building where you have to spend resources to gain a free level. And there are several kinds of "battle sites", for instance the Pyramid haunted by Necropolis creatures. The Crematorium/Cover of Darkness is also back.

For the new ones, there’s the Runestone that increases your Might and Magic powers until the end of the week, or the Mother Earth Shrine that gives 10% more Health to your creatures for the next combat. You may want to check the manual, it contains all the locations.

Will the tear of Asha return?
Yes. This time you have to collect several pieces of an artifact to find the Tear. Another way to find the Tear of Asha is by defeating some of the Bosses or completing a quest. As usual you can bring the Tear to your town and build a monument that gives you a huge bonus and enhances your faction abilities.

Are heroes' primary stats still given out randomly, considering that the skills are now being chosen by player?
Stats are chance-based but if one of them is below its chance percentage, it will have a priority over those you have in excess.

Will the player have the opportunity to customize the game mechanics (e.g. activate/deactivate the area of control, enable/disable town conversion)?
Irina: We're still working on the actual options that will be available to customize the game experience outside of the campaign. What is possible today is to create maps without Areas of Control in the editor. If there is no control point in an area, then mines work the same way they did in the previous Heroes. You can also block the ability to convert towns, so it's possible to create "old school" maps. The only things that won't work without Areas of Control are the neutral dwellings.

Do you plan for a strategic mode view? Like "2D" view from above or lowly skewed angle in the battles and alternatives to "View Air&Earth" in the overall map?
Irina: In H6 we brought back the "kingdom overview" screen, where you can see a larger, more detailed minimap. You have different layers that can be activated or deactivated if you want to only see the mines, towns, areas or quest locations, or all at once. It also summarizes the towns you own, your heroes, the creatures available for recruitment and the resources produced each turn.
As for the in-game view, you can zoom out more than in H5. It's not a 2D view, but you have a better sense of your surroundings.

What are the general principles of the revised RPG system?
Heroes can be male, female, Might or Magic which also reflects on their model. They have faction and class specific abilities and gain one skill point per level up. They can spend skill points on general abilities which are organized in skill categories. They have total control over their development, no more probability-based skill choices like in H5. Heroes can unlock advanced classes that will change their appearance and grant them an ultimate ability.

There have been mentions of hero customization. We still get "tavern heroes" with their unique bios, skills and specialties, right?
Your starting Hero can be made from scratch but there are still unique tavern heroes. You can unlock new heroes by completing a campaign.

What do we know of the hero skill trees?
There are three main tabs, might, magic and hero. Might Abilities are divided into 5 families: Paragon, Realm, Tactics, War Cries and Warfare while Magic Abilities are divided into 7 families: Prime, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Darkness, and Light. The hero tree shows the unique abilities linked to his faction and class, they are automatically gained when you reach a certain level or gain an Advanced Class.

What do we know about the magic system?
There will be 7 magic schools: The 6 elementary schools (Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Darkness) plus the Primordial one or Prime. Spells and magical abilities will be learnt via level ups, as a result there won't be any mage guilds in H6. Spells are tied to reputation and gain bonuses from your tears or blood points - you can choose to have an offensive or protective focus but it is also possible to mix them up. Like might skills they come in 3 tiers. Five schools will be accessible per faction, a different combination for each.

What is known of the reputation system?
In H6 the player will be faced with a very important Reputation choice between two different "moral paths": the path of Dragon Tears and the path of Dragon Blood. Blood Heroes will be active and offensive, Tears Heroes will be more reactive and defensive. In terms of storytelling, it will unlock special quests on each campaign map, different companion heroes, and a unique "epilogue" map linked to your path.
Gameplaywise, it will grant you access to specific advanced classes, 4 per faction, each with their unique visuals and sets of abilities. The more Reputation you gain, the more powerful your Reputation-related abilities become. For instance, Healing will be influenced by your Tears rating, whereas Fireball will be influenced by your Blood rating.
Your Blood and Tears ratings are not co-dependant and you never lose the Reputation points you've gained.

Are there different xp rates?
There are three experience multipliers to choose from. The default is normal(X1), then comes fast(X1.5) and fastest(X2).

