Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

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Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby william » 15 Apr 2006, 06:31

In this post of mine, I have included the following:
The Cretures descriptions and what they are good at and their special abilities, Side by Side information of all the creatures stats such as Attack, defense, Damage, HPs and speed, How much the units cost and how much the buildings cost that allow you to buy the lev 6 unit, so I hope you like it.

Ok here are the creatures.

Black Dragon-One of the strongest units in the game. It can fly, it's attack affects 2 hexes, and they are immune to all spells which can be good in some ways and bad in some other ways as you can't cast any good spells on it such as Bless or Haste.
But the enemy can't cast blind or hypnotize which can be really annoying spells.
Compared to Green Dragons, Black Dragons have the following:
20% more damage potential, 50% more HPs, 10-20% less damage suffered, and they have +2 speed which is good so that means that Black Dragons will usually always go first in battle.
They are however pretty expensive so watch out for that, and also try to combine the Spell Armaggedon with your Dragons, since they are immune to all spells they will not get hurt, and the spell will probably wipe the entire enemy out, and if it doesn't then it will probably have taken alot of the enemy units out.

Titans-My favourite unit in the entire game. It is a ranged attacker and as such they get to attack without being attacked first. What I mean is that they get 2 attacks during that round. One without retaliation because the target enemy hasn't moved yet, and it's retaliation attack if the enemy unit attacks the Titans. The Titans do cost the most to buy in the game, so that is something to watch out for. Titans are immune to mind spells such as Blind, Berserk etc. They also have no adjacent penalty, so what that means is that they can shoot at their enemy if it is right next to your Titan and your Titan will do full damage to it, rather than having damage taken off. With Titans having high HPs they are usually the target of the AI, so be careful of that. The AI will almost always cast Disrupting ray on your Titans and that can be really annoying so either cast Stoneskin or Steelskin on your Titans, and then wipe the enemy out as fast as you can.

Crusader-The Crusader is very good against Necromancer.
They cannot be Cursed, and they score x2 damage against undead creatures that's why they are good against Necromancer and they also attack twice.
also their 20-40 damage per turn is really good and is the third best in the game. For anyone not knowing what that means, I mean that because they attack twice their damage of 10-20 would be doubled and be 20-40 because of their x2 attack.
Although they have the lowest HPs in the game, because of their special skills they are a feared unit and they are very useful on the battlefield so either watch out for them, or don't vs Crusaders if you are a Necromancer and you have weak units in your army because they will get slaughtered, and I don't think we would want that now would we :P

Phoenix-The Phoenix have a 2-hex attack, they are immune to elemental spells such as Cold ray, Lightning bolt etc. They are very fast creatures to have in your army, and because they are so fast, you will probably get the first shot.
Their 2-hex attack can be good as you can take out 2 enemy units at the same time if they are right next to eachother, and it can be bad because if one of your own troops is right next to the target enemy unit, then your unit will get hit or even killed.
If you Bless your Phoenix their damage is about as good as the Black Dragons, they give 33% more damage on average. They are a good unit to have in your army and should be used with care.

Bone Dragons-They are a really powerful unit to have, with an average damage of 35.
Their special is, they reduce enemy morale which is good, but extremely useless when fighting another Necromancer town, and they are undead so they have neutral morale which is good as they wont freeze in combat, and it is also good if you are versing another Necromancer town and they have Bone Dragons in their army.
They are slow however and they probably wont get that first shot when fighting Wizard, Warlock, Sorceress.
They are powerful and are a strong unit to have.

Cyclops (Couldn't fit in)-The Cyclops is a really good ground unit to have. Their attack affects 2 hexes, and they have 10% chance to paralyze enemy units. The Cyclops is my favourit ground unit in the game, and at times however they can be a bit annoying.
Their 2 hex attack can affect your own units, and it will either kill them or take alot of units out.
Their 10% chance to paralyze enemy units can be extremely useful as then you can attack the enemy unit and they can't retaliate from the attack that't the Cyclops do to them.
When moving the Cyclops you should take care as they can be really powerful units and they should be taken really seriously.

