Skill Wheel Error?

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Skill Wheel Error?

Unread postby BahamutXero » 17 Aug 2011, 17:08

Hi guys,

I'm playing the most version of ToE and I was trying to go for Necroamcer Ultimate Howl of Terror (I know it's really not worth it, but I wanted to try it out) with Arantir in the campaign.

Accoring to the Skill Wheel app and online (version 3.0) it requires Dark Renewal under the Dark Magic tree, which in turn requires Masters of Pain and Curse. However, when I chose those abilities I always of offered Corrupted Soil and nothing else? Is this an error in the skill wheel or is just that Arantir can't get the Howl of Terror?

Thanks in advance for any information.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 17 Aug 2011, 17:56

Well, the problem is definitely NOT in the Skillwheel, but the game itself. Sometimes the bugger just don't want to give the ability, as the way you develop your hero is ALWAYS pre-determinate when you start the map/the campaign and sometimes you need to whipe out like 30% of your skill via the Memory Mentor to actually get just one skill (Dark Renewal in your case).

Really annoying. I suggest you either restart the map/the campaign or just use the "Cheat Mentor" (Shift + ~ => write enable_cheats => Enter "unlearn_skill master_of_pain" (for example) and write what you want your hero to forget) to delete some of your skills in order to get the Dark Renewal (it also costs you money so you can't consider it such a big deal of a cheat). I think you had to do something in the data folder, lazy to search link, but it has to be somewhere on the site.

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Unread postby Mirez » 17 Aug 2011, 20:36

yeah getting the ultimate skill is pretty hard, I tried to get it using cheats to gain exp. The ratio was around 1/8th. Try to take the primary skills first so you won't have to choose between diplomacy and and enlightenment when you really want is dark magic for example.
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Unread postby BahamutXero » 18 Aug 2011, 17:07

I'm glad to hear the problem's on the game and not myself or the skill wheel. Let me make sure I understand the reasoning behind it: Even though Antir only has Dark Magic and Necomancy primary skills, and I have only chosen Master or Pain and Master of Curses, there's only a 1 in 8 chance that the game will give me Dark Renewal instead of Corrupted Soil?

If that's the case, I think I will restart the campaign. I messed it up on Ornella too, but I didn't realized she can't get Howl of Terror anyway because Fallen Knight takes up a spot.

This is unfortunate news, but thank you for expalining it to me. I'm trying to finish the campaign before Heroes VI comes out. Maybe, if I have the time to spare I'll look into some multiplayer fun.

Thanks again!
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Unread postby Mirez » 18 Aug 2011, 17:45

BahamutXero wrote:I'm glad to hear the problem's on the game and not myself or the skill wheel. Let me make sure I understand the reasoning behind it: Even though Antir only has Dark Magic and Necomancy primary skills, and I have only chosen Master or Pain and Master of Curses, there's only a 1 in 8 chance that the game will give me Dark Renewal instead of Corrupted Soil?

If that's the case, I think I will restart the campaign. I messed it up on Ornella too, but I didn't realized she can't get Howl of Terror anyway because Fallen Knight takes up a spot.

This is unfortunate news, but thank you for expalining it to me. I'm trying to finish the campaign before Heroes VI comes out. Maybe, if I have the time to spare I'll look into some multiplayer fun.

Thanks again!
no not exactly, what I was trying to say when you try to get the ultimate for your hero there's only a 1/8th chance of succes (at least for me), because you will be offered the wrong skills quite often

Not to worry though, you can win the campaigns fairly easy without the ultimate skill.
And I believe there's a Mod that allows the ultimate skill if you have the 3 basic skills (mark of the necromancer/banshee howl etc.)
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Unread postby BahamutXero » 18 Aug 2011, 19:24

I'm not worried about not being able to complete the campaign without Howl of Terror or any other ulitmate skill, I just want to understnad the mechanics behind it. I guess I what I'm asking about in the scenario in my previos post is this: If I have the requirements for Dark Renewal (namely Master of Pain, Master of Curses and Mark of the Necromancer) and no other primary skill other my racial ability (Necomancy already at Exptert), why is it not offered to me?