So how does the reputation system work?
Quests or locations offer a reputation choice but you can also increase your tears/blood points by using tears/blood spells or abilities. Pursuing or letting go fleeing units awards blood and tears points respectively. There are two reputation levels, each time you gain one your corresponding abilities become stronger. Reputation gain is tied to the xp rate, on fastest it increases twice as fast.

What can we expect from the advanced classes? Will they work like in H4?
They are not based on ability requirements but rather on your Reputation choices. Advanced classes will ultimately be defined by their faction, their affinity (Might or Magic) and their Reputation choice. They will become available when you reach a certain Blood or Tears threshold.

Will there be simultaneous turns in the game release?
Unfortunately not, they will be added in a patch or addon.

What are the Minimum & Recommended Specifications for Heroes VI?

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (all 32/64 bit)

PROCESSOR: minimal (recommended)
Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 5000+ @ 2.6 Ghz (Intel Pentium Core 2 @ Duo E6400 @ 2.00 Ghz, AMD Athlon II X2 240 @ 2.8 Ghz)

RAM: minimal (recommended)
1 GB for Windows XP and 1.5GB for Vista / Windows 7 (2 GB)

VIDEO CARD: minimal memory/directX version
(optimal memory/directX version)
512 MB, DirectX 9.0c (1 GB, DirectX 9.0c)

DirectX� version DirectX 9.0c 2008 November (included on disc)

DVD 8x (DVD 24x), needed only for installation

DirectX 9.0c compatible (recommended)

8 GB

128 kBit/s upstream


First list to be completed :
- Minimal: NVidia GeForce 8600GTS, ATI Radeon HD 2600XT, both with 512MB of VRAM
- Recommended: NVidia GeForce 8800GTX, ATI Radeon HD 3870 both with 1 GB of VRAM

The video card has to have/support:
- Minimum 512 MB of Video RAM
- Vertex Shader 3.0
- Pixel Shader 3.0
- Vertex Texture support with R32F or R16F format
- Render Target support with R32F and G16R16F format

Will the game ship with a Random Map Generator?
Unfortunately not. Ubi is focusing on the Map Editor, which is much more powerful and flexible than in Heroes V and they want it ready for the game release. The RMG will be available at some point - Maybe not at release, but it will either be in a patch or as a free gift to the community.

How will Luck and Moral work?
Morale can be seen right before a unit acts, the second action comes at 50% reduced damage/speed. Luck's effect has been decreased to 50%. Luck and morale are now gained as hero stats and units have their own luck/morale values ranging from 2 to 12. Naturally locations and artifacts add to them. The scale has also changed, now 1 luck/morale means 1% chance to trigger.

Why has the primary skill system(Attack, Defense, Spellpower, Knowledge)been changed into magic attack/defense, might attack/defense?
The stat names echo the Might & Magic dichotomy. Every hero will have magic/might attack and magic/might defense and the same goes for creatures. A might creature's attack will be increased by the hero's might attack value while a caster unit's attack(and spells) will be increased by the hero's magic attack stat.

What Do we know about Sieges?
Creature stacks can now damage the fortifications but are less efficient than catapults. Catapults will be different for each faction. There will be moats with different effects, for instance inferno's will deal continuous fire damage to units walking in it.

Will warmachines return?
Sieges in Heroes VI involve only one siege engine, the catapult. Ballistae, ammo carts, and first-aid tent effects have been replaced by your hero's powers.

How many artifacts can we expect? What about artifact sets?
There are about 150+ artifacts and eight artifact sets that will give set bonuses like in H5.

How about the Initiative system?
We are back to H3 mechanics but with a H5-like initiative bar interface. Speed will determine movement reach, initiative decides who acts first.

What do we know about bosses?
There will be 8 bosses, all linked to a faction except stronghold. They can be placed on a map like any neutral and each comes with various abilities as summoning reinforcements, slowing down your army etc. They are normally fought on campaigns, once per two missions.

What about the neutrals?
They will be 10: Phoenix, the 6 elementals, mermaid, timber and dire wolf. They may seem few but bosses can be used like neutrals as well.