Genies- You could consider these units to be a level 6 unit.
They have more damage then Crusaders and Cyclops, but they don't have about the same attack and defense skills as lev6 unit do. They also don't have the HPs that lev6 units do, but they are very fast. They are between Paladin and Phoenix in power.
Genies fly, and they have 10% chance to halve the enemy unit.
They also cost really cheap and they are always useful if you want a little bit more power in your army.

Here is the side by side stats of all the units and the best unit in the skill:

Black Dragons-14
Bone Dragons-11

The Titans have the most Attack skill in the game.

Black Dragons-14
Bone Dragons-9

The Titans have the highest Defense skill in the game.

Black Dragons- 25-50
Titans- 20-30
Crusader- 10-20 (can be 20-40 because of double attack)
Phoenixs- 20-40
Bone Dragons- 25-45
Cyclops- 12-24
Genies- 20-30

Black Dragons have the highest damage dealt in the game.

Black Dragons-300
Bone Dragons-150

Titans and Black Dragons both have the same amount of HPs in the game.

Black Dragons-Very Fast (6)
Titans-Very Fast (6)
Crusaders-Very Fast (6)
Phoenixs-Ultra Fast (7)
Bone Dragons-Average (4)
Cyclops-Fast (5)
Genies-Very Fast (6)

The Phoenixs are the fastest units in the game.

Here is the table of all the lev 6 units in the game, just for easier viewing.
Black Dragon 14 14 25-30 300 Very fast (6)
Titans 15 15 20-30 300 Very fast (6)
Crusaders 11 12 10-20 65 Very fast (6)
Phoenix 12 10 20-40 100 Ultra Fast (7)
Bone Dragons 11 9 25-45 150 Average (4)
Cyclops 12 9 12-24 80 Fast (5)
Genies 10 9 20-30 50 Very fast (6)

I got the numbers off a FAQ of HOMM2 if anyone was wondering:)

Titans are the best in attack, defense skills, Black Dragons deal the most damage, Black Dragons and Titans have the most HP, and Phoenix are the Fastest unit in the game.

So their you have it, there are the creatures, their descriptions and what they are good for, and their attack, defense skills, their HPs, damage and speed all in side by side information for easier viewing of what creature is the best unit.

Here are the costs of the units. Included are the names of the units, the cost of the buildings and their upgrades if any, and the cost of the unit.

The Titans cost the most out of any lev 6 unit in the game.
The combined cost of all the lev6 units in the game is:
14000 gold, 2 sulfur, 3 gems, 1 mercury, 1 crystal.
That isn't that bad, but it is good compared to how much the Buildings cost which is shown below.
The combined cost of all of these dwellings is:
86000 gold, 50 wood, 110 ore, 45 gems, 55 crystal, 25 mercury, 45 sulfur.
This is quite alot to buy, and with these statistics, I think that you can clearly see that you will need alot of Ore and of course Gold.
This is only with the lev 6 dwellings, imagine how much you will need to buy all of the buildings in the entire game!!!

Conclusion: Black Dragons deal the most damage in the game and they also have the most HP equal with the Titans.
Titans have the highest Attack and Defense skills and they have equal HP to the Black Dragons as mentioned above.
So it is out of the Dragons and the Titans.
The Titans don't have as high Damage as the Dragons but they have more attack and defense.
The Weakest lev 6 unit in the game would have to be the Genies. Some people may not consider Genies to be a lev 6 unit, but in my opinion I think that they are. They have low HPs, low attack and defense skills, they have good speed which is a plus, and they have the same damage as Titans which is good.
But because they have the lowest HPs for a lev 6 unit, they are in my opinion the weakest lev 6 unit in the game.

Hope that you liked reading this Post.
A little bit of information was taken from a HOMM2 FAQ for anyone that was wondering:)

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Unread postby Black Ghost » 15 Apr 2006, 10:53

wow, that's a long post.

There was time I've also made tables, statistics, etc.

However pure digites cannot truly present the units potential. Neither pure skills or dwelling cost, etc.
IMO a lot of depends of player, his experience in playing these units and his/hers hero.