I totally undstand that there is an element of luck required to get the ulimate skills as only certain skills are offered on each level up. I'm just wondering why I'm not being offered a specific skill because per the skill wheel, I have the skills required.

Thanks for your assistance!
Last edited by BahamutXero on 18 Aug 2011, 20:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Mirez » 18 Aug 2011, 19:26

well just because you CAN get it doesn't mean you will get it. It just makes it a possibility.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 18 Aug 2011, 19:26

BahamutXero wrote:... If I have the requirements for Dark Renewal (namely Master of Pain and Master of Curses) and no other primary skill other my racial ability, why is it not offered to me...
Wait, do you have and The Mark of the Necromancer? :P

Other ways yes, the AI is goddamn stubborn.

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Unread postby BahamutXero » 18 Aug 2011, 20:36

Parcalste, yes I do have Mak of the Necromancer as well (edited previous post). When I believed I was was going to get Dark Renewal, I was only offered Corrupted Soil, the other skill box was blank.

Mirex, do you mean just because Dark Renewal didn't show up on this level up, it could in the future or is it just the game saying you can only have Corrupted Soil and not Dark Renewal?
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Unread postby parcaleste » 18 Aug 2011, 21:13

If you have more skill slots (Offense, Defense, Luck, whatever) to still fill, Dark Renewal will (most probably) show up until you ignore the Corrupted Soil. If you have only the Dark Magic slots to fill... you'll have to restart the campaign if you want the Ultimate. Although I do not consider the Howl of Terror such an important or strong ability, esp. in late game against the computors humongous armies. The bad morale rarely works. I have the feelings it "hits" more often when the AI is having just -1 Morale.

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Unread postby BahamutXero » 19 Aug 2011, 00:45

Thanks Parcaleste. As I mentioned before, I know Howl of Terror isn't that great, I was just attempting to get an ultimate skill just for my own personal completionist satisfaction.

As for your post, to clarify I only had Dark Magic and Necomancy primary skills. I obtained Master of Pain and Master of Curses as well as all the necormancer racial abilities (Mark of Necromancher, etc.) On my next level up, it just offeers me Corrupted Soil as a secondary skill, the other box is blank. I then decided to pick up Summoning Magic and eventually got Banish with no problems at all.

This is very confusing as Banish is also required for Howl of Terror. Why would the game give you one skill and not the other by pure chance? That's a stupid way to program a skill system if you ask me.

Oh well, I've downloaded the Heroes VI demo now. Maybe it'll keep me busy enough until I have the patience to restart the campaign to redo my builds.

Thanks guys for your help!
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Unread postby Mirez » 21 Aug 2011, 15:16

you got banish by chance as well
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Unread postby cjlee » 10 Sep 2011, 11:18

I played the campaign on Normal and also on Champion. On Normal (my first time), I had a tough time without Howl of Terror. On Champion, I did the memory mentor and loadsave thing and got Howl of Terror and found the final battle a breeze with Howl of Terror.

Final Battle for Arantir faces a guy with supergood morale - Lion's Artifact set. Howl of Terror REALLY makes a difference.

In the original Heroes campaign, I didn't get Howl for Markal (same problem you had - always offered crappy corrupted soil). That was ok because I was facing a hero I had created myself, Godric, without Lion's Artifact Set.
BahamutXero wrote:Thanks Parcaleste. As I mentioned before, I know Howl of Terror isn't that great, I was just attempting to get an ultimate skill just for my own personal completionist satisfaction.

Oh well, I've downloaded the Heroes VI demo now. Maybe it'll keep me busy enough until I have the patience to restart the campaign to redo my builds.

Thanks guys for your help!

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Unread postby Kalah » 10 Sep 2011, 14:13

Speaking of skill wheels ... have you seen the new thing? ;)

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