Will we have dragons in the factions?
In the original H6 no, only as a boss. However that doesn't mean that there won't be factions with a dragon champion in the future, like Marzhin remarked some factions just cannot exist without a dragon in their lineup ;)

To which elements from previous HoMM games does H6 stay true and which are going to be removed or heavily overhauled?
Ubi stays true to:
The turn-based system, play at your own pace experience,
The unique mix of Strategy, RPG and Management,
The Epic and Enchanted Universe,
The world split into warring factions.

What was reviewed:
The player has more control over the development of his Heroes and Kingdom. Choices used to be heavily based on random propositions, now the player can forge his own path. Micro-management was reduced so as to focus on high level strategic decisions.

Are there any plans for expanding past the traditional magic point system for the base factions?
Not really, the magic system is unified, based on the lore of the world of Ashan and organized into elemental schools. The focus went to creating unique faction abilities and expanding the Might/Magic dichotomy.

What type of race-unique buildings can we expect in Heroes VI?
Youll be able to build 2 out of a choice of 4. Buildings are linked to faction strategy, each with a different ability (economy booster, creature production booster, gives a special ability on the adventure map or the combat maps). Having several similar unique buildings in different towns improves their efficiency.

What is the estimated planned map total (campaigns, single scenarios and multiplayer maps inclusive) for the initial release of Heroes VI?
We have 24 campaigns and 10 multiplayer maps. While there will be only 10 MP maps in the retail game, the goal is to have more maps available for download on the official website of the game right from day 1.

Will mixed neutrals be returning?

Are the beloved dialogue and text boxes from Heroes I-IV returning in Heroes VI? Will the campaigns contain a lot of juicy narrative as in H3 and H4, or just cutscenes like in H5?
In the campaign mode, you'll have some cut scenes, dialogue boxes. You wont have big texts like in H IV, but for curious players, there'll be plenty of very detailed text to read in the bios of heroes, creatures, cities, etc. Also map makers will be able to put all the boxes they want in their maps.

The press release claimed "Might & Magic Heroes VI will include all the characters and features that have made this brand a worldwide success". Is it possible that any classic heroes from the Might and Magic franchise will return in some form for Heroes VI?
This is a request that has been strongly expressed by the VIP fans. As you know, 2011 will be the 25th anniversary of M&M, so surprises are to be expected.

We are worried that the storyline will ultimately just rehash the Everyone VS Demons plot yet again. Will the Demons be the main antagonists of Heroes VI?
There is a Demon invasion in Heroes VI but it is not the most important plot element in the storyline. Even though most factions have the Demon invasion in mind, the political face of Ashan is evolving way beyond this threat.

What is the new Creature Tier System?
Core, Elite and Champion. First category has 3 units, 3 for the second and 1 for the last one. Units under the same category will have similar stats/strength but different roles on the battlefield.

What do we know about the factions?
H6 starts with 5 factions: Haven, inferno, necro, stronghold(orcs) and sanctuary(nagas).

What will bring more variety in the combat arenas?
- Specific topography (various sizes and shapes for the battle arenas)
- Different combat objectives (hold your ground for X turns, defend this sacred shrine at the center of the arena, kill a specific enemy stack, etc.)
- Boss fights!

Will there be any camera rotation?
H6 will come with a fixed camera angle so that you don't have to rotate to see hidden objects but rotation is still possible. As soon as you release the button though, it returns to its default angle. It is possible to zoom in and out, when at maximum zoom the camera angle gets more horizontal.

What are the new mechanics for creature production?
Creature dwellings will work as resource production buildings. When you first capture a creature dwelling some creatures will join you. The dwelling will then add creatures to your creature pool every week as a gold mine would add gold to your resources. These creatures will be instantly hirable in the cities and forts you control. That way there is no need for caravans.

Will there be map editor?
Yes. It will be more user-friendly than before and pretty moddable.

What tilesets will the game feature?
Jungle, Plains (Summer and Autumn), Lava, Wasteland (Necropolis), Underground (Natural subterranean and dungeon tileset). Black Hole has also added snow.