Personally I don't agree that Genie is the weakest. IMO Paladin/Crusarder, but that's not the case.
Appreciate your effort and consumed time writing this post.
Happy to know that there's a lot of H2lovers :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Apr 2006, 11:42

Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
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Unread postby william » 16 Apr 2006, 01:08

well, my real thing had tables in it, because I made it with Word, but I couldn't implement it here.
If you have msn, my msn thing is, add me, and then I will send you the real thing which has tables of the stats side by side, and another table which has the cost of all the lev6 units and their swellings and how much they all add up to, just incase you have all castles under your control when you are playing a map.
Well thanks for your replies guys and I hope you liked reading them.

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Re: Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 16 Apr 2006, 12:54

william wrote: Black Dragon-One of the strongest units in the game. It can fly, it's attack affects 2 hexes, and they are immune to all spells which can be good in some ways and bad in some other ways as you can't cast any good spells on it such as Bless or Haste.
But the enemy can't cast blind or hypnotize which can be really annoying spells.
Compared to Green Dragons, Black Dragons have the following:
20% more damage potential, 50% more HPs, 10-20% less damage suffered, and they have +2 speed which is good so that means that Black Dragons will usually always go first in battle.
They are however pretty expensive so watch out for that, and also try to combine the Spell Armaggedon with your Dragons, since they are immune to all spells they will not get hurt, and the spell will probably wipe the entire enemy out, and if it doesn't then it will probably have taken alot of the enemy units out.

Phoenix-The Phoenix have a 2-hex attack, they are immune to elemental spells such as Cold ray, Lightning bolt etc. They are very fast creatures to have in your army, and because they are so fast, you will probably get the first shot.
Their 2-hex attack can be good as you can take out 2 enemy units at the same time if they are right next to eachother, and it can be bad because if one of your own troops is right next to the target enemy unit, then your unit will get hit or even killed.
If you Bless your Phoenix their damage is about as good as the Black Dragons, they give 33% more damage on average. They are a good unit to have in your army and should be used with care.

Cyclops (Couldn't fit in)-The Cyclops is a really good ground unit to have. Their attack affects 2 hexes, and they have 10% chance to paralyze enemy units. The Cyclops is my favourit ground unit in the game, and at times however they can be a bit annoying.
Their 2 hex attack can affect your own units, and it will either kill them or take alot of units out.
Their 10% chance to paralyze enemy units can be extremely useful as then you can attack the enemy unit and they can't retaliate from the attack that't the Cyclops do to them.
When moving the Cyclops you should take care as they can be really powerful units and they should be taken really seriously.
I couldn't help but noticing that your descriptions have significant bias in them (the statistician in me noticed this).
I quoted the above for an example- in this case the 2-hex attack creatures.
You somment on the phoenix and cyclops that their attack can harm friendly units, while you do NOT mention that for the black dragon. For someone unfamiliar with H2, this might lead the reader to think that black dragons do not hurt friendly units (particularly since in later games some creatures (such as liches) did not give damage to some types of troops, and even in H2, hydra do not harm friendly units in their attack range (unless berserked, of course).
Second, the black dragon is the only one you compare to it unupgraded form (granted, only the titan, dragon, and crusader are upgraded forms), so someone reading this immediately thinks (particularly since in H3 green and black dragons were in different towns!) that the green dragon is a different unit, and the black dragon is is better in every possible aspect to a different creature (as opposed to its 'downgrade')

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Re: Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby william » 17 Apr 2006, 04:55

Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
william wrote: Black Dragon-One of the strongest units in the game. It can fly, it's attack affects 2 hexes, and they are immune to all spells which can be good in some ways and bad in some other ways as you can't cast any good spells on it such as Bless or Haste.
But the enemy can't cast blind or hypnotize which can be really annoying spells.
Compared to Green Dragons, Black Dragons have the following:
20% more damage potential, 50% more HPs, 10-20% less damage suffered, and they have +2 speed which is good so that means that Black Dragons will usually always go first in battle.
They are however pretty expensive so watch out for that, and also try to combine the Spell Armaggedon with your Dragons, since they are immune to all spells they will not get hurt, and the spell will probably wipe the entire enemy out, and if it doesn't then it will probably have taken alot of the enemy units out.

