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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Jul 2011, 15:54

We must get older to have things to remember, right? ;)
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Unread postby StoneCold » 16 Aug 2011, 17:57

I'm New!

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Unread postby Ethric » 16 Aug 2011, 18:47

Huzzah! :D

Welcome, welcome.
Who the hell locks these things?
- Duke

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Unread postby Kalah » 16 Aug 2011, 19:06

Welcome indeed.
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Unread postby Groovy » 03 Sep 2011, 09:23

Greetings, everyone.

I’ve just joined the forum, after lurking here every now and then since about twelve years ago (when I first started playing HOMM 3). So why join now? I’ve hit upon an idea of how it might be possible to breathe new life into the HOMM series, and I want to run it passed the veteran gamers here to see whether it is viable and how it might be improved.

I will start a number of threads to discuss the implications of and potential mechanics for my proposed design idea. I hope to see you there!

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Unread postby Pol » 03 Sep 2011, 11:07

Welcome aboard sailor! :D
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Unread postby Kalah » 03 Sep 2011, 11:27

Indeed, welcome to the boards. :)

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Unread postby Korbac » 04 Sep 2011, 00:02

HAY GUYS!!!!!!!!! :)
So, I've been reading Jolly Joker guides quite a lot on the website and figured out that I need to introduce myself to teh forum.

Name: Konstantin
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 1,89
Weight: 80 kilos
Ethnic background: Russian
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Country: Latvia/UK
Region: Riga/London
Language: Russian, Latvian, English, a bit of German
Religion: not quite sure about religion, agnostic maybe ?
Zodiac: Scorpion
Siblings: none
Marital status: Haha, naw, too young :D
Occupation: Economics student / Marketing intern
Smoker: Nope, just shisha sometimes
Drinker: Oh yes
Distinguishing Feature: I always tend to be in a good mood, quite energetic and am ready to be active and do something. I am quite tall and prefer dark clothes/leather jackets

Hobby: nothing really, I read newspapers, books, do sports, spend time with family, friends and girls
Favourite games: Heroes 3
Musical preferance: metal, russian rap
People I'd like to meet: probably you do not know them, just some book authors and Latvian politicians from the past
Sport I'm good at: thai boxing, basketball, badminton
Sport I suck at: football
Instruments I play: none
Phobias: none
Things I hate: *censored by admin*
Most precious thing in my life: relationships with my friends
Heroes Class I most identify with: Beastmaster all the way

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Unread postby Ethric » 04 Sep 2011, 07:57

That's quite a write up. Welcome, beastmaster :)

I always found that faction a bit dull, tbh. "Lets just train a bunch of weird critters and set them at the enemy", sort of thing. Now, if they were DEAD critters...
Who the hell locks these things?
- Duke

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Unread postby Korbac » 04 Sep 2011, 10:45

I think the main reason I play fortress is because of these critters. They are mostly reptilian creatures and I kinda like em. :)

Now the Beastmasters themselves are an awesome class. High chances to get Logistics, Earth Magic, Tactics, Ballistics. :) The heroes themselves are good as well, you know, Bron, Tazar and pretty much all the others.

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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 06 Sep 2011, 04:42

Heh heh... I always like Fortress & Beastmaster too. Until I was send to Suak

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Panda Tar
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 06 Sep 2011, 15:01

Welcome as well, Korbec.

Mighty Gorgons were so cool. :hoo: Sad that every time they introduce a creature I like, they take it away the next game. :cry: The Rakshasa Mufasa was one, for instance.
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Hi there!

Unread postby GDPanda » 16 Dec 2011, 20:48

Just wanted to say how awesome it is find this site (not like the official HOMM publisher page makes that easy)! I'm Relatively new player to the series, got interested in revisiting the old IP recently from watching a few LP's of III on good ol' youtube.

I feel like a fool for missing out on the classics back in the day, but when you're 12 Doom seems way cooler than riding around on a unicorn :P So I missed out on the gems that were II & III. I have however been slowly playing through V and really enjoy it. I just can't bring myself to go back to the old titles (yea, graphics snob, guilty as charged). I would have mopped up the three HOMM 5 games but my game likes to lock / minimize habitually, despite my less than 2 year old and good for its time gaming rig :mad:

I'm really excited about playing VI, but from the stuff I have read, I think I will hold off while those nasty bugs get squished. Release has reminded me a lot of when Paradox Interactive releases a new "game" (they really should just call them $40 betas lol).

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Unread postby Angelspit » 17 Dec 2011, 04:38

Welcome, thanks for dropping by! :)
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 24 Dec 2011, 09:36


Now we got another panda too... :D

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Unread postby SventheCrusader » 06 Jan 2012, 09:44

So I'm almost 100%, immovably positive that none of you will remember me, but for what it's worth: greetings once again, everyone! SventheCrusader here, back after a ludicrous three-year disappearance, with newly revived interest in M&M and newly revived interest in doing things.

Hopefully I'll stick around more properly this time. :P
Sven Svensson, the Crusader:

One man who really needs to stay committed to this "sticking around" thing.

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Unread postby Kalah » 06 Jan 2012, 18:01

WB Sven. :wave:
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Unread postby Gnom » 07 Jan 2012, 15:15

Okay, i hoped a bit there would be no such thread, but it is here, so i think i have to do this.

first of all, sorry for my bad english, i'm from germany and almost everything i can write/say/read/understand in english i teached myself from discworld novels or music from the dubliners, the pogues, flogging molly and similar ones. so i hope you can excuse some bad spelling and other mistakes i might (and will) make.

okay, now the real thing...
i'm 23, male from a small town near hamburg, and at the moment on the hamburg university, in hope to become a teacher for chemestry and physics one day, when i'm finished there.

in my spare time i play sotfair, do some firejuggling (preferable with poi and sometimes doublestaff) and i'm trying to learn how to sit on a horse, when it moves. some might call it "riding", i'm ok with "not falling down to soon".
oh, and of course, sometimes i like a good pc game.

well, that's why i'm here, i played heroes V ToE a while, and then the idea for a map came to my mind.
"hm, it's a strategygame, can't be much harder then making maps for age of empires and similar."
and then came the scripts, and i fall from my chair.

so, to be true:
mostly i am here because i hope you can help me with mapediting, and, more then all, the scripting.
so... this might be my first post, but the second in the mapping forum will follow in just a few minutes ;)

i hope you can halp me, and with a bit of luck, i might be able to contribute a new, maybe good map to the map section in a while.

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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 27 Mar 2012, 10:01

Yeah welcome man.

I guess u don't have to worry about u'r English here, there be some people who can translate for u too.

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Unread postby mordredrs » 05 Jun 2012, 16:31

Salute mortals!

I'm Count Strahd V... ops, wrong post :D

Well, i'm a long time player of HoMM series, or not so long compared with some of comrades here - i was introduced to HoMM3 and i've became a big fan.

My other interests are:
- science fiction & fantasy books: Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Tolkien, George R. R. Martin,...
- strategy eletronic and board games;
- ultima online;
- History

Besides this, i'm from the subtropical south of Brazil (not a football, samba, carnaval fan), program developer, coffee adicted and, more recently, husband :-D
"Beware of spellcasters with bats as familiars. It means they have regular need to be abroad at night."

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