Has the storyline improved?
Of course! With Marzhin the creator of LotA in the team we are in good hands. Also stories will be more complex and more personal for the protagonists. There will be 5 campaigns of 4 maps, 1 per faction, playable in any order, with an optional tutorial map and a mandatory prologue map.

When is H6 set?
About 400 years before the events of H5. For timelinereference look around 564 YSD, 2nd Eclipse - Rise of the Demon Sovereign.

What is the area of control?
A town of a fort can be a point of control which affects its immediate area, an area whose size can vary. Taking control of the point will automatically flag all player controlled dwellings or mines in the area of control. That will not work on neutral mines, they must be flagged first. Once you own the fort/city of an area, the only way for someone to take the mines from you is to capture the city/fort. It is possible to disable this feature.

Why were the resources reduced?
Various reasons including lore, balance and mapmaking. It makes factions easier to balance on any kind of map and also promotes expansion as you will need every pile of crystal you can get.

What about alternative upgrades?
Sorry, maybe in the future.
Last edited by Elvin on 13 Oct 2011, 14:41, edited 2 times in total.
I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
- Metathron

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Unread postby Elvin » 05 Oct 2011, 16:28

Looks like my masterful eloquence and razor-sharp wit has scared people away :devious: You guys still around? :) Anybody checked the preview?

Meanwhile following ledger's suggestion from HC I made a reddit entry. If you would be kind enough to help it stay up :) ... d_shortly/


Meanwhile, there were some fan replies that really made my day. Thank you guys!

Wow incredible! Thank you guys for your effort! Just look at that Q&A, it's like 20 times bigger than the official one, if there is anything official about this forum at all except for its name, since no vital info is posted by the developers and they are nowhere to be seen on the forum, might as well call it fan-forum.
I don't know you Elvin but I'm happy to see people who care, many thanks again and good luck in your quest!


Oh man, this is just too much information for right now. I'll have to look into it soonish, though, and I'm really glad to have it.

While I don't want to feel like too much of a complainer (and I'm aware the following statement could feel a little complainy, sorry), this feels like what the recent announcement "We are answering your questions" thread really should have been.

I will try and give a more detailed response in the near future. For now, thank you for all this info. If it's as spectacular as it looks at first glance, I think it'll finally help me push towards either preordering or not.

Thank you.


Great review.

Although I really don't enjoy Heroes games as much as I used too. I've enjoyed the Civ 4 mods like Fall from Heaven 2 or the modmod version Master of Mana a lot more. They have more depth and I don't have to buy a trillion soldiers of the same type. If I want that kind of game I'll play the excellent King's Bounty/Armored Princess. All of these games surpass Heroes games in almost every way.

Still a great review and if they are really trying to improve it then I will buy it when everything is packed together into one. Before I read this preview I wasn't going to buy it at all.
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Unread postby klaymen » 05 Oct 2011, 16:55

Such wall-o-text is a PITA for me to read on my phone, but tomorrow I'll take a look. Who knows, maybe it'll make me want to actually play the game? :)
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Unread postby XEL II » 05 Oct 2011, 17:44

"The Epic and Enchanted Universe", my butt :tongue: :)
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark

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Unread postby Elvin » 05 Oct 2011, 18:41

Actually, the storyline is promising and it could turn out pretty epic. The blood trailer was lovely. But the setting doesn't feel as magical anymore, then again you see a fantasy game differently at 12 and at 25 :) H2 hand-drawn units' charm and vibrant music really was something else back then but times change. I am fine with a more grown-up and realistic feel and I'm not sure if people would want to see a cartoon-like game nowadays.

But as far as atmosphere goes, can you really complain? Have you seen the underground for instance? So deliciously suggestive and cloaked in intrigue. And ubi's decision to remix some of the older themes was a nice touch.
I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
- Metathron

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Unread postby Pitsu » 05 Oct 2011, 18:55

Frankly i cannot see myself freely advertizing a corporate product about which quality i am unsure myself. Unlike you i am not convinced that the game has solid core and the shell provided by expansions and patches is all that is needed. If someone somewhere is asking my opinion then (s)he will get a hones and as objective opinion as possible.

PS. we did not get pay during saveheroes either

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Unread postby Elvin » 05 Oct 2011, 19:56

Still grumpy I see :) And implying that my opinion is not honest or objective too, nice. As for the PS you should get a sense of humour, it can come in handy.