Phoenix-The Phoenix have a 2-hex attack, they are immune to elemental spells such as Cold ray, Lightning bolt etc. They are very fast creatures to have in your army, and because they are so fast, you will probably get the first shot.
Their 2-hex attack can be good as you can take out 2 enemy units at the same time if they are right next to eachother, and it can be bad because if one of your own troops is right next to the target enemy unit, then your unit will get hit or even killed.
If you Bless your Phoenix their damage is about as good as the Black Dragons, they give 33% more damage on average. They are a good unit to have in your army and should be used with care.

Cyclops (Couldn't fit in)-The Cyclops is a really good ground unit to have. Their attack affects 2 hexes, and they have 10% chance to paralyze enemy units. The Cyclops is my favourit ground unit in the game, and at times however they can be a bit annoying.
Their 2 hex attack can affect your own units, and it will either kill them or take alot of units out.
Their 10% chance to paralyze enemy units can be extremely useful as then you can attack the enemy unit and they can't retaliate from the attack that't the Cyclops do to them.
When moving the Cyclops you should take care as they can be really powerful units and they should be taken really seriously.
I couldn't help but noticing that your descriptions have significant bias in them (the statistician in me noticed this).
I quoted the above for an example- in this case the 2-hex attack creatures.
You somment on the phoenix and cyclops that their attack can harm friendly units, while you do NOT mention that for the black dragon. For someone unfamiliar with H2, this might lead the reader to think that black dragons do not hurt friendly units (particularly since in later games some creatures (such as liches) did not give damage to some types of troops, and even in H2, hydra do not harm friendly units in their attack range (unless berserked, of course).
Second, the black dragon is the only one you compare to it unupgraded form (granted, only the titan, dragon, and crusader are upgraded forms), so someone reading this immediately thinks (particularly since in H3 green and black dragons were in different towns!) that the green dragon is a different unit, and the black dragon is is better in every possible aspect to a different creature (as opposed to its 'downgrade')
Ok sorry for not mentioning that the Black Dragons can harm your own creatures aswell, my mistake entirely.

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Re: Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby MacFearsom » 20 Apr 2006, 20:14

william wrote:Ok sorry for not mentioning that the Black Dragons can harm your own creatures aswell, my mistake entirely.
Other than simply preferring Titans, I'd say the Dragon's lack of specific control makes the Titan superior.

Even the best thing a black dragon has going for it (it's immunity to magic) seems more like a negative than a positive when I possess them. I can't rile them up with something like blood lust, can't provide them with any extra defensive armor, and can't heal them when they take hits.

When I have a dragon, I keep it the heck away from MY troops when engaged in battle.

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Unread postby klaymen » 21 Apr 2006, 05:30

You've forgot about Crusaders (and maybe Cyclops too, I can't remember now) that they grow 4/week (with well of course), so they are in larger numbers than stronger lvl 6 units like titans as a compensation of theit low hp

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Re: Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby william » 21 Apr 2006, 06:15

MacFearsom wrote:
william wrote:Ok sorry for not mentioning that the Black Dragons can harm your own creatures aswell, my mistake entirely.
Other than simply preferring Titans, I'd say the Dragon's lack of specific control makes the Titan superior.

Even the best thing a black dragon has going for it (it's immunity to magic) seems more like a negative than a positive when I possess them. I can't rile them up with something like blood lust, can't provide them with any extra defensive armor, and can't heal them when they take hits.

When I have a dragon, I keep it the heck away from MY troops when engaged in battle.

Thankyou, at last someone who agrees with me.
Most other forums that I go to, and my own forum that i go to, they say that Titans are not as good as Black Dragons.
But because the Black Dragons can harm their own creatures, this becomes a problem.
You can also not cast spells like Bloodlust, or Stoneskin or Bless, and that becomes a big problem as you cannot give them any special upgrades that effect them, like the Bless making a creature do it's maximum damage that it can do.
Those little things or big things, all affect if you will win or lose, and because the Black Dragons can't be effected by these really good spells, then that is a big disadvantage to them, and so they become a little weaker.

