Tears Or ...

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Tears Or ...

Unread postby Kalah » 11 Aug 2011, 21:41

Invitation to join the Tears, eh? What if I don't want to ... can I refuse?

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Tears Or ...

Unread postby Avonu » 12 Aug 2011, 07:30

>>>Blood for the Blood God!
and Good for the Good God!

Current system is not working well.
First, 250 Tears/Blood Points for first reputation class is IMO too low requirement. 500 was OK.

Second, you can choose Tears Path for first class upgrade and later you can change it for Blood Path for second/ultimate class. I prefer sticking to you path - if you choose Blood Path, then fallow it for the end, not change random in the middle of the road.

Third, excluding campaigns, you gain reputation points only from persuing/leaving enemy troops and using abilities/spells in battle. We didn't see others factors affected this system. If only battles effect reputation, then IMO is not enough. Also, removing need to go back to the nearest town for choosing tears/blood class was not good idea.

Fourth, what about Neutral Path? Not all of us want to be shiny, brainless Paladin or red, insane Inquisitor. Can we be a man in the middle with some brain cell under helmet? It would be perfect choise for Sanctuary heroes.

I hope class change animation are going back in final release.

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Re: Tears Or ...

Unread postby parcaleste » 12 Aug 2011, 09:13

Avonu wrote:... excluding campaigns, you gain reputation points only from persuing/leaving enemy troops and using abilities/spells in battle. We didn't see others factors affected this system. If only battles effect reputation, then IMO is not enough. Also, removing need to go back to the nearest town for choosing tears/blood class was not good idea...
Yes, something must be done here, cause I always stuck in going into the Blood path, perhaps money in treasure chests should give you Tear points, converting towns can give you Blood, stopping conversions should give you... let's say Tears again, running from battle/battlefield should give you Tears for sure.
Otherwise I am 100% agree about the points - should be 500 => 1000 or smt. Or at least 250 => 750.

Avonu wrote:... Fourth, what about Neutral Path? Not all of us want to be shiny, brainless Paladin or red, insane Inquisitor. Can we be a man in the middle with some brain cell under helmet? It would be perfect choise for Sanctuary heroes...
Yup, yup! Perhaps in this way you will be able to choose the two "middle" abilities, but not the high class one. Plus, what about considering a third level of these? Two is like, meh...

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Unread postby Ethric » 12 Aug 2011, 17:28

I'm not sure I get it...

Does "Blood" refer to being bloodthirsty and shedding the blood of others? If so, I assume "Tears" refer to shedding the tears of others, making them cry? Which is pretty mean too.

Or is "Tears" shedding your own tears in the face of the suffering of others? If so, "Blood" I guess is shedding your own blood, sacrificing yourself for your fellow sapients. Both noble deeds.
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Tears Or ...

Unread postby Angelspit » 12 Aug 2011, 19:45

Nothing beats a good cry I guess.
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Re: Tears Or ...

Unread postby Dalai » 14 Aug 2011, 18:58

Avonu wrote: Fourth, what about Neutral Path? Not all of us want to be shiny, brainless Paladin or red, insane Inquisitor. Can we be a man in the middle with some brain cell under helmet? It would be perfect choise for Sanctuary heroes.
Of course, NO! It's INNOVATION, don't you get it? :D
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Re: Tears Or ...

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Sep 2011, 17:31

Avonu wrote:>>

First, 250 Tears/Blood Points for first reputation class is IMO too low requirement. 500 was OK.<<
Nah, took way to long just so you can get an extra spell...
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