PS I am not advertising the Sense of Humour™ all rights reserved.

What I am saying is lighten up, we are both offering our insights and opinions on the game, we just have a different perspective and taste. No need to give me that attitude, people will have to decide for themselves either way.
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 06 Oct 2011, 00:14

In spite of everything I've experienced with the game, I feel somewhat glad people care as you have shown here. I'm not convinced about the future of H6 either, as Pitsu also said, but I'm not really sad if things don't turn as I'd like to see. Alas, I'll buy it nevertheless! :D Perhaps I'll bear playing it by finding things I will like. After this week, I remembered something I was taught: "not only see the bad side". Well, it's a bit tough! :-D But it's not impossible.
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Unread postby Angelspit » 06 Oct 2011, 02:25

Elvin wrote:As for the PS you should get a sense of humour, it can come in handy.
This is the Round Table. We eat senses of humour for breakfast.
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Unread postby Torur » 06 Oct 2011, 07:37

Well, its a nice read and propably the most positiv post I've seen about HVI. Still doesnt change my thoughts about HVI. I am very excited about the game and am really hoping it will live up to the promises, though it prolly wont.
And the beta actually made me hopefull, as I saw alot of potential. It just sucks that we might have to wait for the expasions to get the game we really want to buy.

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Unread postby XEL II » 06 Oct 2011, 10:31

Elvin wrote:Actually, the storyline is promising and it could turn out pretty epic. The blood trailer was lovely. But the setting doesn't feel as magical anymore, then again you see a fantasy game differently at 12 and at 25 :)
The thing is, I for one, has seen the Ancient universe in early teens and thought it was wonderful, and also seen it in my late teens and thought it was amazing (well, the original and well written sci-fi backstory had to do with this, but the general feel is still one of the main factors). Same kind of thing with universes like WarCraft or Disciples.

As for Ashan, I see it as being not only vastly inferior to NWC universe in almost every way, but by itself it's a pretty cliche and unoriginal fantasy setting with its games' storylines being somewhat decent at the very best (DMoMM and CoH) and, at times, downright horrible (HoMM V). From what I could tell about Heroes VI from the beta, the games plot is only slightly better than that that of Heroes V, main enchancement being better storytelling and presentation.
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark

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Unread postby Elvin » 06 Oct 2011, 11:23

Ashan is probably not the most interesting setting they could come up with.. Though it is not without potential. Take H4, I didn't find Axeoth nearly as interesting as Antagarich yet the campaigns were top notch with amazing atmosphere and story. To me this signifies that it is not so much a matter of setting rather than good storytelling - if a story has substance, is presented well enough and the characters are compelling and believable, you cannot complain about lacking the ideal setting. How much H6 has succeeded in that remains to be seen, even I have only seen glimpses of it.

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Unread postby fiur » 06 Oct 2011, 11:29

I think you made an good post Elvin :)
hopefully some questions got their answers there....
When it comes to the game feels like its almost 2 kind of games in 1.
multiplayer and 1 single player and Im afraid 1 of'em gonna suffer.... :(
hopefully not the multiplayer part

If they manage to balance the game so that we can have both a good single player game AND multiplayer game they really pull the rabbit out of the hat


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Unread postby Torur » 06 Oct 2011, 13:27

fiur wrote:If they manage to balance the game so that we can have both a good single player game AND multiplayer game they really pull the rabbit out of the hat

Thats true, Im really hoping for a surprise here. The singleplayer stories look promising and so far I've enjoyed the gameplay. Lets hope for a huge rabbit! :p

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 06 Oct 2011, 14:53

Yeah, surprise *burp* - sorry, just ate humour - surprise is the key. Well, it's their job! Hopefully, in a positive way.
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Unread postby Elvin » 06 Oct 2011, 15:28

With ledger's help I have setup an H6 subreddit here:

Please vote so that it can stay up :) It can be a good way for people to get informed.
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Unread postby Elvin » 13 Oct 2011, 05:22

If you preordered on ubishop, the game is available! Start dowloading!
I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
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