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Unread postby ^Dagon^ » 02 Jun 2006, 08:21

If you do the math you will see that the black dragon is better than the titan. Just calculate the average damage they deal and write down a virtual battle between them. The black dragon wins even if the titan attacks first (thus getting a free shot).

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Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 02 Jun 2006, 10:15

I know Black Dragons and Titans are stronger, but personally, I'd rather have a Phoenix, a Bone Dragon or a Crusader..The cost of Titans/Black Dragons buildings and recruiting the creatures is insane, so I'll stick with the cheaper, weaker troops that fit my style of play more..

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Re: Best Lev6 unit in HOMM2

Unread postby Metathron » 02 Jun 2006, 11:36

william wrote: But because the Black Dragons can harm their own creatures, this becomes a problem.
You can also not cast spells like Bloodlust, or Stoneskin or Bless, and that becomes a big problem as you cannot give them any special upgrades that effect them, like the Bless making a creature do it's maximum damage that it can do.
Those little things or big things, all affect if you will win or lose, and because the Black Dragons can't be effected by these really good spells, then that is a big disadvantage to them, and so they become a little weaker.
In the interest of being fair, it also needs to be said that the black dragons cannot be affected by 'these really bad spells', which is a big advantage for them.
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Unread postby Banedon » 09 Jun 2006, 09:34

klaymen - yes, Cyclops reproduce at 4/week.

Black Dragons are far and away the strongest units in the game. I don't think this is debatable - they're way better than everyone else. But I don't like them that much; I prefer Phoenixes and the high speed a stack of Phoenixes grant. Coupled with the fast speeds of the Grand Elves and Greater Druids, it allows Sorceress to clear the map very quickly, and kinda fits my style.

PS: Titans generally don't get two attacks a round - well, maybe on the first turn, but after that they'll get blocked. No one wants Titans attacking them...

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Unread postby Metathron » 09 Jun 2006, 11:10


Sorceress was my favourite as well both in HoMM #1 and #2. My cousin, whom I introduced to the game, said he disliked her because her troops were weaklings, despite the fact that I proceeded to defeat him with these weaklings time and time again.
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Unread postby Paulus1 » 09 Jun 2006, 13:50

I actually tend to prefer the Crusader over other lvl 6 units.
Unlike Titans and BDs they are relatively easy to get, as their building and upgrade are cheap + the creature itself is cheap.

Add to that their higher weekly growth and you have a stack, that deals a quite nasty blow to any enemy. Of course their low HP is a drawback, so they should be protected at all cost.

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Unread postby Metathron » 09 Jun 2006, 18:44

Yeah, when opposing a spellcaster with your army of crusaders, it's almost imperative that you protect them with anti-magic, otherwise they'll quickly fall under direct damage spells.
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Unread postby Noobie of Doom » 09 Jun 2006, 21:14

Crusaders/Bone dragons.

The lack of extra resourses is often vital if i dont find a mine. They also are much cheaper, which is nice.

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Unread postby Metathron » 09 Jun 2006, 23:06

The great thing about bone dragons is that you can build their dwelling real fast, as you don't need the 20 of sulphur/gem/crystal/mercury that other factions need, and the dragons themselves only cost gold.

As an aside, this thread ought to be merged with the other one that has a poll.
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Unread postby kitcat0 » 10 Jun 2006, 19:07

I wanna come to genies defence her. They might lack some stats, but their special ability is awesome. They are great to have in army against other high level creatures. 1 genie killing half of your opponents titans can be very nice.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 10 Jun 2006, 19:24

kitcat0 wrote:I wanna come to genies defence her. They might lack some stats, but their special ability is awesome. They are great to have in army against other high level creatures. 1 genie killing half of your opponents titans can be very nice.
Too overpowered and sensless.1 genie killing 100 blackies is so frustrating and illogical.

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